Chapter 57 Season 5 episode 16 Alex in Wonderland

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In the next couple of days, Kara and Alex start to plan the funeral with Eliza. The day before the funeral Kara and Mon-El are getting their stuff together J'onn comes around to see how they are coping with the sudden death of Jeremiah. "Mon-El how is Kara doing with the big news, I know it must be hard for her as she was extremely close to him." Mon-El looks at him "Yeah she is all right I don't know how to help her deal with it, Alex has Kelly and Kara has me and the kids but all we can do is be there for the two of them. Until she is ready to talk I will be there." J'onn and he share a hug and he goes to see Kara, "Hey how are you?" Kara tells him they found him at a refugee camp helping Aliens where he and J'onn first met and to their shock he died of a cardiac arrest. Kara tells him that she is very sad but she is glad he was happy doing what he does best and that he cared a lot about his daughters. Kara places Ani in a car seat and the 5 of them travel to Alex's apartment.

Kelly answers the door and offers her apology for the loss. Kara thanks her and ask if the two of them are ready and to the shock Alex tells her that she isn't going to the funeral. Kara straight away asks her why "I never said I was going." Kara questions why she wouldn't go to her father's funeral and Alex bites back that he has been dead to her for years and Kara defends him saying that he couldn't return as he was wanted and Alex doesn't care as he didn't care for them. Alex defends herself saying that he and she were close it was until she came along and that he obsessed with protecting her caused trouble. Kara leaves and asks her what to tell Eliza and Alex walks into the bathroom Kara walks out and asks Kelly to deal with her. J'onn, Mon-El, Amy, and Ani all leave for Midvale and J'onn tells Kelly if she needs anything contact him. Kelly tries to help Alex and she sees her grab a bottle of Brandy, and Kelly tries to help the situation. Alex tells her how much heartbreak she went through with him leaving constantly. Kelly decides to give her some space. Alex sees the lenses and decides to activate them, getting a break from everything.

She is in the lobby and sees an option of being Supergirl replacing her sister in the V.R. Alex is shocked at how realistic this reality is and decides to go and fly somewhere to punch something.

Kelly is at her office and William comes to join her and offer his condolences and is shocked to find that she is still here and not in Midvale. Kelly explains about Alex and she is giving her space. William asks her for help, about Lex Luthor and the satellites and he thinks he has plans for the Obsidian North Platinum launch and Kelly sees no issues with this. Kelly talks about Richard Bates and is worried about if he and Lex have been working together. Kelly checks the system and the error she found last week is still there and goes to Andrea to ask what is going on and she tells her has there have been any more issues since the incident and Kelly tells her no. Andrea is promising to fix the issue and getting in touch with Gemma Cooper to try and sort out the fund's issue. Kelly joins William and Elaria and tells them the news that Lex is a member of the board of Obsidian now. Elaria has her memories from before Crisis like Kelly and is worried as she remembers what happened to her and Lex and how he hurt her and betrayed her. William calls the people who are on the list and they weren't trapped in the V.R. William convinces Kelly to go check on her and try and ease the situation. Later William gets a text from his contact and it says 'check your list. Out of 402 users, 337 are true VR geeks, no Luthor contact, all clear.' William responds 'And the Rest...?' the response is 'Unreachable, But I found an address for the IP:5532 3rd Street National City.' William confused responded 'Who's there?' The contact responds 'All of them.' Andrea calls Gemma and she doesn't respond and goes towards reception and asks someone to check the fail-safe error code she wants the diagnostics and to everyone's shock, it's Eve Tessmacher.

Alex is flying around and sees people watching a man having a concert, she meets a lady who is in the V.R as a similar Indiana Jones (a character in a movie played by Harrison Ford) she explains everything is different for everyone how they are feeling and explains the different character if they have 3 strips on the neck they are a non-common player. The lady introduces herself as Bonnie and asks why Alex is playing Supergirl and if she is blowing off steam. Bonnie explains about her sister being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and she is finding it very difficult and that's why she is here. Suddenly a Dragon comes in and Alex saves the singer and he is in denial that he is in the V.R and unknown to the others he is trapped at the same place as Mr. Bates.

