Chapter 26 Season 4 episode 8 Bunker Hill

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The next evening begins with Nia having a bad dream of sorts and a woman she hears next to her is not visible and seems to be shouting at Nia and she can't make it out what is going on. She has powers that permit her to witness things before they happen while dreaming. She wakes up the next morning Yvette her roommate is watching her and tells her that she sleeps weird and she gave Nia an extra 2 hours sleep, Nia tells her that she doesn't need sleep and her roommate tells her she will end up dead from exhaustion before she gets anywhere. Kara, J'onn, and Mon-El are investigating Manchester Black's apartment for anything J'onn can use to locate him. Mon-El "He seems to hurt many people." Kara "Look what happened on Shelly Island he just left me to die in the hands of the Children of Liberty." J'onn apologizes to her again as it was his fault that he wanted to help him make the right path. Kara locates his brass knuckles that Manchester had on him and J'onn can use these to locate him At CATCO in the elevator Nia holds three cups of coffee and James, Kara and Amy join her Kara mentions to Nia are they all for her, and she tells her that it was for friends. Kara mentions to James how things are going he tells about Lena when she meant the article. When leaving the elevator Nia gets startled by the picture of Agent Liberty and Kara stands up to Nia about deceiving everybody at Thanksgiving about having narcolepsy and she offers some help but she doesn't listen and says she is fine and walks off.

At the DEO Colornal Haley is interrogate one of the Children of Liberty, while Kara, Brainy Mon-El, and Alex are watching they discuss that the Children are refusing to give them the identity of the Agent of Liberty as the guy who name is Frank is insisting that it's him. Mon-El "We are trying to get them to listen but nothing seems to work they are not giving him up." Kara "They feel fear that's probably why we are close I can feel it in my gut." Kara then turns around Brainy can tell something is up, Kara tells him that Nia had a bit of a nightmare about Agent Liberty. Straight away Brainy is concerned and tells her why she let her go and starts to say that the future may be in trouble. Mon-El knows what he is saying "One-second Brainy are you saying that Nia is related to her." Kara and Alex catch on Kara "You knew Nia in the 31st century." Brainy is trying not to say anything as he can't give away who she is really. Brainy tells them that Nia can help locate Agent Liberty and they need to go see her now. Kara and Brainy start to leave and Mon-El goes to meet with President Baker and they tell him that hopefully Haley gets yelled at. Mon-El goes to the conference room with Haley "Director Matthews this issue is getting out of hand."  Haley "A lot of lives were saved on Shelly Island." "I'm concerned about the poll numbers." Mon-El is shocked, Haley tells him they will find him, and hopefully, the poll numbers go back to normal.

Ben Lockwood is on the phone and tells them that he will succeed in turning the humans against Kara and the aliens there is going to be war, he tells them to lay low for a while. He drives home to Lydia and It's uncovered Manchester Black showed up at the house to hurt Lockwood as he has found out that he is Agent Liberty. J'onn in the apartment has the Brass knuckles in his hand and wants to locate Manchester. Manchester tells Lydia and Ben he is here to thank them for the wedding present he gave him and his fiancee Fiona and Ben works it out why he is there. Manchester feels J'onn uses his psychic powers to communicate with him for his location, Lydia and Ben tell him to leave and he then threatens to kill Ben and they tell Lydia to make more tea.

Nia is home and there is a knock at the door its Kara, Kara tells her she needs her help and she says Nia also needs help. There, Nia uncovers she's from a planet called Naltor, she explains that her family once per a generation will get powers to dream the future, as Nia doesn't know Kara is an alien she is shocked that Nia is an alien. Nia uncovers that she is unable to control her powers and she is terrified of what she can do and she tells Kara that the last dream was of Agent Liberty killing a woman and she doesn't understand what is going on. Kara tells her she knows someone who can help her if she wants and Nia agrees. Brainy showing off to Nia falls over, and he tells her that he can help her as he is really smart, he calls her by accident Nura and tells her to listen to Kara's voice and count Backwards she is in her dream sequence and she describes what she is seeing, Kara tells her to relax and tell them what is going on about the shaking women. Brainy tells Kara she is modulating already which is good. She sees Agent Liberty shooting her and she can get a location of where they need to go. They drive to Collinwood High School since that is the place the pained lady is and while walking off some Agents of Liberty is around and the dog barks to indicate they are aliens.

love conquers all  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon