Chapter 9 Season 3 episode 15 In Search of Lost Time

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Morning came and Kara, woke up with Mon-El staring at her "Hey morning, what are you staring at?" Mon-El "I'm looking at the most beautiful lady and I noticed the baby is getting a lot bigger now." Kara kissed him she looked down and it seems that she is now 32 weeks along so only 8 weeks left until the baby will come. Mon-El and Kara get ready to go baby shopping as they know they are having a baby girl they are getting girls' clothing. Mon-El then sees a little supergirl baby grow and couldn't resist grabbing that, they grabbed a pram also and ordered some other important things. When getting home Kara picked up the mail and noticed there was a letter from Washington DC it was from her old boss Cat Grant she has sent Kara a gift card for $100 for the baby which Kara was shocked she showed Mon-El and he was shocked also. Kara and Cat got along well they haven't seen each other since Cat left to become a member of the president's staff. Later, they met with the Superfriends to a game night and they were playing charades and J'onn and Mry'nn decided to join also they were having a good laugh. They were having fun and one ability that Martians can shapeshift and J'onn called his dad out saying that was against the rules and his dad called him out saying that he used to do the same when he was younger and blamed it on his imaginary friends Zook and everyone thought it was so funny. Alex's phone goes off and there is an alert saying there is a major battle happening at the alien bar and Kara shows up to help and after defeating the foe they find out she is a Kalanorian and they can become erratic if they have their minds connected with another psychic, so J'onn decides to put her in containment as the world killers are more important.

In the control room, Winn and Mon-El are trying to locate the other World killers, Winn shows a screen of a blood river and it may have something to do with Pestilence so Brainy and Imra check it out, when discussing what to do Kara decides it's better to start training and Mon-El jokingly says that it's time to make her a legionnaire. They grab a pair of DEO tracksuits to wear, they go to the training room and using multidimensional images that Brainiac 5 created from the last battle between Kara and Reign they go through each stage and try to locate her weak points which seems to be her footwork. Mon-El "If it is her footwork is her major issue then your cape can be used to knock her over." Winn comes in happy and tells Mon-El that he has fixed his old suit and he tells them both to suit up. Mon-El comes in wearing his new suit and shows off, Kara is shocked how much the design is similar to hers. They both start Training and Mon-El knocks off her feet with his cape, he tells her that the cape can be used to knock your foe off their feet and also knock objects away from you.

While they were both pieces of training they hear a commotion outside and it's Winn, Alex, and Demos they were fighting against each other so Kara comes to separate them and J'onn also turns up and tells them he put a shield around them to prevent any more attacks. Kara mentions about the Kalanorian and this was what happened at the bar, so Alex decides that they should check on her to get some ideas as to what is happened, Kara tells Alex that she wasn't infected and doesn't understand what had happened, they approach the Kalanorian and she was having a seizure and started talking Martian. They both come to J'onn and he tells them that his father is trying to utilize his old memories and using an old Maritan technique and this can cause these kinds of outbursts. Kara and Alex tell him that he may need to talk to his father and talk to him about everyone's concerns.

Kara comes up to Mon-El "Hey did you hear what happened, why were the two of us not infected it doesn't make sense." Mon-El "The legion ring acts as a shield to protect us, that ring I gave you before you went to Fort Rozz you are wearing it Brainy must have designed it like the rings." They resume training and Kara was almost getting it and they were talking about when they were training before he went to the future Kara mentioned that he was always hungover during the sessions so that's why he couldn't keep up with her now him and she is on the same level. Alex comes in and tells Kara there is a major issue and they need both of their help. When leaving the room they notice that a lot of prisoners have escaped they both try and place them back into containment Kara uses her new skills to get the upper hand and Mon-El watches her and he is proud of her. Kara has heard a commotion upstairs and flies up they see a White Martian trying to kill Mry'nn and J'onn, J'onn tells her to watch her father while he beats the Martian. He succeeds and they convince Mry'nn that he needs help and they can stop the attacks. After clearing up Mry'nn apologized to everyone and that he was scared he was losing his memories that he lost control.

After the clear up Mon-El and Kara sat down and was talking about what just happened they in a way we're glad they weren't infected as they may have caused major damage to a lot of people. They decided it was time to go home they notice a massive package outside Kara's apartment and they look it was a crib it was from Lena she sent it as a gift for the baby. They assemble the crib it was beautiful and expensive and Kara couldn't believe that she sent that but she was extremely grateful that she did. They were tired so they went straight to bed. The next morning they decide to do a patrol of National City and out of the blue they see pigeons fall from the sky out of nowhere so they straight away knew this was a sign of the third worldkiller Pestilence and that means she is making her mark on the City.

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