Chapter 48 Season 5 episode 7 Tremors

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The next day Kara and Mon-El decide to train with J'onn so they are prepared to battle Leviathan. Kara is uneasy as she doesn't know what to expect as they are the unknown enemy. Kara shows J'onn how much she has trained she shows J'onn how much she has changed and she can gain the upper hand against the two of them. J'onn assures her that Mon-El has the DEO on high alert to locate them. J'onn suddenly calls out in pain.

At Lena's penthouse, she has a visitor the elderly Leviathan lady who has a gun and tries to retrieve the Madallion and tries to shoot her luckily Lena has a shield around her. Lena activates the lights and the lady has disappeared and Hope joins her as a warning not to underestimate them they will return. Lena informs Hope that to get Non-Necre out is in the Fortress of Solitude and that Leviathan will help her grab it and Supergirl will save her in case of any issues.

At the DEO, Alex joins Supergirl and Valor and they ask J'onn what is going on. He informs them he can still sense Malefic even though they believe he is in the Phantom Zone. J'onn is concerned as he sentenced his brother a 3rd time to confinement and they tell him to ask Kelly to help get over the trauma and J'onn cuts them off saying he will go this the Martian way.

The old Lady goes to an abandoned building and goes down an elevator. At the bottom she meets with some people playing a game, they ask her if she was able to get the Medallion. The man is anger and that she cant retrieve it the woman tells him that she is a Luthor. The man whose name is Rama Khan reminds her how long he has been safeguarding the planet she replies since the beginning and they are aliens and landed and he is angry for her not being able to succeed in her mission another lady interferes and tells the elderly lady whose name is Margot to leave. Rama Khan comes up to the woman who is called Gamemnae and who offers assistance to save the planet Rama Khan insists that he will achieve the goal to get the Madallion himself.

The next morning, Lena is holding an event on a nature trail and there is an earthquake and Rama Khan tries to attack Lena. Lena is prepared and jumps the cliff and Kara comes to the rescue and picks her up and attacks Rama Khan. He has the power to use the earth to his will, Kara tries heat vision to shoot and kill him and it doesn't work and they escape to the DEO.

Brainy can get a clear image of Lena's attacker. Brainy has seen it before and tells them that in Antioch 526 AD and it was an earthquake and in records, he was involved causing all the disasters. They work out that he is an alien and has been around for over 1000 years, and he convinced the world he doesn't exist. Brainy can get more information on Leviathan in the Hebrew Bible. Lena suggests that some of Lex's weaponry may be able to help but a lot of them were destroyed by Superman and Kara tells her that ain't true as some of them are at the fortress. Lena tries to Kara that she will give her a list of weapons and Kara invites her to join her there. Brainy, Mon-El, and Alex decide to stay at the DEO looking for the Earth bender and Rip Roar, Lena tries to convince Kara it's not a good idea for her to go.

J'onn is trying to get through to Mry'nn and he comes with Jazz music going off. They hug as they are happy to see each other, J'onn apologizes to him about Malefic Mry'nn tells him that it's his fault what happened to him. J'onn explains about sending Malefic back to the Phantom Zone to protect his family and he can still sense him on earth. Mry'nn informs him that he is actually on Earth still, and he is across town. Mry'nn tries to convince J'onn to save his brother as he is a prisoner, he tells him that they have to save him to save his soul. Mry'nn advises J'onn to bond with Malefic and this should help him and J'onn is struggling to agree. The choices are to Place him back in the Phantom Zone or bond with him.  Mry'nn tells him that he loves the two of them.

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