Chapter 8 Season 3 episode 14 Schott through the Heart

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Late one evening Kara and Mon-El meet up with the Super-friends and they join up at the alien bar for a Karaoke session, Mon-El chickened out as he didn't know how to sing. They were laughing at each other at their performances. James takes Mon-El to one side and they talk, James "It's great to see you back Mon-El Kara struggled a lot when you left and now your back Kara is so happy." Mon-El "thank you so much James I'm glad that I'm back also now I and Kara are going to be parents I'm so looking forward to being together after the baby is born I'm planning on proposing to Kara after everything is over with the world killers." James "I'm glad that you have a plan for the future I'm here for you both." They enjoy their beer together and listen to the others singing.

When it is Winn's turn a news report comes through that Toyman Winn's dad is dead he was found in his prison cell. Winn goes outside to take in the information and James goes to support him and give him moral support. Mon-El goes to Kara "Hey babe before I forget I need to tell you something really important, it can wait till later." Kara "it's not a great time I'd wait till later."

A few days later at Toyman's funeral Winn, James J'onn, Mon-El, Kara and Alex go to support Winn and during the service to Winn shock his mother Mary turns up and Winn assumes she's here for his dad. Mary tells him she is here for him, Winn tells that she has had 20 years to talk to him, Kara hears a singing noise and knows it's a bomb she quickly changes into her Supergirl suit and protects Winn and Mary and they think that something is up.

At the DEO Mary gets checked up by Alex to make sure she wasn't injured. Kara comes up to Winn asking if it was his father who was in the casket and confirms that it was him and Kara assumed that he was getting help and Winn says that it was probably the same old stuff that it was a show for Toyman. Winn goes back to work and Mon-El comes up to Kara saying that can they talk, he takes her to the conference room to chat and tells her about Imra and what she told him that they were here intentionally "Kara she also knew there may be a chance that I and you may get back together and she slept with another legionnaire called Jessie who is a friend of mine before coming here. She and Brainy thought they could stop a major issue in the future, we first better off helping Winn then I will tell you more later I promise."

After a while they hear a disturbance outside on the balcony they see a message in the sky say "surrender Mary" indicating Winn's mother and they all fly into the DEO causing a massive mess everywhere there were monkeys they all defend themselves by destroying the monkeys. Finally, after the monkeys are gone they clear up the mess Winn and Mary take one of the monkeys to check for any clues as to who has done this. Kara sees Mary on the balcony looking over at everyone she asks for her opinion that this occurrence is a regular Kara tells her that this doesn't normally happen.

1 hour later they get a message from someone who Mary and they want Winn to come to her at the old toy factory. Kara, Mon-El, James, and Winn go to the toy factory to rescue Mary, when they get there they get attacked by flying planes that have bombs on them, Mon-El and Kara tell James and Winn that they have this handled they should go find Mary. After they destroy the bombs, Kara notices a figure running away she tries to chase after her but the lady is one step ahead she places Kara inside a plastic box and Mon-El watches in horror when he tries to save her he gets attacked by a t-rex and while Mon-El tries to stop the dinosaur, Kara is finding it hard to breathe inside the casing. He uses a magician cloth to distract the dinosaur and the dino uses its tail to get Kara out, they reunite with Winn and James and they locate Mary and Toyman 2.0.

Back at the bar while Winn and his mother decide about what they do now Mon-El finally has the guts to try the karaoke and he was terrible everyone thought it was funny. Mon-El "I'm so sorry everyone I can't sing, Babe do you want to talk more now or wait till we go home." Kara "wait till we get home it's not a great place to talk." Kara and Mon-El sit down with Alex and James while Winn and Mary sing 'Take on me' or try to sing it. The girls and Mon-El couldn't stop laughing at them both, after an hour or two they parted ways to go home.

At Kara's apartment, Mon-El "Kara, Imra knew there was a chance that the Baby would reject her body as the baby should be fine in a human body or a Kryptonian's body, So Imra, Brainy, and Jessie all sat down and spoke about a plan. The 31st century was getting decimated by creatures called the Blight and they knew if they returned to this period they could defeat the blight we learned that the third worldkiller you haven't located Pestilence she becomes the blight in the future they decided that the best chance would be to defeat her in this period." Kara "I can't believe they did this to you and I'm glad they did in a way because we are back together and we will defeat her I promise I think you better teach me some new skills as you showed in the factory with that cape." Mon-El "I will show you, I have another suit and that had a cape but got damaged on a mission, maybe Winn can try to fix it for me as it will be handy to teach you some new skills with your cape." Kara nods her head in agreement, they share a kiss and after they eat dinner they go to bed.

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