13. Crash

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Alex's pov
Me and Perrie were getting ready to go to her mams. It wasn't that long of a drive away and it only took about 20 minutes to get there. Perries family felt like my second family and it was amazing how much they supported me.

We got in the car and Perrie texted her mam to let her know we were on our way. Perrie looked just as gorgeous as ever and I loved ever part of her. I couldn't believe she was mine.

Perries Pov
We were about halfway there when a giant truck pulled out and hit my side of the car. I don't remember what happened next I just remember the car spiralling to a stop.

Alex's Pov
Me and Perrie were singing to songs in the car when a truck pulled into the side of us and sent us spiralling. I didn't feel much impact of the crash as I was on the opposite side of the car however Perrie was screaming. I had no clue what to do, it hurt me so much seeing her in that much pain. People from everywhere started coming to help us. Someone had rang emergency services and all we could do was wait. Both doors of the car were blocked so we were trapped until they came and got us out.

The firebregade came and took all the doors of the car so that the paramedics could assess us. I didn't really care about me as I felt fine. I had glass in my leg but that was it. i just hoped they could help Perrie. We Both went in separate ambulances to the hospital. Perrie was on a stretcher as she had alot of backpain and couldnt move.I just wished i could be with Perrie. When in the ambulance they asked if I wanted to call anyone to let them know what happened and I thought it would be best to call Deborah (Perries mam) as she would be wondering where we were.

She was a bit of a mess after I told her a truck had crashed into the car. I said everything that had happened including how much of a mess Perrie was in. I wanted someone to be with Perrie and I knew there was no-one better then Deborah. She said she was on her way to the hospital and would keep me updated on Perrie. I hoped I would be able to see her soon.

At the hosptial
Deborahs Pov
I had just arrived at the hospital and asked at the front desk where Perrie Edwards and Alex oxlade-chamberlain were. They said that they were both in ICU and gave me directions. I waited outside the door
until someone came and said I was allowed to see Alex but not Perrie yet.

I went inside to find him sat on his phone. I knew he wanted to be with Perrie and it killed him that he couldn't see her.

D= Deborah

D: Hello how r u
A: fine.do you know how Perrie is
D: No I'm not allowed to see her yet. Do you know anything about her.
A: All I know is that she had to have some scans done.
Doctor: hello Alex all your scans have come back clear and you can go to a ward where u will be discharged later if all stays the same.
A: Okay
Doctor: R u alright to follow me
A: Yeah

Alex's Pov
I was happy I was being discharged soon as that meant I could see pez. I know she is in alot of pain and I just wish I could comfort her. I get up and leave ICU as another trauma call is coming in. Deborah tries to follow me but I tell her to stay for when Pez is allowed visitors.

20 minutes later
Perries Pov
I had finished all my scans now and I had  lost count of all the medication I had been giving. I couldn't stop wondering about what innuries i might have and if Alex was alright. I still have the blocks around my head and spinal board on as they think I could of broke my back. I also had a scan done on my left hip as I couldn't move it.

Deborahs Pov
I had been told I was allowed to see  Perrie and I was shook by the amount of machines and equipment there was around her. Tears start streaming down my face as I wish my baby was okay.

P: Don't cry I'm alright
D: Cource u r, U r so strong
P: Do you know how Alex is
D: He's fine there's nothing the matter
He can be discharged in an hour or so. He's more nervous about you.
P: Even if he was in 500 pieces her care more about me
D: He loves you
P: and I love him
D: I know you do. Alex said you had, had scans done. What for
P: I have a suspected broken back and there might be something wrong with my hop

Deboarah- I was sat with Perrie when I got a text from Alex.
Hi sorry to disturb you but do you know what's wrong with Perrie and is she ok

P: Who was that from
D: Alex
P: What does he want
D: He's asking after you. Do you want me to help you phone him
P: Please
D: I'll ask him

Hi Alex she's alright. She wants to phone you but beware there's lots of machines and equipment around her so prepare yourself.

On the phone
A: Hi Baby r u alright
P: Yeah r u
A: I'm fine what's happening with you
P: I have a suspected broken back and there might be something wrong with my hip.
A: I'm sorry
P: its not your fault
A: I was driving. Anyways you will get through this. You are literally the strongest person on the planet.
P: Thanks I've got to go the doctors have my results
A: Tell me when you know. I'll see you soon gorgeous. Love you bye
P: Love you to bye

You will find out the results in part 2. Tell me if you have anything you want to happen and I'll try and incorporate it xx

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