Chapter 27 Elseworlds Crossover

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The Flash Season 5 Episode 9 Elseworlds Part 1

On Earth 90 the Flash was being tested by a person named Mar Novu or the Monitor and he tells him that he has failed the test he uses a breach to leave Earth 90 and go to Earth 1. On Earth 1 a gentleman is John Deegan is a psychiatrist who works at Arkham Asylum and is a bit crazy and the monitor comes to him and gives him a book and he tells him to rewrite reality to his will. Deegan asks why him and because he has a vision. The following day, Oliver Queen wakes up in a different bed to Iris West-Allen who calls him Barry who is her husband and they have breakfast together and he is so confused. Iris kisses him and he sees pictures of him and Iris together and he is so confused he tells her he didn't get enough sleep. They get an alert that Ivo Labs is being attacked and Oliver tries his super-speed and nearly falls over, Iris gives him a ring which holds his uniform and he uses it to get changed he then runs to the lab with Cisco on comms he misses and it runs back. At Ivo, Labs Oliver uses his speed to defeat the robbers but ends up activating a robot with his lightning. Oliver gets checked out with Caitlynn and he is fine, Iris tries to cheer him up and embarrasses him and he tells her not to and Ralf tells them they always do this. They can sense something is right and he runs up to Star City to see the actual Barry Allen. Barry wakes up as Oliver Queen and he is training against Dig in an ARGUS Facility, and like Oliver, he is confused as to why he has changed lives. An alarm goes off and there is trouble and he is unsure what is going on and Dig gives him his suit and he doesn't know how to put it on. At the fight, Barry is fighting his way, and both he and dig are battling Oliver turns up to save them and they are discussing what is going on and Barry thinks this is a Freaky Friday situation. Barry finds out that Oliver woke up in bed with Iris and he wasn't happy. They go to Star labs and try and explain to the others and they don't believe them. Oliver and Iris talk about why he and Felicity are not talking as he didn't tell her the truth about why he got arrested. Team Flash knocks both of them out and place them in the Pipeline. Barry is trying to make sure they understand they are not crazy, and Oliver tells him that the entire Earth thinks that Barry is Oliver and Oliver is Barry and he tells him that maybe Earth 38 is not affected and they should go and see Kara and see if she can help them. Oliver and Barry used each other's abilities to escape the Pipeline Oliver gets Barry to dislocate his thumb to block the pipe to get to dampener switched off, and Barry teaches him how to phase through objects and it works. They go to a room to get an extrapolator and Iris finds them and Barry talks to her convincing her to let them go to Earth 38.

On Earth 38 Lois Lane is trying to fix a car with Clark Kent watching her, they discuss her posting an article about their trip to Argo City. Amy runs over and Clark picks her up and cuddles her "I can't believe Amy recognized me straight away it's amazing how quickly she grew while I was away." Kara "Yeah she is now 16 months now she talks runs around us all the time Lena gave her a power dampener on her necklace before she uses her powers to hurt someone." Clark "Yeah I know she is a Luthor but how much she has helped you, Mon-El and Amy are amazing I'm glad she is not like Lex." Kara nods her head in agreement Louis decides to go do some fixing and brings Amy with her. Kara opens some beers and they talk about what just happened to Kara in National City with President Clark agrees that Kara did the right thing. She hears a scream and Louis has a hammer in her hand about to hit Barry and Oliver who have just turned up, Kara quickly explains that they are friends of mine "Clark Kent Louis Lane this is Barry Allen and Oliver Queen my friends from Earth 1, guys this my cousin Clark and his girlfriend Louis." Barry straight away knows this is Superman Oliver straight away feels awkward, they tell Kara what has happened and they need help. "Guys I think you know who this is." Barry "Is this Amy Oh My God she is so big now." Kara "Amy say hello to your Uncle Barry and Uncle Oliver she is 16 months old now." Amy quickly recognizes them and toddles up to them for a cuddle Barry picks her up and they are happy to see her and she is also. Meanwhile, back on Earth 1an android called A.M.A.Z.O. awoke and threatened Central City he starts to attack Ralf and Caitlynn and while they use their powers he memorizes them and hits back with their powers. Back on Earth 38, Oliver decides to train Barry in his skills with the Supercousins and Louis and Amy watching, they decide that Barry is ok and now its Olivers turn and Barry tries to shoot him and misses unknown to Oliver they remote control arrows and they shoot him in the back, Barry is happy because Oliver has done the same to him 4 years ago. Oliver isn't happy with him laughing and they have a small argument. Back at Star Labs they find out Barry and Oliver escape thanks to Iris and they finally work out something is not right with the 2 of them. On the landing, in Clark's house, Oliver and Barry talk it out and they discuss why Oliver was defending himself because Barry was laughing at him they work out that they need to act like each other, Kara listens in and agrees with them. Cisco then breaches over to Earth 38 to pick up them and Kara and Clark offer to help them defeat A.M.A.Z.O Kara bring Amy as well she didn't want to leave her behind, she quickly rings Mon-El "Hey Mike just to let you know Oliver and Barry have come over to us they need help I'm going to Earth 1 and I'm taking Amy." "Ok Babe be careful to call me when you are back. They breach over and Cisco takes Amy to Star Labs and introduces them to Amy. They defeat A.M.A.Z.O they talk about what to do next Clark decides that it would be better to return to Earth 38 and asks Kara if she wants Amy "Amy do you want to stay here or go with Uncle Clark." Amy "Stay here mummy." They say their goodbyes and Cisco vibes again and finds out more about why this is happening he sees Deegsn with a mysterious figure and Deegan. He shows Oliver and using his superspeed and draws a picture to their surprise they have a location in Gotham City.

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