Chapter 66 Season 6 episode 6 Prom Again!

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Naxam and Mitch have got Mon-El, Brainy and Nia trapped and have begun torturing them. Kara hears the commotion, and leaves Kenny to save them and is joined by Alex and they can capture them both. Unknown to the heroes CJ knows everything as she used a drone to spy on them. Nia is impressed by the base and Alex apologizes to them for being hard on them and thanks for their help. Brainy thanks him for their help and Kara thanks Nia and Mon-El for their help and they part ways. Nia has another vision of the cougar and sees something wrong and they prepare for the mission for Kara's DNA.

Alex takes Kara to prom and lets her off have a night off with her glasses. She is proud of her for her work with Supering with Kenny and tells her sorry for making her decision of not telling her about going to University. Alex is going to take photos of the meteor shower and lets Kara have some fun. Nia wears a new dress and the boys a suit and Nia and Brainy share a dance in the middle of Legion Ship. They get an alert about the meteors and leave the ship to go and get the last of their mission completion.

CJ by accident releases Naxam and Mitch and CJ asks for a statement as a thank you. In Return, they place her in a cage and go to locate Kara. Kenny is waiting for Kara and is amazed by how beautiful she looks, she tries to tell him the truth but she sees the meteor heading for the school Kara destroys it but comes crashing down and she falls into the gym injured and has kryptonite. Naxam captures Kenny thinking he is the Kryptonian and they check him out and they determine he is human and they use him as bait.

They take Kara to a storeroom to recover and Nia is angry with herself as she is unable to properly understand her dreams. Brainy convinces her to calm down, Kara and the others get a message and co-ordinates and Kara wants to go, Nia uses her dream power to stop her, and she and the boys go to save Kenny. Alex can get the Kryptonite off Kara and Kara needs to heal with light and in the Storeroom, there isn't any. Kara wants things to be normal and this day has been causing trouble as they have aliens to deal with. Alex can pick the lock and using the moonlight Kara heals and leaves to help the others.

Kenny is bought to a cell with CJ and introduces herself and she gives him some advice and can convince him to start saving them. The Superfriends are traveling to the location and Brainy tells them they have a 20% chance of winning and 80% chance of failing. Nia has another vision of the cage without the cougar out of the cage it tries to attack her and Nia uses her powers to trap it she looks at the cage and sees the letters P.W. She comes back and her powers have gone pink and blue when she returns Naxim and Mitch come to attack and Nia uses her new powers to summon the cougar and it chases them away. The Superfriends come to find Kenny and he is with CJ she tries to ask them some questions, Nia knows straight away this is the future Cat Grant and Nia works out that her dreams have been about her. The Cougar gets caught and Kara straight away knocks them and they escape in an escape pod. CJ escapes and they hear the Midvale Police Department turn up, Kenny and Kara go out and surrender. The Superfriends can leave and go to the ship Kara hears the conversation and escapes the police custody. "If we don't repair this me and Kara would have never met and Amy and Ani wouldn't be here either, we need to stop this happening."

The Superfriends go back 4 1/2 hours earlier, they leave the ship and follow CJ and are surprised to see Kara. She wants to save her future and hates the future that she is going into. They agree with her help and are walking around looking for CJ and they run into Alex and Kenny and Nia leaves to find CJ. She finds her and destroys the drone and CJ is very upset and is joined by Nia and she knows who CJ is and she says if she calls her Lois Lane she will expire. Nia talks about Perry White and that she is better than him and convinces her that she is the future Cat Grant and she likes the name and this convinces her to back off. They have fixed the future and have returned to the future Midvale 2009 one hour before the Meteor hit. "Thank you all for your help and I hope you can reunite with your family Michael." Mon-El thanks her "I hope so too now we can go home and I hope you have a great life."

CJ is drinking and gets a phone call from Perry and quits the Daily Planet and tells him that her name is now Cat Grant and walks out very happy with herself and does the CatCo logo on a piece of Napkin with the pink Cougar as a logo. Naxim and Mitch are in prison and have landed in Uruguay and sends a distress signal and the DEO should find them. Kara destroys the meteor and crashes down on the ground and is joined by Kenny and Alex and they decide to take her home. Kenny sits her down and asks what is going on she tells her that she is going to National City University and asks Kenny to come with her and he refuses as he wants to make his own choices. He thanks her for everything she has done for him especially when he was at his darkest and they part ways, Alex signals to them it's time to go and they leave. Brainy as a piece of Meteor with Kara's blood on it and their mission is completed they leave.

Brainy readies the ship "I'm glad now we can get my wife back from the Phantom Zone I have missed her some much I hope she is ok." Nia holds his hand "Don't worry Mon-El we will save her we have all the things we need to rescue her." Brainy complements Nia on her work and they share a kiss and Brainy starts to cry he starts to become emotional because of what high school has taught him in the last few days. He starts the ship and they return to the present glad to be going home.

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