Chapter 15 Season 3 Episode 21 Not Kansas

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The battle was raging on Mon-El gives Lena the black rock and while she created the cure. Kara and Mon-El where battling Reign have the upper hand a little but Lena gets the cure rapidly done. She chucks the cure towards Mon-El while Kara holds Reign down and he injects the cure inside her and her and Sam split apart. Lena asks if Sam is ok and she replies that she needs some aspirin to help with the pain. They quickly grab Sam some clothes and fly her and Lena to the DEO where Sam can get some treatment and after checking if she was feeling ok, Alex came in with Ruby as she has been looking after her while Sam was unavailable they reunited. Kara talks to Lena and asked her if she could make some more of the black rock "Hey and also I found out that my family is still alive and this rock is a lifeline to keep them alive." Lena "Kara that's fantastic news I'll get on it straight away don't worry." Kara tells Alex she needs to talk to her Kara "My mom is alive and has been for the last 35 years I can't believe it." Alex "Do you want to go back and stay awhile." Kara "Yes I want to take Amy and Mon-El with me, she doesn't know about Amy yet I wasn't sure if she will accept our relationship. I'm sorry for leaving you but I need to see my family and spend time with them, I know I'm being selfish." Alex disagrees that she is being selfish and she deserves to spend time on Argo and "Amy deserves to know her grandmother and you definitely need a break and so does Mon-El after a tough 2 years you need so time together." Kara hugs her.

At the DEO, everyone was making a small get together to send Kara off. Kara is watching from the balcony and Mon-El walks to her "Hey babe, you ok ." Kara "Yeah I'm ok, are you ready to go to Argo I'm glad you are ok with going with me I hope mum understands even though our planets hated each other love is better." Mon-El "I know she likes me but I hope she accepts me as the love of your life and the Father of her grandchild." Kara comes and hugs him and they share a kiss. They both walk downstairs and they meet with everyone and they all share their goodbyes, Lena, Sam and Ruby were there and she spent time with everyone and says her goodbye. Alex decided to move into Kara's apartment to keep it for them while they are Argo. They pack some stuff for Amy and said they said their goodbyes and they go to J'onn ship and fly back to Argo. They get there and Mon-El picks up Amy and they are met with Alura and Selena. Selena says hello and leaves them alone Kara "Mum this is your granddaughter Amelia." Alura started crying "Are you serious this is my grandaughter can I hold her." Mon-El gives her Amy they walk into the house.

Kara and Mon-El get dressed and come into the sitting room with Alura fusing Amy and she was happy. Kara "Mum there is something I should tell you I and Mon-El are together we have been together for 2 years." Alura "Kara I'm happy for you and I do like Mon-El and I'm glad you are settled." She comes up to Kara and gives her Amy and she walks up to Mon-El and his surprise gives him a hug "Welcome to the family what is Amelia's full name." Kara "Amelia Alexandria Sara Matthews or Amelia Mon-El we call her Amy for short." Alura "I love it." Suddenly a lady comes to Kara recognize as her closest friend Thara and she was glad to see her and Kara asks if her parents and brother and unfortunately no. Kara "Thara Ak-Var this is my daughter Amy and my partner Mon-El of the Legion of superheroes." Mon-El "It is a pleasure to met you, we are a space police." Alura tells them that Thara is also in Law enforcement Thara tells them that she wants them to meet her husband and 2 children. Kara takes her downstairs and while they catch up Mon-El asks Alura a question "Alura I know you don't know me well but I love your daughter I would like for your blessing to ask her for a hand in marriage." Alura "Yes of course you have my blessing as you make my daughter so happy."

Later on, they place Amy into her stroller and took her for a walk in the market place, then Val runs up to them and his mom thanks him again for saving him. Mon-El explains that he had some technology that cured him and Kara jokes around saying that he is saving people without telling her. They introduce Amy and they hear a bang and using their superspeed and pushing them forwards and saving them from a falling machine part. Alura and Thara come and check on them and Kara tells them about seeing a hooded figure run away. Thara tells them they will investigate and will get back to them about her findings and will meet them up for dinner, Kara and Mon-El are talking and Kara "Do you think I am being paranoid I did see someone, and I think someone is trying to send me a message." Mon-El "Kara I believe you don't worry and we should take it easy while being here."

Later Kara and Mon-El leave Amy with Alura and they meet with Thara and her husband Lir-Al. They are having a good laugh Kara tells Thara how the two of them met and explain the story about how they save Amy before she was born, they were shocked to find out about what the two of them went through. Kara turns her head and sees a figure watching them and she recognizes her as possibly the lady in the hooded figure in the market, she tells them it wasn't her. Kara walks home and Mon-El tells her not to worry and they should not panic they walk to the house and seeing as everyone is asleep they get changed and go to sleep in the bedroom.

Kara wakes up and talks to her mother about the problems that have been happened Alura assumes it is because she is unsettled

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Kara wakes up and talks to her mother about the problems that have been happened Alura assumes it is because she is unsettled. Kara walks off to the greenhouse and Mon-El comes to meet her and they talk about what's going on. Mon-El "Kara I know this, not a good time, but you know I love you so much and after I lost you after my mum invaded and it proves you are my Kryptonite and I love you so much. I want us to be together forever." Mon-El goes down on one knee "Kara Zor-El will you marry me" Kara starts crying "Yes Yes I will marry you." they kiss and Mon-El sees a robot come near us They fly off and it was destroyed they find the same women she same last night they bring her to Thara and they question her and she tells them about her being a daughter of juru and Selena is the high priestess. Thara gets a message from Alura and they go to her house and they notice the ship is missing

 Thara gets a message from Alura and they go to her house and they notice the ship is missing

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