7. Help

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This is glory days era as something like this has been mentioned in a interview so i thought I'd mess around with it.

Perries Pov
I had just got back from the studio and like always the day wasn't a good one. I couldn't learn the dance like everyone else and my anxiety was getting the better of me. It had been worse then it had ever been before and I had no idea what was triggering it. Alex was going to be home in about an hour so I went in the shower. I also ordered pizza as I couldn't be bothered to cook.

I was sat on the sofa when I heard keys in the door and I knew it was Alex.

Alex's Pov
I was just arriving home when the pizza delivery man arrived. I paid him for the pizza and went inside. I found Perrie sat on the sofa cuddling Hatchi and they were so cute. She saw that I had the pizzas and her face lit up. We were just going to sit in the living room and eat while watching a movie. Probably a Disney one knowing Perrie.

Once Perrie had put frozen on we sat and ate our pizza. Perrie was sat just staring at the ceiling holding her pizza in her hand. I knew Perrie was having a hard time recently and I just wished i could take it all away.

A: You okay
P: Yeah Just had a bad day
A: Why don't you tell me about it, it'll help

P: Okay, So we were learning the choreography and the other girls managed to learn it but I kept messing it up. It would go in one ear and out the other and I have no idea why. I then thought the girls were getting annoyed at me which made me have A panic attack again. After that was over we went home and we are just going to start again tomorrow. I just feel so useless

A: You aren't useless, your actually incredibly talented you just don't see it. You will learn it and the girls won't get annoyed at you at all because they care about you and hate that you have to go through what your going through.

P: Thanks why do you have to make evrything so much better
A: It just helps to talk about it. But if the girls are okay with it and if and if you want me to i could go with you to the studio tomorrow. I'm not doing anything and I'd just be on my own. I could learn the dance as well and I could then help you at the studio and at home.
P: I would love that and I'm sure the girls won't mind. I'll ask them now anyways.

Little mixs group chat
P: Hi girls I want to thank you all for everything. Also wanted to ask if Alex could come to rehearsals tomorrow as I have less anxiety with him there. And also so he could learn the dance as well so that he could help me at home. xx

JN: Of course he can come xx
JT: Yeah we don't mind xx
L: Yeah you don't even have to ask.

P: Thanks
L: No problem see you tomorrow xx

Back with Perrie and Alex
P: The girls say you can come tomorrow
A: Okay good, Now let's eat before the pizza gets cold.
P: Yeah

After the movie
Perries Pov
I was so tired after watching frozen and I just wanted to go to bed. I didn't want to go alone so I made Alex come with me. We both went to our room and got sorted before jumping into bed. I lay my head on his chest as he plays on his phone with his arm around me. It could of only been a matter of minutes and I was asleep.

Alex's Pov
Perrie was sleeping like a baby and it was the cutest thing in the world. I got a text from Jesy saying

Hi Alex it's Jesy I just wanted to say thank you for helping our baby pez. It's nice to know how much you care about her. She's been through a lot recently and it's nice to know your there to help her through it. Just letting you know you might find rehearsals a bit mental at first , but you'll get used to it as the day goes on. See you in the morning

Comment if you want a part 2. Sorry it took so long to update I'm sure use all know why. I'll try and update more from now xx

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