19. Support (part 2)

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Perries Pov
I woke up and it must of been really early because I could hear Alex downstairs. He was never quiet in the morning but I was glad I was going to be able to say bye before we left each other for a bit. It was only 5am however I dragged myself out of bed and headed downstairs.

A: Sorry did I wake u up
P: Don't worry about it. I'm glad you did
A: Come here
P: I'll miss your cuddles
A: I'll miss holding you in my arms but you can cuddle the girls
P: Its not the same still
A: Nope
P: Anyways Leigh-anne is coming over at 8 to stay for the night before we leave tomorrow
A: That's not long then
P: Nope she would really do anything
A: Anyways as much as I'm loving this I have to go
P: I love you
A: Love you too. I'll miss u
P: Me to bye
A: bye

Jades Pov
We had only did one show so far and it was absolutely amazing. I couldn't wait for what was next. We had a few shows in France before a few days break before Germany.

P: I'm still so glad I revered the whole show and everything however if I learn one more I think I'll die
JN: Good job we don't change anything once we've started

Our manager came in and I honestly didn't know why. He had a massive smile on his face so he definitely came to tell us something.

M: I have some news
L: what
P: Tell us already
M: Use are performing at the brits next week.
JN: That's amazing
JT: How come we only know now and what about tour.
M: There was a delay. Only everyone found out today so where no different. It's in the few days break
L: What went from peaceful went to hectic
P: I can't learn one more thing. I'm struggling to remember what we already have.
JN: U can Pez it's just in your head. We can help you and you'll be absolutely fine
JT: Don't worry about it till after
M: There's something else
P: What now
M: U r obviously going to have to rehearse a new performance. The brits is in 6 days so use have a lot of rehearsals inbetween shows. Most of them r early because of interviews and stuff

The next day
Jesys Pov
Perrie had been so stressed all day and we just couldn't calm her. She didn't believe she could do it and everything went down hill. There was only 1 person which might be able to help. I'm going to text Alex

Hi Alex I don't know if Perrie has told you this but we are performing at the brits during our few days off. We have just found out and don't have long to prepare and her anxiety is everywhere. She just doenst believe she can do it when we all know she can do u want to talk to her as she won't listen to us

Hi Jesy she told me use we r perfomring at the brits congratulations. She was really anxious before tour but I didn't know she was struggling in rehearsals. I'm off for the next week and have already booked a flight to come to France and then leave for the brits with use. I'll call her now and see if I can calm her down a bit.


Perries Pov
I was zoned out thinking about everything when my phone went off. It was Alex and I was really excited to speak with him. I had had such a bad day today and I knew he would take my mind off it.

A: Hi gorgeous
P: Hi handsome
A: Congratulations again about the brits
P: Thanks
A: What's up. You don't seem excited like you normally do.
P: Its just tiring
A: I know there's more then that bothering you
P: Of course u do. I can't do the dance. It's to hard and the girls know quiet a bit of it already and I can't do it. They keep saying how the girls are so much better and that I will never be as good as them. And I miss u. Alot
A: Who baby
P: The voices in my head and now I sound 3
A: Its alright your not 3. Ican't imagine how hard this is for u. Have u told the girls
P: Some of it
A: Okay make sure u say the rest and about missing me. Well see eachother soon
P: Okay I love you
A: Love u more princess

Perries Pov
After speaking with Alex I felt less alone and decided to tell the girls absolutely Everything. I was alot happier and was not going to let this defeat me. They were all really supportive and said they would help me to cope. Jesy also mentioned a special surprise tomorrow and knowing Jesy that could be good or bad.

L: I'm going to bed we r all up early tomorrow
JN: Yeah when do rehearsals start again
P: 06:30
JT: They are so long as well they end at 10 then start again from 2-4
L: The we have to perform
JN: where lucky there is an interview inbetween or we would literally rehearse all day

I'll probably do one final part to this. Thanks for reading xx

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