Chapter 54 Season 5 episde 13 It's A Super Life

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Mr. Mxyzptlk arrives at Kara and Mon-El's apartment, Mon-El is very shocked and is trying not to punch him in the face as last time they saw each other he tried to get Kara to marry him. "Why the hell are you here?" Kara is surprised and doesn't recognize him as he has a new face and he tries to say that Kara Danvers is Supergirl, Kara drags him in and Mon-El is trying not to punch him "FYI it's not Kara Danvers its Kara Matthews my wife." Mxy is surprised to hear this "Well congratulations to you both and these must be your lovely children." Amy looks confused at him and Ani is fast asleep "Mxy this is our children Amelia and Anakin." Amy gives him a wave. To convince them he is who he says he is he shows a flashback of him trying to get Kara to marry him with a different face. Mxy explains he looked like this to impress her and he remembers the way she tricked him back to his dimension. He informs her that he is here to help her make sure her and Lena's friendship is stronger than before. Mxy offers her a do-over to try and make sure Lena doesn't go through the bad way and uses project non-nocre. Kara is skeptical and he offers her a camcorder of him saying his name backward she uses it and he disappears. J'onn comes in unsure of what is going on and Kara and Alex are in disbelief, J'onn becomes comfortable and they explain what Mxy is offering and Kara is excited to accept "Babe if you try and change the past you may not be happy I and you and the kids may not be together." Kara hugs him "I know it may happen but I will make sure the 4 of us will still be together." J'onn and Alex are unsure and they need to do this to stop Lex and his plans, and they finally accept the decision. Kara is unsure how to get Mxy back and he ends up in the freezer and he asks Alex, Mon-El, and J'onn to leave and since they have no plans and he sends them to do paint balling and Kara asks him to reassure her that he will put everything back to normal.

Kara asks Amy to go and chill in her room and checks on Ani and is still fast asleep. Mxy brings forth a massive projector and asks Kara where she thinks the problems start Kara thinks about the times where even though Lena knew she was Supergirl certain issues were a problem. He shows a scene where they were traveling to Kaznia and even though Lena knows that Kara helped they were stressed out. The next scene was Lena versus Mercy Graves and she goes before that in the office having lunch together, they talk about the issues of politics and that Kara thinks that Lena is struggling still with what happened in the past with the betrayals of Lex and Lillian Luthor and that may lead her to what happened to the crisis. Kara tries to assure her that nothing wrong will happen and that she is here for her while she is deciding. Kara hears the alarms blaring and tells Lena to stay with her and when she returns Lena has disappeared. Mxy tells her she has gone to speak to Sam Arias and they talk about what is going on and even though Sam knows Kara is Supergirl she thinks that Kara is acting weird. Suddenly the black sky turns Green and Kara remembers the Graves twins setting the bomb and Kara nearly being and previous time Lena saves and unfortunately, she didn't return in time and Kara dies. They see a clip of Alex, Mon-El, and Amy going to her grave and they are talking about Thanksgiving and spending it without her "Amy doesn't remember you but we will make sure she knows all about you." Kara is starting to cry and Mxy gives her a tissue.

Kara thinks about another time, where she finds out that Lena was housing Reign, and that's when it started to go bad in their friendship. They argue about the Kryptonite and Kara remembers the trust issues thinking that Lena wanted to hurt her and Amy. On the balcony, they are talking about the Reign issue, and Lena apologizes to her for not telling her the truth, they discuss how Lena is feeling and if she has some major issues with herself, Lena becomes defensive and not happy with the conversation. Kara starts to feel ill and she forgets that the world killers make an eclipse and Mxy saved her and Kara is shocked and forgets that his happened. Mxy decides to not use her memories and she goes through the entire history and sees that Lena doesn't help her after the argument and Kara, Imra Mon-El, J'onn, and Alex get beaten by Purity, Pestilence, and Reign. Kara sees Mon-El and decides to go to him and ask for his advice Mxy before taking her there "I still can't believe the two of you are married." Kara gives him an evil look and is with Mon-El at Sam's mum Patricia's house.

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