Chapter 71 Season 6 episode 11 Mxy in the middle

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Mxy looks shocked at what is going on he sees Nyxly on one side and Kara on the other. Nyxly is after him and she starts attacking him with her crystal ball. Mxy explains that both of them called for him. Nyxly is very angry with him as he called her crazy at her trial and she feels betrayed by everyone who did her wrong, he explains as she tried to destroy the Fifth Dimension so that's why he has done this. He tells Kara to be ready as she can track him with her magic, he snaps the ice off and Kara flies them away.

At the Tower, Kara explains what happened and they worked out that she escaped when they rescued Kara and Zor-El from the Phantom Zone. Mxy tells them she learned from her father King Brpxz as he is evil and Mxy nearly uses his magic to explain and they stop him so Mxy cant find him he uses a song to explain.

"You'll see I'm afraid I am Petrified, for that imp she has a crystal she wants me inside, and Nyxly isn't just any imp but a princess brave and strong. Who was wronged and for payback who has waited long? Oh, she's the daughter of the Imp King! who was bad to every Imp and every-other thing. So she conspired with her brother to unseat the evil lord but they got caught and sent to the trail before the horde. Go on the walk out the door, oh the king disowned Nyxly for starting that war, and Nyxly's brother as he got praised for showing his ferocity. But Nyxly was sent because of her patriarchy. Oh, Nyxlaai she would survive in the outer lands she would find her quest. and that kept her alive, the AllStone Totems she would find so much power she would mind she would survive."

Kara cuts him off and tells him what she said about her brother being killed by her father. Nia returns and Alex asks about the All stones, Mxy explains about an evil Imp named Jyrryd who created the AllStone to become master of everything. Mxy explains that the other Imps banished it and scattered the Allstone around the universe. There is 7 in total "Truth, Destiny, Love, Dreams, Hope, Humanity, and Courage." Nyxly needs Mxy as he is a descendant of Jyrryd to locate these totems as he has the bloodline of this other imp. Kara is out in the Balcony and Mon-El, J'onn, Brainy, and Nia come out to talk to her as she believes it's her fault. They try to cheer up saying it wasn't her fault and Nia looks disturbed as she hasn't told anyone what happened to her and Nyxly. They talk about how to depower her and take away her magic, Mxy is impressed by how much they want to save him and the universe. Nia has another vision in the birdcage a dead Mxy is inside it. Brainy joins her and asks what is going on and she tells him what happened between the two of them. Nia is angry with herself for letting herself do it, and her mother said the same thing and Brainy are trying to reassure her that she was being used the same way Lex was using Brainy and he tells her to tell Kara the truth she tells him she needs to do this in her terms.

Lena is driving to a place called Fortune Bay in Ireland and Andrea calls her. Lena thanks her for lending the CatCo jet to help make the journey easy to the place. Andrea is happy that she is very excited about her new trip, and Lena explains that she was scared about going back to her mother's birth town. Lena asks about the picture she found, the two names are Florence Abbott and Margaret Bishop and they are her childhood friends and she knows Margaret lives there but Florence is a mystery Andrea offers some help. Lena comes to a hotel and is greeted and her assistant brings her bag they Di Di asks why she is here and Lena tells her about her mother Elizabeth Walsh and they suddenly go quiet and tell her to leave and they don't want anything to do with her. Lena leaves for a bar and meets a woman and is greeted by Margeret's daughter and she explains that her mother ruined her life. She wasn't very happy to talk and they talk that their mothers were part of a witch's coven and Lena is not very convinced. She told Lena that her father was killed by her mother, and walked away. Lena leaves to return to National City and Andrea calls her and tells her about Florence Abbott and they find her and Andrea convinces her to sort this information out. Lena arrives at the destination of her mother's other friend, Florence is surprised to see her and tells her about her seeing her mother in her dreams and tells her about what Lena does. Florence takes a drop of blood and tells her the truth and they talk about her mother's past and how she is a witch as well. She tells her what happened to Margaret's husband and that they wanted to stop him as he beat her up and that wasn't right as they were killed by fire by accident. Florence was made to go in hiding while Elizabeth wanted to the States and got with Lionel Luthor and she was under his control as she didn't trust herself and she wanted to protect Margaret. Lena is shown so many pictures and is still convinced that it doesn't exist.

At the Tower, they discuss putting a power dampener on her and they need a magic device to work the cuff. Mxy finds the Phantom Zone Projector and decides the best way to stop her is to send her back there, while holding it up Alex and Mon-El go in front as Kara is terrified. Kara refuses the idea and she feels sorry for her and they would rather try to convince her that revenge isn't the answer. Alex thinks about something "One-second Mon-El didn't you use a magic device to battle Mxy for Kara's hand." Mon-El thinks for a moment "Yes I remember it depowered you and you destroyed it after we dueled." Mxy informs them he didn't and he hide it in a place in Corto Maltese and he tells them there is a small problem of warlord's hideout.

Mitch returns to the ship and he is angry as she left him behind she offers him a lesson "Those who you think are close to you would just assume to betray you and leave you locked away." she scares him away and she is thinking about how to get Mxy out of hiding and doesn't want Mitch around to distract her.

Alex and J'onn are working on the cuff and Mxy try to help and unfortunately, he tries to help without magic and they weren't very impressed with his intellect. Mxy goes to assist Nia and Brainy and they aren't happy either with the help, they get an alert downtown and go to check it out a massive kitty goes to attack. Supergirl, Red Daughter, Valor, Martian Manhunter, Dreamer, Sentinal, and Brainiac 5 go to help they try to stop it and Kara tries to bring it down and it pushes her and the team to the ground. Nia tries to bring it inside the dream realm and luckily Brainy has a bottle and places the kitty inside they turn around to clap Nyxley is surprised by their actions. Before Kara attacks, she is made to be quiet and is treated by Nyxley to bring Mxy to her in two hours in Smidt Park. Everyone makes sure Kara is ok and they are unsure of how to deal with this.

Brainy tells Nia her off and that she needs to tell Kara the truth and instead tells her she is sorry for failing. Mxy comes in with an idea to copy himself and it almost works until it stops working. Kara walks away and Nia joins her, Nia tells her the truth and that it's her fault that she is here. She explains that Nxyley convinced her that she can bring her mum back for 1 day. Kara forgives her and she gets an idea of how to stop Nxyley. They can fix the cuff and they are going to use Brainy's Image inducer so Nia can pretend to be Mxy. Kara and Nia are going alone to not spook Nxyley, and she transforms into Mxy. They land in the Park and Nxyley is ready and waiting for her and he starts to go near her and the image inducer optic drive and it deactivates and they all go to stop her Kara tries to convince her to stop and she traps them all in a trap and they can't use their powers. Mxy is watching in horror and Nxyley summons a dragon to kill and Mxy saves them all and sacrifices himself and can put the cuff on her and Kara tries to convince her that this revenge will not help, it didn't work. Kara is angry about what happened and they are all upset and thanks to Mxy's sacrifice has worked and depowers her.

Mitch rescued Nxyley and is impressed by her magic and offers to assist her and she agrees and asks for help to locate the Totem of Courage. Nia sees this in a vision and tells the team what she saw and Kara agrees to locate them as well.

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