Chapter 25 Season 4 episode 7 Rather the Fallen Angel

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Kara is floating above National City and using her superhearing gets an alert that a member of the Children of Liberty is harassing some aliens working, when she gets there Manchester Black is already there trying to solve the problem. Kara flies in and stops them shooting him and they take him away and NCPD is waiting to arrest him. Kara and Manchester start to interrogate the man and he tells him he doesn't know anything and that he had the choice of doing this or waiting for some shipment. Kara thanks Manchester and that she can stop this on her own, Manchester reminds her that agent Liberty killed Fiona and he wants to make sure he gets justice.

James is taken to meet with Agent Liberty himself and unknown to him that the agent is Ben Lockwood. James is trying to tell him that he wants to find out what is their mission, Lockwood tells him that he saw many humans suffering, Lockwood wants him to tell people to join the children of liberty and as Guardian stands as an inspiring person to look to he wants to use this to his advantage. Lockwood uncovers that he needs James to annihilate a landmark, James tells him that he is not a terrorist and he won't help them. James is currently being held hostage at the Agents of Liberty office when Tom comes in and reveals to him that the gathering needs him to wreck the landmark on Shelly Island as this is in a way a welcome to all aliens and they don't like it. Tom tries to get James out but gets corned and to stop them from killing Tom James agrees to help them annihilate the landmark.

At L-Corp, Eve comes into Lena's office and illuminates her that they've found a willing member to take an interest in their new trial and that he is here and Eve tries to tell Lena what is name is and she tells her that they will call subjects, not names. Eve tells her that hopefully, this goes well as she has a cousin with 2 daughters and she has cancer and she wants to save her. Lena goes to meet the test subject and they talk about why all secrecy and about the history of the subject, the subject thinks Lena is the lab assistant and she gets his consent to the procedure, and then she leaves he tells her when is he going to meet the scientist and she tells him that she is the scientist.

Kara shows up at the DEO to Mon-El and Alex, Kara tells Briany to try and locate the fusion rods that were stolen, and then Alex shows her a device and it shows Ben Lockwood's new TV program. Ben tells them about the thanksgiving incident and that five men peacefully protesting went missing while attacking alien houses. Ben accuses Kara of trying to cause trouble and that other people think that she is evil like them. Mon-El "Hey ignore them they don't know what they are talking about, you save 1000's people's lives on thanksgiving he is looking for attention." Kara gets a call from J'onn and that Manchester Black is giving him a message about a cargo shipment he and Kara were investigating, he has the coordinates. Kara meets with Manchester and thanks to him for the intel they talk that the tip came from the gentlemen from the factory. They check it out while Kara uses her x-ray vision and locates a shipping label Manchester sees a guy and hits him and Kara tells him off for hitting the man and tells him that this was a mistake and that they should stop working together.

The subject starts addressing Lena and asks what her name was and Lena tells him Kieran which is her middle name and he apologizes for not thinking that she was the doctor and Lena accepts his apology. He asks her that maybe the other subjects were not as bad as him, she tells him that he was the only one getting tested and he asks her why he never gets chosen. She tells him she has reasons and that the questions for the trial applicants on of them were would you let a spider die in the shower or live or just leave it there he choose the same option as her he would leave it alone. He tells her that his brother was his hero and he lost him the same as she did. A little while later Lena brings some food for the subject and he kindly offers her some fries, he asks her what they are going to be doing here, Lena tells him that she may be able to cure everything and that he had this trial may make him a superhero like Kara and Mon-El. He tries to tell her that he is no hero and that his brother sacrifices him to give him a kidney and he wishes it was him that died, he is a selfless being that Lena understands. He doesn't want to ruin this and he shouldn't be the subject and that it should be someone else.

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