12. Accident

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Perries Pov
Me and Alex were sat eating tea talking about our day. I had to leave for tour in a few days so we were treasuring every moment we had together. We were only touring the UK so it was only going to last a month. I was super excited and couldnt wait to perform on stage. There is no better feeling then standing on stage with your 3 best friends while the crowd sings the words to your music.

After tea I went upstairs to get my stuff ready for tour. It was such a stressful part choosing what to take with me and what to leave. Alex decided to help me however I couldn't tell if he was more of a help or a hindrance. After we had finsihed me and Alex were both tired so we were just going to watch a movie together.

Alex's Pov
I was sad that Perrie was going on tour as it meant we wouldn't see eachother for a while. I was going to join her on  the last week of tour so we would only be away from eachother for 3 weeks.

A: R u finished
P: Yeah
A: Sure you don't want a kitchen sink
P: What's that supposed to mean
A: I mean you have everything but. You would think you were going away for a year.
P: You never know what u will need
A: I suppose so, want to go downstairs
P: Race you and I get a head start
A: Fine but I get a head start

I waited a bit before chasing after Perrie who had already ran down the first flight of stairs. Bang. I had no clue what that was I ran down the stairs as quick as I could to find Perrie on the floor at the bottom. I had no idea how far she had fell or what she had done.

Perries Pov
I was running down the stairs away from Alex. But I tripped down the final few stairs. I had twisted my  ankle but apart from that I was fine. I then heard Alex running down the stairs.

A: R u alright 
P: Yeah I only fell the last couple
A: How did you manage that
P: I missed a step
A: Only you could do that
P: I mean I still won
A: haha yeah, sure your alright
P: Yeah don't worry
A: Do you want to go watch a movie still
P: Yeah

He helps me up and I try to avoid putting pressure on my ankle as it's a bit tender. I don't want to tell him as he will make it 10x worse then it actually is. We sit on the sofa and Alex puts the movie on. We get about an hour in and I can barely keep my eyes open.

A: Do you want to go up to bed
P: Yeah
A: Come on then 

He picks me up.

P: I know how to walk you know
A: I know

When upstairs
Perries Pov
I was lay in bed and since moving from the sofa to the bed my ankle seemed to be hurting more then before. Alex was in the bathroom and I was staring into space trying to forget about it. He then came back in and hoped into bed next to me. He hit my foot and it sent shooting pains from my toes to my knee. I knew I was definitely pulling faces and making strange noises and he would soon sus something was up.

Alex's Pov
I climbed into bed next to Pez who was lay staring into space. She was so cute and I couldn't believe she was all mine. I felt myself accidentally kick her. However she seemed like she was in alot of pain. I didn't have a clue what was wrong and didn't know if I had did something to her.

A: Pez baby r u alright
P: Yeah I'm fine just got a sore ankle
A: Why didn't you say anything
P: Didn't want to be a pain and it's not that bad.
A: You could never be a pain and let me see.

Perries Pov
I took my sock off and my ankle looked worse then it felt. It was quite swollen and red around my ankle.

A: Perrie it's not going to get any better if you don't look after it
P: It was fine before we came upstairs
A: Still you should keep an eye on it
P: I'll be fine let's go to sleep.

I lay my head on Alex's chest
and had my foot elevated on the pillows at the end of the bed. I went to sleep.

Alexs Pov
It had only been 5 minutes and Perrie was already alseep. Her snores filled the room and I caught myself just staring at her before I finally went to sleep myself.

Perries Pov
I woke up and it was still kinda dark outside. I look at my phone and it's only 7am. I had no idea why I was awake so early but I was. My ankle was less swollen then it was last night and some of the redness had went down. I had been awake for over an hour by the time Alex had woken up.

A: Good morning gorgeous how r u
P: I'm fine and my ankle feels better then it did yesterday before you ask.
A: Good, r u doing anything today
P: I have my final dance rehearsal for tour at 12. Before we leave tomorrow  but other then that no
A: Okay I'll miss u when u go
P: me too but it won't be for long
A: do you want to go downstairs and get breakfast
P: Yeah let's go

Alex's Pov
Me and Perrie both went downstairs and she was walking a bit strangely.

A: Perrie how does your ankle actually feel
P: Its fine unless I'm walking on it
A: Do you think dance rehearsals are a good idea
P: I'll just wrap it. I can't miss the final rehearsals considering I'm the one that is most likely to forget
A: if your sure
P: Yeah I'll be fine don't worry. the girls will look after me

Perries Pov
Me and Alex had spent the morning doing absolutely nothing. Alex made me ice my foot, and I knew he just cared about be but it was still irritating. I wrapped my ankle and the pain wasn't half as bad. I said bye to Alex and got in the car and headed to the studio. I didn't know what time I would be home, I suppose it was going to be however long it took for everything to be perfect.

Jesys Pov
We had all arrived at the studio and were just chilling before going to make sure we knew everything. I got a text from Alex which was strange. I opened it and it said

Hi Jesy,
Sorry to bother you but could you please keep and eye on Perrie. She fell down the stairs last night and hurt her ankle. She's convinced me she's fine but I don't know how true that is.

I tell him I will and he just tells me thanks.

I then go and talk to Perrie.

JN: How's your ankle
P: Wait how do you know about that
JN: One your boyfriend told me to keep and eye on you and two you have wrapped it.
P: Its fine he's to overprotective. I will be fine and if it gets worse I'll say something
JN: Okay lets go

Comment any ideas as I'm a bit stuck. Hope this ones okay xx

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