Chapter 13 Season 3 episode 19 The Fanatical

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Thanks to Lena creating her Kryptonite they were able to capture Reign and place her into a secret lab in L-Corp and where they are trying to rid Reign of Sam. Lena shows a new invention to everyone that prevents any Kryptonians from seeing anything and even using the x-ray vision it will hurt them. Kara was not very happy about her doing this but she can understand why she did this and it should be able to contain her until they find a cure. Kara tells Mon-El James wants to talk to her and she takes Amy with her as Lena has said that Amy can be at CATCO when she is working. James and Kara are talking about Reign and how Lena is trying to find a cure but Kara can sense there is still a little rift between her and Lena. As they were discussing what has been happening suddenly some women come in asking to speak to James her name is Tanya. Tanya informs them that she escaped from the Coville cult and they seem to be trying to create a bomb and she gives them an address and Kara takes the book and informs Tanya she is friends with Supergirl and will give her the book and stop them killing more people.

Kara calls Mon-El and asks him to suit up and they go to the community center and try to locate the followers and try to stop them. Kara "I think we need to get ahead of this they are causing trouble and it is also causing loads of trouble between and Lena. I don't want our friendship to end and I can see this is causing trouble between us even though Lena tries to hide it. I hope after Reign is gone and Sam is safe and I also hope I and her can still be great role models for Amy." Mon-El "Lena has always been here for the two of us and she is a kind-hearted person who cares for all of us and Amy will be glad to have a role model like her." Kara and Mon-El stop at a door as it had Reign's symbol on the door and they go inside and they notice a shadow on the wall and they decide that the shadow could be caused by a nuke blast and it confirms that Tanya was correct that the cult was trying to create a bomb, they also locate a piece of jewelry and that indicates that a person died while being tested. They take a sample of the remains and bring it to the secret lab due to Lena using her computers on finding a cure for Sam and they decide that they can use the resources at the DEO to determine how this happened. Kara decides to see if Lena was ok "Hey Lena I wanted to check on you, I was worried about you and I know this is difficult with what is going with Sam I hope that we are ok." Lena "I'm ok, I hope that we save Sam, it is hard to see her struggling I hope we can get rid of Reign and then we can carry on with our lives I for one can't wait to be a great aunt for Amy." Kara hugs her.

Kara gets a message from James saying that she was needed. She flies to CATCO and meets with James and Tanya and they tell her that Olivia who was one of the first to believe Kara was not a god and they were not following the right way in Light of Rao. Olivia is organizing the rest of the followers to make a bomb and kill people, Kara then let Tanya know that unfortunately someone has died and gives her the piece of jewelry and she recognizes her that it was her friend Liza. James then gets a text from the cult saying that they know he's the guardian and if Tanya doesn't return before 5 pm they will announce to the world that he's the guardian.

At the DEO Winn examine Coville's diary and the residue and they located that they were using an element that is not actually from Earth Kara recognizes that it is in Coville's diary. Kara "The symbol is the black rock of Yundal Kal and this could be used to also make a worldkiller as well as a bomb." Mon-El "Kara Yundal Kal is Krypton's goddess of life if I remember right. We need to stop this we now before they create a new world killer." Lena also works out that they may be able to reverse the process of the rock and rid Sam of Reign instead of a new worldkiller. James comes into the DEO and tells them that he will go ahead of them by holding a press conference and he will tell the world he is the guardian and he hopes to prevent any trouble. Lena walks with him and tells him that she will come with him James "You know how old I was the first time cops put cuffs on me? Seven. I was seven years old. My family and I were taking a vacation. We were staying at this nice hotel and, uh, my cousins and I, we decided to go out on the grounds, and play hide-and-go-seek. One minute, I'm trying my damnedest not to be found, and in the next, I'm shielding my eyes from police lights. And these four huge cops, they came and they pulled us out of our hiding places. And the whole time we're saying, "Wait, what are you doing? We're staying here." But none of them believed that we were supposed to be there. None of them believed that we belonged. So my oldest cousin must have been about 11, and I was the smallest. But they slapped cuffs on all of us anyway, and my arms were so little they had to put them around my forearms. And then they marched us into the hotel lobby like a bunch of criminals. And my mom was there. And then they believed us. She kept yelling, "Get those cuffs off my boys." Those cuffs." James tells her he struggled as a black man and people were so racist, Tanya comes up and tells them she will give herself up to save him as they need James as a role model for everyone.

They decide that Mon-El will go with Tanya as his alters ego Mike Matthews he can then let Kara and the team know where the cult location is. Tanya leaves to meet with the cult she does meet them and when about to leave Mike Matthews {Mon-El} comes in thinking that this is ride and they take him also. Winn notices that they can't communicate as they have cut off. At the cult Olivia makes Tanya start the ritual to create a new worldkiller and Mon-El is watching with a close eye, he is waiting for the black rock and Olivia presents it, and Mon-El cant contact Kara by communication so he uses a Kryptonian sunstone which is a frequency that Kara can hear. Kara hears the frequency and flys to the location and where the transformation has happened they start fighting Kara vs  Olivia and Mon-El and James vs Olivia's devotees while they are fighting Kara is trying to talk Olivia to convince her this is not the way. Kara touches the black rock and ends up using her heat vision as it is poisonous to Kryptonians Kara tells Olivia that she saved her to live her life, that seems to get through to her. When Olivia tries to get off she cants and Kara can't touch this so she asks Mon-El to help her, he can't get it off so Kara uses her heat vision to get it off. Olivia apologizes to them both and the police turned up and James also rescued Tanya during the battle.

Back at the secret lab the rock they salvaged from Olivia is useless and they can't use the powers to rescue Sam. J'onn notices they are not unhappy and they tell him that they found some more about 5 light-years away from Earth and J'onn tells her that he can use her ship and go there he offered to go with her she tells him to stay with his father. She tells him that Mon-El will go with her and they will pick it up, Kara gets Amy and takes her to Midvale to Eliza her adoptive mother to look after and they will pick her up when they come back it is to keep her safe while she is off-world. J'onn "Mon-El thank you for going with Kara and so I can stay with my father." Mon-El "Your welcome Mry'nn needs you so I'm better off going with Kara we should be back soon." J'onn gives him the keys and they get the ship ready and they leave to go to get the rock Mon-El says they will be back at midnight Dad J'onn starts laughing. 

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