27. The worst pain (Part 3)

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Perries Pov
My mam had just left and it was now 6pm. The doctor had came to check on me and said that I would be in here tonight, Friday and Saturday but I could leave on Sunday. Sunday was exactly a week before the festival and I was going wether people wanted me to or not. I wouldn't push myself however I would rather go then people make assumptions. I had been giving medication I would have to take for 2 weeks. It could be as long as 6 weeks before I was fully healed and allowed to do more intense things.

It was now 8pm and I was super tired. It had been a very eventful day and I just wanted to sleep. I already had my pjarmas on and me and Alex were watching Netflix on the iPad together. He was very protective of me and was so caring. He must of sensed I was tired because he turned the movie off.

A: Go to sleep baby
P: But I bet you aren't tired
A: I am a bit and that's doesn't matter. You have went through alot today
P: I love u
A: Have u took your meds
P: No I forgot
A: Perrie
P: Sorry I'll go and get them now
A: I'll get them for u
P: I can go myself
A: I know but let me. The more you rest the better you will heal
P: Thank you
A: Its fine now let's sleep

He was playing with my hair and I then fell asleep practically lieing on top of him. It was a good job he loved me.

The next day
Jades Pov
It was only 9 am when me Jesy and Leigh had all arrived at the hospital and were going to see Perrie. We hadn't saw her since she had became ill and we knew she might what cheered up so we brought some of her favourite foods. One way to cheer Perrie up is to give her some food and she'll be your friend for life. Alex had told us what to as for at the desk so we could see them.

We opened the door and Perrie was asleep lay on the bed. She was so peaceful and Alex was sat next to her.

A: Hi
JT: Hi how is she
A: Alright. She's not in as much pain but she still wants to perform next week
L: She's going to put to much stress on herself
A: I know she just doesn't want to let anyone down
JN: Everyone will understand.
A: Yeah. Just don't mention it
P: I'm awake and heard all of that
L: Hi
P: Hi

You could see she was in pain by just sitting up. Her face changed and she was holding the side of the bed

A: Do u want some ibuprofen
P: Yeah
A: I'll go get you some
P: thanks

JN: So miss I'm to stubborn to admit when I'm in pain
P: I didn't want to worry him or any one else for that matter
L: He knew something was off with you all day. He had been messaging us to ask if we knew how to get you to go to the hospital
P: I wonder what I did to deserve him. It started gradually and I thought nothing of it. It was only when we were on the way here I started to know what it was. Then I thought the pain going was a good thing but it wasn't  because it and burst
JT: We brought you your favourites
P: You didn't have to. So r we going to talk about the festival
L: your not doing it
P: Yeah I am and use can't stop me. so would of had the meds for over a week by then. I'm not going to do anything stupid and I'll take it easy.
JN: We will see
A: Here baby
P: thanks

Perries Pov
It was nice having the girls here. We had finally agreed that I would be able to go to the festival. I knew they would have to give in, in the end. I couldn't do much of the dance routines though and I agreed knowing it was going to be hard enough on myself. Alex was very reluctant on letting me go but he was happier when he relaised he could come as well.

The girls left and we had a chilled out day watching movies. It was now night and I was changing into new pjarmas. I didn't notice how visible my scar actually was and I hoped the bruising would go away soon. Alex saw me looking at it and gently placed his hands on top.

A: Its gorgeous like u
P: If it wasn't bad enough having one
A: Hey it has a friend now
P: hahaha I'm so glad after tomorrow I can leave
A: you are still going to have to be careful or u will kill yourself
P: I'm going to be just fine. Stop worrying.
A: Okay

This was a very quick update xx
Oops this is a bit long so I'll do another part with the festival. This one part is turning into a book 😂 xx

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