Chapter 29 Season 4 episode 11 Blood Memory

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In Kaznia preparing the Supergirl doppelganger is still training and after completion, she flies down and is met with the Russian General, who looks at her and to his shock she has blood going down her nose and she collapses. They take her on a stretcher and try to wake her up with a defibrillator and it doesn't work they try the maximum and a shot of lighting comes out of her chest and across the globe into the USA and it strikes an RV in National City some of the drugs they have has been reenergized. The boys notice this and they have sold the pills to some other boys and get their money from the sale and they end up looking like aliens. The boys who sold them straight away leaves.

At Kara and Mon-El's apartment, everyone is gathered for game night, Nia tells them this was a big thing in her family in the town of Parthas (It means paradise in Gaelic) this place is a haven for Aliens and Humans to live peacefully. Kara and Mon-El are gaining the upper hand and are annoying Brainy as they don't like the idea. "I and Mike have been together for almost 3 years now and we know each other well." Due to Alex's memory being altered she remembers Mon-El as Mike and not Mon-El or him being Valor. Kara "Alex, for you, what is my favorite movie." She tells her Center stage and Kara "What that ain't right." she tries and still can't remember it Kara "Mike you answer what is my favorite movie." Mon-El "Wow that's an easy one The Wizard of Oz." Everyone knew that was the right answer. Mon-El gets a message that they are needed and kisses Kara goodbye and leaves to go help, Kara tries to go also but Alex stops her and tells her it is ok. The guys who took the pills earlier are out of control through town. Alex, Brainy, and Mon-El fight them to stop them, Kara flies in as Supergirl and helps punch and knocks them out. Alex comes to her and thanks for assistance and Kara calls Alex by her first name and she tells Kara from now on its Agent Danvers. Mon-El comes over to Kara "Hey you ok, go home I'll see you later." Kara "Ok thank you, Mike." Alex hears Kara call him by his first name and isn't happy "Supergirl you call him Director Matthews, not Mike." Mon-El "I have known Supergirl for a while and I gave her permission to call me Mike, Agent Danvers." Alex backs off and Kara flies home to be with Amy.

The following morning Kara notices that Mon-El hasn't come home and she rings him and he doesn't answer she reads a text that he stayed at the DEO for the night. Kara goes to wake Amy and they get ready and go to CATCO. Kara leaves Amy in James' office and they discuss what had happened last night with Alex and how cold she was to her, and that Mon-El had to help defend her. Kara believed that the relationship between Supergirl and Alex would be the same after the wind wipe and it has gotten worse. James' advises her to distract herself from her work and that may help her deal with the problem, Kara agrees and they sit down eating donuts Kara is feeding Amy as well. Mackenzie comes hoping to talk to James about something and Kara offers her some donuts and she tells them she doesn't eat them and tells Kara she has chocolate all over her fingers and Kara takes herself and Amy to clean her hands. Mackenzie lets James know about a story pitch and she wants him to know about it, she tells him it is about L-Corp and Lena and it is about a glitch in their numbers about a Black Budget and its off the books about genetic testing and she wants to find out what is going on James says she can but let him know about the facts before it going out there. Kara and Amy come into the Restroom and Nia there on the phone with her sister, and they are discussing that her flight was canceled and she may not be able to get up there this weekend. Kara suggests that she take the day off as James doesn't mind, and its a long drive and she can't drive as she falls asleep at random times, Kara offers to drive them up there as a story idea and they leave Kara takes Amy as well and texts Mon-El to tell him where they are going.

At the DEO, Alex is sore from the Truth Seeker and Brainy tells her not to worry as it will go soon. Mon-El comes over "Hey Kara just text me she and Amy are going away for a few days with Nia." Brainy uncovers that the boys who were apprehended last night have been identified and that they are known as Frat boys. Mon-El starts the interrogate the men and they explain that they normally take them they tell them that all they felt rage. Mon-El tells them they are definitely in trouble, and asks them where they got the tablets from. Mon-El comes to meet with Alex and Brainy annoyed as they won't tell them the truth, Brainy tells them that the batch they had was filled with gamma radiation that turned them. The dealers are watching a video with their batch causing rage and they are also getting people asking them for the drugs now. The dealer Jerry's sister Bobbi is concerned about what they are doing and asks them what they are doing Jerry tells her to trust him and not to worry.

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