The Dragon is causing havoc and Alex swoops in to save the place and uses her heat vision to stop him and it works. Alex is interviewed asking for food and is directed to a place. Alex is at Al's bar eating blueberry pancakes, and is joined by Bonnie and tells her how realistic these pancakes are same as in the real world. She thinks about Kelly's allergy and how much she will be ok without dying. Alex talks about her argument and how much she is struggling to deal with the loss of her father. Bonnie tries to comfort her and Alex tells her that she is leaving and Bonnie goes quiet as she is also trapped and now thinks this is the real same as the old man musician. Alex gets an alert from J'onn to come to the DEO and she leaves. In reality, Bonnie has red eyes also laying down holding a picture of her and her sister Jill in her hands, Margot finds her and takes her away.

Alex flies to the DEO and sees Nia, Brainy, and J'onn waiting for her and she gets a message from the real Hank Henshaw admitting he stole the missile. He has taken Kara as well and tells her to grab her something and she does to get her sister back. She confronts him asking why he is doing this and this is because of her father leaving him for dead he feels very angry and wants revenge.  He traps her with Kryptonite binds and she can get free as he threatens to kill everyone, she is told that Kara is safe and she brings him to justice. Alex is on the Balcony and is joined by J'onn and he congratulates her for getting Henshaw and reminds her about getting the dumplings tonight. They go to Al's bar and see some so people and she is enjoying the show and her eyes turn red as she is very happy being here and she doesn't seem to be aware she is trapped in the place. At the bar, another Supergirl is here and is shocked to meet another copy and another Supergirl tells her and reminds her how much this place isn't real and Alex starts to have doubts and starts to remember. Brainy and J'onn come here to make sure she is ok and Alex starts to return but unknown to her she hasn't returned properly and Kelly finds her and uses an Epi-Pen to help and it doesn't get her back so Kelly activates her lenses.

Alex places Psi back in her cell and Kelly joins her, and Alex plays dumb and sees that Alex is doubting what she said and Kelly escapes before anyone could get to her. Kelly contacts Andrea and talks to her about the fail-safe error and that it wouldn't work to eject Alex. Andrea gives her advice and talks about Alex and how to get to her. Kelly finds her younger self and places her, in Reality, to bring Alex back. Kelly can control younger Alex and she takes her to the place where she last saw Jeremiah and younger her can convince her that this is her way of grief and that anything she sees is because Kara stands for hope and that now Jeremiah is dead it isn't her choice "You have a lovely sister and Brother-in-law and even a niece and nephew who you love and adore." Alex is finally able to leave and makes up with Kelly "I forgot how much I have in the real world who I love and adore Kara, J'onn, Amy and Ani and even Mon-El and you that I felt so alone that I wanted to escape everyone." She admits she was angry for being unable to save him and Kelly cheers her up by saying that she is a warrior. Alex points out about people being stuck remembering about Bonnie and the musician guy Derek who was stuck as well. Kelly promises to investigate it after the funeral, and they agree to travel there.

In 33rd Street National City, William investigates and Margot can hide the bodies so William doesn't find anything to shock and confusion he leaves Margot relief. He finds a hospital band on the band it says 'Patient number 0037061120' and he leaves.

In Midvale at a church, Eliza is giving a speech Kara, Amy, Ani, Mon-El, Brainy, Nia, and J'onn are already there and are joined by Alex and Kelly. Alex apologizes to Kara and they share a hug. After the funeral, they return to Eliza for the wake, where Eliza can meet her grandson properly. "Thank you all for coming, I am glad everyone who cared for him is here." They stay the night and everyone returns home the next day.

Authors note-

The next chapter will be here soon only 3 chapters left in season 5 and almost done and might be delayed due to Season 6 not being out in the UK hope to be done soon. Fingers crossed soon, as the next chapter was directed by Melissa Benoist herself and It is all about Lex spoilers if you haven't seen Season 5 Episode 17.

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