Chapter 77 Season 6 episode 17 I Believe in a thing called love

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Lex gives Nyxley the stone to show he is there to help her. He gives her the new updated version of the Lexosuit in wrist size. She doesn't believe him as she doesn't know who he is to her he looks like a banker. He tries to assure her that he will help her as he is from the future and together they were partners. He tells her that she did succeed, but at a cost of her own life, that's why he returned to the 21st-century to prevent her death. Mitch comes in and recognises him as Lex Luther she recognises the name as he is the one who put Supergirl in the Phantom zone. She straightaway knows that he is evil as she has experience happened to Supergirl. She threatens to kill him, unless he leaves as she will never trust him. He teleports away before she can kill him.

Kara has a meeting of all the super friends to inform them of her leaving. Brainy tells Lena, Kelly, and Nia to come to the lab, leaving Kara, Mon-El and J'onn behind. Alex comes in very nervous and excited. She asked them if Kelly has left, and they tell her that she's in the lab. They can sense that something is wrong and Alex brings out an engagement ring. They are very excited. "Alex, I'm so excited for you, it's so beautiful I forgot tomorrow is the big day you're going to propose to her." Kara is so excited Alex informs them of her plan to propose and tomorrow is the anniversary Alex figures out that she loves her. She explains that a year ago at the bar They were all arguing about the favourite movie villain and Kelly and Alex agree on Hans Gruber.

Alex decides to do the proposal at Al's bar with Esme's help, "do you Amy to help you as well to get ready in time." She is worried about if it's going to be done in time. So she leaves with the girls to go and get things ready. Alex introduces Esme to the bar and they approach Al for the proposal, but to their disappointment they find out the place is booked for a private on their anniversary day. Al apologises, and says that, unfortunately that he can't do anything.

At Luther mansion, Otis greets Lex he tries to give him a hug which Lex refuses to give. Lex is angry at that Nyxley refused his greeting and Otis gets him up to speed with what has been happening at Luthor Corporation. Otis tries to distract him but Lex informs him that Nyxley is the love of his life to his horror. Lex kind of gives it away where he has been at informs Otis that he has returned to make sure Nyxley survives the battle for the love totem and that he wants to help her get it before the Superfriends. Otis tells him to help Nyxley and tell her his feelings about her to hopefully please her.

William joins them to get more information about what has been on, and that what plans they have to defeat Nyxley by creating a fake love totem using Lena's magic. They plan to set a trap for her on Lovers lane, Kelly and Alex discuss Esme and how happy they are together as a family. Nyxley turns up to grab the fake totem the Superfriends trap her Lena traps her in a force field in a circle they start to attack her and to help her escape unfortunately Lex turns up and attacks Kara and Elaria with kryptonite. To everyone shock he's back and he helps Nyxley escape, Lena in her anger make the totem burn in her hand to her anger.

Nyxley was angered that Lex was following her with a drone, Nyxley tries to throw him out even though it's his home.

Kara and Elaria are healing with Mon-El, William and Lena hovering over them to check they are ok. Kara checks Lena is ok after seeing her brother and being angry. "Babe, you ok thought." Mon-El kisses her and is worried about the implications of Lex's return. William returns to CATCO to inform Andrea and Elaria comes with him about the news of Lex Luther returning. And Andrea is shocked to learn the truth and ask William to get away information about the return of Lex Luther. Andrea tells him to locate the proof of his return and he assures her that he will locate that and she tells him that she will run the story with out him if he doesn't give her evidence by the end of the day.

Brainy scans for Lex and Nyxley and works out that Lex went to the 31st century to use their technology and he returns with it. They are worried they decide to use the totems to help defeat them they decide to use shields to help control the totems. Brainy Lena and Nia work together to do that and they ask Brainy if they have asked the Legion for any information and he hasn't asked them yet. Brainy is sceptical as the last time he used information from the future he betrayed everyone. They convince him to do it Nia goes to use her dream powers and tells them to call her when she is needed.

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