Chapter 40 Season 4 epiosde 22 A Quest for Peace

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24 hours before Kara and Red Daughter fight, Red Daughter flew to Lex Luthor after Washington DC where Kara escaped her. She joins him in a secret hideout and tells Lex she has failed him and orders her to go to Midvale to her adoptive Mother Eliza. With Lex, about 6 hours before the attack he and Eve are at The AmerTek Energy Refinery and one of the captured Aliens get placed inside a battery powered chamber and his powers get absorbed and placed inside the Lexosuit so it can be used to kill he demonstrates this by killing a guard. Eve pulls a face showing Lex that Otis Graves is dead and asks her to deal with Ben Lockwood and Eve kisses him before dealing with him. One hour before the attack Lex joins Phil Baker in the Oval Office and they are discussing if Lex's plan while work and Lex remind him that thanks to him he was made president thanks to him. He gets a timer telling that it's time to attack and the Kaznia attack unknown to them that Lex will betray them they shot missiles to National City and the USA while Red Daughter and Kara are battling each other. The attack intensified and Lex can stop a couple from getting killed the Kaznia's are shock to find out. Red Daughter is oblivious and joins Lex on the Beach and finds out that Lex betrayed her and Kaznia and shots her dead. Just as Red Daughter defeated Supergirl, she hears explosions and meets Lex on the beach.

Kara tells Eliza and Alex that she needs to return to National City "Kara it's too dangerous and you almost died and that we can't chance to lose you now." Alex is concerned for her and Mon-El comes down with Amy "Kara I almost lost you once Amy nearly lost her mom we can't change it please don't." Kara comes up to Mon-El and tells her she will go with her sister and husband by her side she will succeed. Lex has Red Daughter put in one of the battery units where he reveals to her how stupid she was to have ever trusted him, as she could've found out the truth about him easily. He openly tells her that he hates Kryptonians. Lex seals Red Daughter into the pod, and she is feeling both betrayed and regretful and that Lex should have killed her when he has bigger plans for her. Ben Lockwood is back in the machine factory of his family and reinjects himself with the serum while watching the news report that  The president has found Otis Graves dead and has a manifesto stating he is responsible for Lex Luthor's crimes and Baker has pardoned him for his heroics. He also makes Lex the new Director of Alien Affairs, Ben is angry and switches the TV off and he hears someone behind in a hooded hat and it's Eve come here to kill him and he knocks her down and asks her about Lex's plan.

Somewhere else, J'onn and Nia are bought to a power unit and are forced to work even without their powers they work out they are at Shelley Island, and they now from before that there are power dampeners all over the island. They find out that Al from the Bar is here and they are informed that the other aliens are ready to fight their way out with J'onn and Nia to lead them. Al and J'onn create the diversion and all the aliens start a brawl and J'onn and Nia escape to the control room and switch off the pylons and she astral-projects to the others.

At Lena's office, Lena and Brainy are watching a news report on Lex's victory and are joined by Kara, Mon-El, and Amy "Auntie Lena." Lena picks Amy up "Alex has remembered that I'm Supergirl and also about Mon-El." "I'm glad you are ok I heard the president tried to silence you," Kara asks Brainy if he can recover all of the data that the Secret Service deleted and Brainy can. It also is shown in the evidence that the government allowed the captured aliens from the desert facility, Brainy informs them that Nia and J'onn found out that they have been taken the kidnapped aliens to a special facility. He is acting strange and that Nia and J'onn were captured, and they didn't know until now and will get a message to where they are. Lena gets a message from Lex as an invitation to the White House, and she decides to accept and he may attack them all if they don't go. Lena is met with her mother Lillian and the three of them are in the Oval Office.

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