Chapter 67 Season 6 episode 7 Fear Knot!

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Kara and Zor-El are struggling to leave as Zor-El is injured and Kara gets hit with a Phantom and her eyes have become clear and she doesn't believe they can save them. Zor-El tries to convince her that they will be saved "Kara you need to believe we will escape."

Nia, Mon-El, and Brainy return and find out it has been 3 days since they left luckily they are prepared to leave M'gnn and Elaria are staying to protect National City while they are gone and the Amy and Ani are with Eliza. Brainy is going to get the Legion ship ready and J'onn informs him there is another ship using some Martian technology it transfers the Tower into a spaceship. Using Kara's blood they send it to the Phantom and are ready to leave they are unsure about the Phantoms over there and hope the shields can cover them. They are worried as the Phantoms use fear vision to scare people and they ask Kelly for advice she tells them to use their favorite things and that should help them. They are worried if Kara doesn't believe it's them "I am worried if the Phantom Zone has got to her it has been a while." J'onn assures them he will help her remember and it's not an illusion, he volunteers to go and grab her and Lena shows them a yellow sun machine for Kara's powers to return. They have 2 hours before the ship goes down, everyone buckles in, and J'onn allows Lena to open the Phantom Zone Projector and they travel to the Phantom Zone. They hit interdimensional Turbulence and they unbuckle and check the systems, Alex tries to convince J'onn to allow her to come with him.

Alex sees The Phantom has escaped and they got to find him and Alex gets scratched and he tries to put her inside containment and he ends up in there himself. Suddenly they are attacked by Phantoms and they noticed that Alex is affected and they want to pull back as she is making them come to them. She places herself into an airlock to save them all, she uses her gun to open the airlock and is thrown into the phantom zone.

10minutes earlier Lena is making sure the bomb is ready and Nia complements one of her work and Lena is impressed with her powers and gloves. They have something in common as they have both lost their mothers and Lena has a new family the Superfriends. Lena tells her she can hold onto her memory as she carries on. Another Turbalance happens and Lena notices a leak and goes to see if it is something she can fix, she sees water on the floor and suddenly she is attacked by water and she can't get in touch with the others she returns to bridge to find everyone dead exempt Nia and they go to the medical room and hide. She remembers it is shaped as a Kelpie and it reminds her of how her birth mother died and she thinks of how she couldn't save her mother. The Kelpie keeps following her and kills Nia in front of Lena. She keeps running away and is thinking that she needs to forget the fear and think about positive things. Kelpie turns into her mother and this helps her get over her fear and she returns to reality.

10 minutes earlier Brainy and Kelly are discussing Kelly feeling left out and Brainy tells her he is struggling as well. Lena and Nia get a false alarm and Kelly noticed the Q-wave interface is disrupted, Alex and Kelly go to find Lena and instead they find Nia and Lena have red eyes and they go to attack Kelly and Alex affected as well and she works out this is a fear vision as well. Kelly is telling Alex about what Alex likes and what she has done for Kelly and asks Alex to return to her and it works and she tries to escape and the Phantom escapes as well. Kelly believes in herself and wants to protect them all and uses a shield to stop the Phantom and it works.

10 minutes earlier Nia is dreaming of the containment room and looks at the cage and opens the cage notices a tumble on the ground and wakes up. Brainy wakes her up and they leave to go to the cage and Brainy is unsure of this happening ad reminds her of Midvale and she wasn't able to understand her dreams then. Nia assures him she knows what she is doing and Brainy tries to bring her down and they see a hole and she tries to repair it and Brainy is struggling to stay up. Brainy is thrown out of the ship and Nia is crying and very upset and returns to the reality

10 minutes earlier, J'onn notices that something isn't right and notices something isn't right and he, Brainy, and Mon-El are not affected. "I am feeling it but I am using some positive thoughts to help me cope through it." Brainy is dreaming of balloons and is scared and can control them and do his work at the same time. Mon-El starts to fear as well with everyone dead around them by Lex Luthor and it includes the kids he can control the fear.  Brainy is making sure the ship is still online and Mon-El and J'onn are trying to help save the superfriends and he can use his martian powers to stop the Phantom. They all return and get a lock on Supergirl and they travel to her destination the ship is shaking very badly while traveling to her destination.

Kara has sat down scared about what is going on, and Zor-El tells her that he believes in her and that they will leave. Kara tells him that there is no hope, "Kara you can't believe that you have your family Mon-El, Amelia, and Anakin they need their mother you can do it." Kara believes she will kill her friends and Zor-El tells her that she has saved him as he had no way of coping until she came here as he thought he was the only one who survived apart of Kara and Kal-El. Kara returns and they share a hug and she believes in him, Kara sees Phantoms and the earth destroying around them. Suddenly a yellow light comes and its yellow sun energy and she sees the Tower ship. Kara flies them up to the ship and she runs into Alex's arms happy to see her.

"Kara" She sees Mon-El standing behind her and she rushes into his arms and they share a kiss happy to see each other. Zor-El comes down "Father this is my earth Family J'onn, Nia, Brainy, My best friend Lena, my adoptive sister Alex and this is my husband Mon-El." Zor-El holds a hand out to Mon-El "Alura wouldn't let Kara marry just anyone so you must have changed a lot compared to what you were on Daxam." Mon-El shakes his hand "Thank you sir you can thank your daughter as she taught me how to be a hero. I'm glad to have met her and thanks to her I have become a father and she is the best mother that my kids have." Kara gives him another hug and they share another kiss. She is happy to be back with her family, Mon-El picks her up and takes her to the medical room and places her on the bed with yellow sun lamps to heal her and she falls asleep with Mon-El and Alex by her side. Zor-El also gets his injury healed with the yellow sun lamps. Brainy drives the ship away and unknown to them they had a hitchhiker Nyxly has survived and comes onto the ship.

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