46. promo

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Perries pov
Today was going to be a very long and busy day. It was only 6am however we had alot to get done but I didn't have to leave for 2 hours so I phoned Alex. It was always one of the first things we would both do in a morning when one of us was away as it made us feel closer. He was now back in Manchester doing training and whatever else but I was still in London since me and the girls had so much stuff to get though after the disruption lockdown had caused. It was weird going back and was so much hard work and tiresome. Anne Marie had asked us to be apart of her documentary and we had all obviously agreed because Anne marie is just amazing and so nice and kind.

The phone didn't even ring once because he had answered it so quickly.

A: morning baby
P: morning handsome
A: how r u
P: tired
A: why
P: I dunno i just know it is going to be a long day
A: same here, what r use doing like
P: promo, meeting, recording and Anne Marie's documentary
A: sounds fun
P: what do u have
A: training and conditioning stuff and a meeting
P: cool anyways I should probably get ready
A: me too. Ill text u

I got ready and went straight to the studio to find i was 20 minutes late which management wernt going to like but I cant help the traffic. I walked in the room and sat on the end next to Jade. "Perrie you were 30 minutes late so we started without you" management said. "I cant help the traffic " was all I could say back. She just looked at me before going back to whatever they were talking about. Jade just smiled at me before whispering "we haven't did anything important anwyays" which made me smile and relax more.

After the meeting which lasted for 2 hours and was pretty pointless we had a whole load of recording to do. It was all being squished into 2 hours so that we could make it to anne marries documentary. I messed up a whole bunch of times so we didn't get much done and it was a pretty pointless session. Another reason for management to br annoyed at me today. I think Jesy was a bit irritated with me but I knew she was just as  stressed as me with coming back to work after so long away and having such a tight skedule.

On the way to the place we were meeting Anne Marie I just texted Alex. I  just felt a bit down and knew that no matter what he would be able to cheer me up.

P: hi text me if u can x
A: hi I have a break now xx
P: Good x
A: r u alright pez. Xx
P: yeqh just feeling a bit overwhelmed and stressed  xx
A: keep.going xx
P: I just feel so stressed out. I was late to the meeting. Got shouted at my management and then messed up recording and got shouted at again and now all the girls are irritated xx
A: it will be alright babe. The girls won't be mad there probably just tired as well. Xx
P: yeah xx
A: after the documentary r u done
P: no we have promo which takes forever xx
A: it will be alright xx
P: when r u back in London xx
A: not for another week x
P: okay I've got to go bye xx
A: bye love u xx
P: love u to xx

We were now on our way back from filming the documentary and it was already 3pm and promo took up to 6 hours which meant we were a vetting back late tonight.

Alex's pov
Training had just ended and i was packing my stuff to go to London. I'm not getting played next week which is upsetting because I've tried really hard but I can't change his mind. On the bright side it means I can see Perrie and that sounds more appealing then playing a football match anwayys. Especially since she is so stressed and I just want to cuddle her. I leave the hotel and head straight to London. It would be around 7pm when I get home so I don't know if Perrie will be at the studio or home ill just have to wait and see.

Perries pov
We had been reocording for an hour and Bearley any of them were done. There was so many different countries we did and had to learn a few words in other languages and I messed some of them up as well. Today really wasn't my day. The girls had comforted me and knew how much pressure I was feeling however management didn't seem to care which wasn't a change from the usual. I was trying so so hard and the more I got myself worked up the more it upset the others. I was part crying in a few of the promo videos jwover at the minute I didn't care. Another thing was i had set Jssy off crying a little bit. It really does hurt us when the another person gets upset.

Alex's pov
It was half 7 when I opened the door and I didn't see any lights on. I opened the door and didn't even get greeted by the dogs which made me remmeber Perrie had left them with my mam since she knew she was going to be out all day. This meant she wasn't home and was at the studio which meant I was going to go surprise her there after I ahd picked the dogs up.

I got there and singed in at reception where they told me the room the girls were in. My phone then started beeping like crazy and I had a whole load of messages and when I went on instgram I had been tagged in lots of videos of Perrie in the promo videos. I had no clue why she was crying or so upset but I needed her in my arms now. Also I don't know how my girlfriend can make crying look so pretty

(A/N i think all the girls are really pretty criers)

They were all sat on the floor in the corner of the room in silence.

Perries pov
Me and the girls were deciding what to do next. Thousands of people had now saw the promo videos and do you know what I didn't care hoe I looked but I wasn't ready for what the paps and news people would say. Probably some rubbish about us arguing. I looked up and saw someone stood at the door. I jumped off the floor and ran over to him. I had no clue why or how he was here but I was so so happy. The girls were awwwwing in the background but we didn't care.

P: why are u here
A: I don't have training and thought I would surprise you
P: wait why
A: we can talk about that later irs no important what is important is you
P: I take it you have saw promo videos and stuff
A: yeah I got tagged in some
P: just the stress of everything came out in one go
A: had u spoke to the girls
L: spoke to us about what
P: no I didn't
JN: why don't u tell us now. We know u haven't been yourself babe
P: I've just been overwhelmed with it all and for some reason I have been useless all day
JT: hey you aren't useless
A: far from it. Today was a weird day for u
P: thanks
L: at least we have tomorrow off
P: yeah

Ending this one here

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