Chapter 56 Season 5 episode 15 Reality Bytes

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2 months earlier

In the V.R, a man named Richard Bates is in the Alps watching a couple and he seems annoyed about what is going on and wants to leave and tries to leave and the emergency button comes on and it doesn't work either. Kelly can get him back to reality and the man informs her what just occurred, Kelly tries to assure him that they will repair it and is taken away with Margot to try and assist her now. 


Kara, Elaria, and Nia are fighting a Dominator and Nia is proving her work by easily defeating it and beating Kara's record. Elaria has a date with William so Kara and Nia rushed her away, Kara goes as well. The DEO turns up to arrest the Dominator and Nia and Brainy share a moment as he thanks her for the help and he leaves her. Elaria is Struggling to find an outfit and Alex joins them both to help decide since Blue is Kara's color, Alex tells Elaria to wear pink. Elaria tells Alex to cancel for her as she has never been on a date before and is very nervous. Kara talks about how much Nia did so well with the Alien and is happy to take the night off with Mon-El and Elaria with William. They see a news report on Lex and they promise to get rid of him and Alex back at the DEO. Alex demonstrates how the weapon is used and it works once and she can't make it work again.

Nia is at home with Yvette, and she is getting ready for a date and Yvette sees a very sad Nia and tells her that she is not spending another Saturday night on her own in PJ's and rocky road ice cream. Yvette tells her she is coming out to meet her new boyfriend who she met online and one of her profiles says that she and Dreamer are best friends and Nia finds this amusing and Yvette tells her that they feel a connection. At Al's bar, Elaria and William are playing pool and she tells him she has never played pool, and yet one shot she knocked all the balls into the hole to William's surprise. "I have had a nice time thank you." William "Do you want to go out again." Elaria nods her head and after he walks her home, they share a good night kiss and Elaria is very happy. With Yvette and Nia they are at the bar and Nia has a vision and is surprised and going to the bathroom. Yvette is confronted by a man and she goes outside and to her surprise, it's the same man who introduces himself as her online boyfriend Angus and is attacked by him to give a message to Nia. Nia reads the message and it says that she needs to crawl back where she came from as no one wants a trans superhero and if she refuses he will do the same to other trans women or men.

The next morning, Nia and Yvette state the police and they assure them that they will try their best to find the assailant. Kara and Elaria come to check on them both, and that Nia should of contact them for help. Nia tells them that what the assailant wants and that is going after Nia's community. Nia promises to get the man and that Kara will not stop her and this will not stop and she will protect her community and she will do what can to stop them.

At the tower, Alex is training against a Lexo suit and is struggling to use the weapon J'onn assures her that she will be able to use it. An Alarm goes off and Al comes to the office asking for help and tells them his brother Trevor is missing. They see a message about virtual reality and Alex decides to see Kelly for help and J'onn goes to see Al's apartment for clues to where he is.

At the DEO, Brainy is watching another clip of Dreamer's work and gets a message from Kara informing him of the situation with Nia and she needs his help to track him and he agrees to help straight away.

Kelly is educating Alex on the lenses and how realistic the lenses are and how she can get to places and she needs to get to Virtual Las Vegas and there are no rules in this place. She is in Vegas and is wearing her old DEO uniform and she is told people with three lines on the neck are not real people. J'onn is at Al's place looking for clues and he goes on the computer and finds some clues and Al gives him his watch to try and track his where abouts. Alex can get a clue and finds a man and he tells her about the house on the hill, Kelly is unsure as this is on an add-on. Alex finds people drowning and Alex has a flashback of when she had the same experience with an old school friend who tried to get his father released from prison. Alex finds out the people can talk and that they have been trapped for days, Kelly was told the glitch to get out was fixed and it wasn't. Alex uses her mind to get a weapon and can save the men from getting brain damage. Kelly is sending help to eject them and Alex asks about Trevor and is told the new guy Richard took him away to another reality. J'onn gets a clue and is met with women outside a house in Opal City.

Nia is watching Yvette asleep on the couch worried about her vision she saw in the bar. She decides to call the police to find out and is disappointed to find out there are no clues and decides to take action herself and creates a profile to get to the man who attacked Yvette. Brainy is looking towards some files and can get some data on the hate groups and finds Nia's profile to track the attacker. Kara and William and Elaria are looking at an article on the hate group movement and that there was 24 death of Trans people in the last year alone. Brainy contacts her and tells her about Nia's bait and she and Elaria go to stop her. 

J'onn talks to the woman named Jennifer and she denies it at first and she gives it away and tells J'onn they are in a relationship in the V.R and Richard find out and attacks Trevor and J'onn asks Jennifer for some clues to what happened. Alex is struggling to get through the door and Kelly tells her about the affair between Trevor and Jennifer and this may be revenge for Richard. She can finally open the door and is surprised to be unable to contact Kelly. Alex can locate Trevor and he is struggling and keeps exploding and Richard joins them and Alex sends him back to reality and J'onn can knock him done but there is something wrong. Alex can save him and control the blasts and can escape.

The evil man is met with Nia as Dreamer and tells her that she isn't the right role model and is about to attack Nia and she stops him. He calls her a freak and Nia is about to kill him and Kara and Elaria come to stop her and promises to bring him to justice. "You are not alone Me, Elaria,  J'onn, Mon-El, Alex and Kelly even Brainy and Amy all are with you are not alone and we all care for you a lot." Kara can convince her to stop and drags his sorry backside to prison and threatens to give him a nightmare if he attacks again. Nia is crying at CatCo, and Kara can comfort her and Nia tells her she feels alone and that this horrible man just took advantage of her and her community and she wanted to kill him for it, it broke her heart. Kara tells her she felt the same and she was able to stop thanks to her family and friends and tells her that she is sorry for not understanding how she felt. Kara hugs her as she is extremely upset.

Kelly and Alex are at the bar, talking about what happened and Kelly can't understand why the glitch didn't get fixed months ago. Trevor thanks her for saving his life and they all get a drink together.

Yvette decides to delete all her social media accounts and is struggling to come to terms with the attack. Nia assures her that the haters want them to be invisible and they shouldn't they should be stronger now. At NCPD Brainy brings a file containing all the hate groups' activities and who are the attackers and tells him that the DEO doesn't appreciate the heroes being attacked.

Alex and J'onn are training and Alex is ready to fight but she gets a phone call from Eliza. She rushes to Kara and Mon-El's apartment while they are eating dinner, Amy is happy to see her. "Alex are you ok." Alex looks upset "Mum called me they found dad." Kara looks hopeful "He's dead." Kara rushes to hug her and is comforting her. Amy is confused and Mon-El tells her and explains what has happened and tells her to go to her room for a minute. They talk about the good times they had and Alex goes home. Ani is in bed and so are Amy and Mon-El and Kara cuddle up on the sofa, "I can't believe he is gone." Mon-El "I know it's hard but you and Alex will get through this together don't worry." They share a kiss and go to bed unsure what will happen tomorrow.

Authors Note

This chapter was a difficult one to write as I'm from the UK and the transgender community is targeted a lot here I hope this will bring them justice. Nicole Maines who plays Nia has been through so much and is still bringing hope to those who need it I hope one day everyone will be ok there won't be so much hate. 

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