Chapter 53 Oliver's Funeral

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Authors Note

Since Arrow Season 8 Episode 10 is the last episode I decided to make this a tribute to Stephan Amell who worked hard on all 8 Seasons and so the funeral is in everyone's point of view.

Chapter 53 Oliver's Funeral

Kara, Mon-El, and Amy get ready to leave for Star City and ask Alex to watch Ani while they go to Oliver's funeral. Kara is still upset over Oliver Sacrifice and they are flying over in a plane as Amy is going with them. Mon-El tries to cheer her up but it's not working as Kara feels resentment as she and Barry survived, and unfortunately, he died. The land in Star City and meet Barry, "Uncle Barry." Amy runs up to him very happy to see him he picks her up and gives a big hug. "Amy why are you here and Kara are you missing something." Kara explains "She wanted to say goodbye to her Uncle Oliver. I gave birth a few days to Anakin J'onn Oliver Matthews." They get a message from Dig saying about the memorial for Oliver and the 4 of them travel to the statue.

They meet with Team Arrow, Dig, Curtis. Lyla, Felicity, Laurel, Rene, Dinah, and Mia, and to their surprise to find alive Quinten Lance, Moira Queen, and Tommy Merlynn. Quintin starts his speech "Thank you for coming, for a long time I hated Oliver Queen, I blamed him for the death of my youngest daughter. I blamed him for the violence in my city. I interrogated him I hunted him, I persecuted him. I'm never been wrong in my life, Oliver Queen wasn't just a hero, he was a good man, he was an honorable person. The fact he didn't start that way makes him in my book even more honorable. He stands as a reminder to all of us that anyone can change, so will this." He then unreels the statue its Oliver in full uniform and it says 'Oliver Queen-Green Arrow'

The next morning, Thea and Moira are at the gravestone of Robert Queen, Thea is confused as to why their father is not back and Moira guessed that if he weren't for his father's death Oliver wouldn't be the man he is now. Oliver always hated the fact that he was the reason why his mother was killed by Slade Wilson (Deathstroke) and Thea can't believe that Olly is dead. They are joined by a woman who introduces herself as Emiko Queen Oliver and Thea half-sister and Moira invite her as a member of the family. William Oliver's young son joins them in the conversation.

Laurel and Tommy are walking side by side and he understands that Laurel is different as she is from another Earth. Tommy informs her that the two of them are married on Earth-Prime and Laurel feels bad as she has the same face and Tommy accepts her as he was dead on another reality. Former members of the League of Assassins Nyssa and Talia are here as well paying tribute to Oliver as they were allies and in some way friends. They are joined by Sara and her father Nyssa introduces Talia and tells her that Sara is her beloved.

Felicity is on her own and Mia joins her and Felicity recognizes her as her and Oliver's daughter. Mia explains that she was able to meet her father and he trained her and how to be a hero and Felicity tells her they are similar and she hopes that this is true, they share a hug. "Felicity." She turns her head and sees Barry he hugs her and tells her he was there at the end and he wished he had done more to save him and Felicity assures him he done his best as she knows him. Dig and Lyla join them and Kara comes and gives her a hug Mon-El is carrying Amy and they hug as well "Auntie Felicity I'm sorry for Uncle Ollie." She and Felicity share a big hug.

They are told as there was nobody they filled the casket with mementos. Sara asked if anyone wants to say anything, everyone is unsure to say something same with Barry and Kara and Felicity asks Dig to say something. "The Oliver I met 8 years ago is the one we say goodbye to today Oliver always told me to save his city he had to become someone else he had to become something else. I was always thought that meant becoming the Green Arrow, but today I realized that meant becoming a better man. The best man he knew he how to be and he took all of us with him on the journey he changed everything. Oliver bought heroes in the world he inspired heroes. I was his brother and Oliver Queen was mine. Of course, Life will go on it always does but how what twists and turns it will take I can't say. I don't know what the future holds except to expect the unexpected Oliver may go but his mission endures, and that mission lives on Oliver lives on in the people he inspired, and some people that will take this mission on the rest of the world maybe even beyond that because the last 8 years have shown anything I that this universe is far bigger than any of us could dare to imagine even though it is less bright without him in it.

Kara started to cry and Mon-El bought her in a hug, Amy sees Sara and rushes up to her happy to see her and they share a hug, and Laurel and Dinah also come to see her. During the wake, everyone is catching up with each other and discussing what a hero Oliver has become, and together they will make sure his legacy lives on. Moira offers to shelter Kara and her family for the night as they fly back to National City tomorrow afternoon. Barry runs back to Central City promising to visit.

The next morning after breakfast they thank Moira and Thea for taking them in for the night and they leave to fly home. After 2 hour flight, J'onn meets them at the airport and takes them home and they are happy to see Ani and they talk about what happened in Star City, Kara brings up how much she wishes to see her friendship with Lena be different "I know she is informing us about Lex but I don't know if we are still best friends." Alex knows that there is no way to change it and they hear a knock at the door Kara thinks it's J'onn with dinner but instead it's a familiar face and he introduces himself as Mr. Mxyzptlk.

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