Chapter 11 Season 3 episode 17 Trinity

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After the birth of Amy and Lena tells everyone about Sam she gets interrogated by Kara, J'onn, Alex, Mon-El, Brainy, and Imra. Lena tells them how she used Kryptonite to subdue her and keep her contained, Kara was unsure about Lena's motives but she knows that Lena wouldn't hurt her. Lena calls James and tells him that she is at the DEO and tells him the truth about Sam, James was shocked as Reign nearly killed Kara and Amy, Lena knows that Sam asked for help and she tried to help her by getting rid of Reign. Kara comes up to Lena to make sure that she is ok, Lena tells her that she was sorry for not telling her Kara accepts her apology. Suddenly the sky goes orange and there is a solar eclipse going on. Kara has a seizure and during this, she comes into the valley of Juru and she sees Sam and Julia moving away, Kara wakes up and Lena and Alex are there asking she was ok, Kara tells them that she saw Sam.

Lena tells them that this should of not happen and no type of science could do this as the Earth turns on the axel and this is not a regular occurrence, Kara tells her this is magic. The world killers Purity, Pestilence, and Reign were created by dark Kryptonians and use their powers by darkness so they don't need yellow sunlight. Kara saw Sam and Julia in the valley so she decided to go back there to see Sam and convince her to send her a signal of their location. They ask Brainy to help do this and find the worldkiller base and Brainy agrees and tells them he needs 15 minutes to prepare. Alex and Lena offer their assistance in the valley and if Kara hasn't got her powers they can protect her. Kara asks Lena "Does Sam know that I'm Supergirl, I'm asking because I don't want Reign to come after the people I love." Lena "No she doesn't know, I promised you that I wouldn't tell anyone and I wouldn't risk our lives." Kara hugs her and thanked her for keeping her secret.

On the Legion Ship while they were preparing the ship, Mon-El "Hey where is Amy?" Kara "I left her with James at CATCO she will be safer than on the ship." Mon-El agrees, Alex, asks Lena if Ruby is safe and she asks why she didn't inform her about Sam, Lena "You never admitted to me that you are DEO and I thought that it was your secret to keep." Brainy informs Kara there may be a chance that Kara wouldn't make as her powers are limited and she is carrying Lena and Alex inside the valley and it could her issues. Kara asks Mon-El to come to talk to her a second and she asks him to keep her in but take Alex and Lena out in case it doesn't go to plan Mon-El agreed, as the world killers are the top priority. Brainy asks if everyone is ready and places them into the valley. The three wake up to total darkness, Kara confirms that they are in the valley.

In the Valley, the girls are talking about how to get to Reign and they talk about Lena using Kryptonite to hold Reign down and why they didn't tell them, Lena tells them she would never use the kryptonite against Kara or even little Amy. Alex made weapons out of sticks to battle anything in here that could pose as a threat, and suddenly shadow creatures attack them and they use the sticks to defend themselves and Kara shows them away for safety. They go to another section and locate Sam and even Julia who are not being themselves they are slowly realizing that the Worldkiller is them permanently, Kara, Lena, and Alex all gather around Sam and try to convince her that she is not Reign they tell her that she is strong and that Ruby needs her. Suddenly Sam's eyes turn red and Reign comes into the Valley and she tries to kill Lena.

On the cruiser they get a signal for the Worldekiller base, then Mon-El tells Briany to wake them up and he did. Five minutes later they wake, and they gather together and plan their attack before Alex went to join them Winn gave her a surprise that he created her suit of uniform and a gun that is useful against the worldkiller. They fly down and start the battle Kara vs Reign J'onn and Alex vs Purity and Mon-El and Imra vs Pestilence the battle was getting tough but to Reign surprise, Kara still had her powers thanks to her legion ring, Reign knocks her back and Alex had Purity down so they both try and convince Julia to rise and help them. This works and Julia uses her sonic scream to knock Reign over, with Pestilence she flies over to Julia and kills her, but Julia uses her sonic scream to kill her also, unknown to the heroes the powers of Purity and Pestilence. The fortress of Sanctuary has been destroyed they return to the cruiser before getting killed.

At the DEO Mon-El has decided to sit with Amy in the conference room to spend time with her, Imra comes in "Hey, she is so cute I thought I'd let you know that our mission is completed and I and Brainy can go back to the future as I'm sure you will be fine defeating Reign without us." Mon-El "Yeah that's fine thank you for everything bringing me back to Kara and also so we could be together, I hope you come and visit." Imra comes and gives and hugs him while being gentle as Amy is in his arms, Mon-El then goes to find Kara. Kara flies into the DEO and informs them the fortress has gone and there is no sign of Reign but they will find her to save Sam and get rid of Reign permanently. Kara "Wow Alex I love your new suit it looks fantastic." Alex tells her that Winn did it for her and she has asked J'onn for one and he said no. Lena goes past Kara "Hey, listen sorry for being so defensive as far as we are concerned we are ok." Lena "Thank you Kara I am sorry for lying I was trying to protect you all." Kara hugs her "Hey do you want to be Amy godmother?" Lena "Oh are you serious of course I will be her godmother." Kara gives her a hug and Mon-El sees them and informs them that Imra and Brainy are leaving. James comes into the DEO and checks on them to see if everything is fine he also takes Lena to one side and tells her that he trust her and that he is Guardian, Lena had a hunch that he was him but never asked as it was his secret and he could tell her when he is ready, they share a kiss. Kara decides to go home as she was tired.

It was Amy's first night at the apartment and they had everything ready for her and places her inside the crib for the first time and watches her sleep before going to sleep themselves.

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