39. mini Alerries

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Oakley and Isla are twins and have just turned 2.

Perries Pov
We had spent the day at the beach together as a 4. It was great because it was rare we would all spend time together. Mine and Alex's work was always opposites so normally one would be at work. Me and the girls had a week off which meant more time to spend all together.

We had all finished tea and bot girls were covered in pasta sauce from head to toe. There was so much mess and it was a good job it was nearly bath time. Bath time wasn't always easy because Isla hated the bath and Oakley would always try to splash her which she didn't like.

After we had finished clearing up the kitchen and loading the dishwasher Alex started to run the bath and I got them undressed. He always somehow ended up with the easy jobs. Oakley got undressed and ran straight upstairs where as Isla was running around the sitting room with her pants on her head. It was now 19:13 which meant we were already 14 minutes behind schedule.

Once I had finally caught her and managed to take her top off I carried her upstairs. She saw the bath and started kicking and screaming. Oakley was now laughing at her and everything was mental. Alex took her out of my arms and places her in the chair closest to the sink. Once She was in the bath she was fine. I let Alex bath them and I went to get there things for bed ready. This included clean pjarmas and pullups as well as some warm milk.

I heard Isla start dying and Alex shouting at Oakley. I walked in the bathroom and there was water all over the floor and Alex had picked Isla out of the bath.

P: I'll take Isla while u talk to Oakley
A: thanks babe

Once Isla had got into her pjarmas and was now sat in her bed with her milk Oakley and Alex came in.

A: What do u say Oakley
O: Sowey Isla
A: Now get into your bed and I'll give u your milk
O: yeeeee

It was 8pm by the time both girls had fallen alseep. God I loved them however they were sometimes so much hard work. I couldn't imagine what life would be without them but they tire me out and have so much energy

Alex's Pov
Me and Perrie were sat watching an episode of a recent series we had been watching. It had been a while since we started it but since we rarely had time with just us 2 it took a while to get thorugh the series. After only 10 minutes her eyes were already fluttering and I could tell she was very tired. I wrapped my arms around her and she cuddles into me. "You tired" I ask while playing with her hair. "A bit" she responds while yawning. "Do u want to go up to bed"
"No" she says fighting to keep her eyes open. "Come on let's go up to bed. I can see you are tired" "But we haven't been able to watch this in ages and I know u love watching it". I pick her up and just carry her up. At first she tried to escape but she eventually gave in.

We both got to our room and were lay in bed cuddling into eachother when we heard some noises. For some reason both of our girls sleep talk and it is extremely weird. Sometimes I think they are talking to ecahother however I think that is just a coincidence there both speaking.

It hadn't been very long when I could here some little footsteps coming along the passage. I didn't know who it was but I knew they were going to try and stay with us tonight. I saw Islas little head poke through the door and it was soon followed by Oakley.

P: What are use girls doing out of bed
I: Can't sleep. It's to scary
O: I had a nightmare
A: Come here and tell us what happened in them
O: Daddy turned into a wolf and kept trying to hurt Isla
I: No mammy was an Alien and she hurt Oakley
P: We can promise where not Aliens or wolfs and use are both safe
A: Lie down inbetween us and close your eyes because it is way past your bedtime
P: night girls
O: Nanite
I: Nanite
A: Do u think it's strange they had dreams about ecahother
P: Yeah but it just shows they live eachother
A: even if they do wind ecahother up
P: I'm going to sleep as well
A: Night then princess
P: love u
A: love u to

There was no better place to fall asleep then surrounded by my 3 beautiful princesses. They were all so gorgeous and I loved our little family. Who knows maybe one day we will have another baby Alerrie

Hope u like this and do u want more oneshots of them with kids and if so can u tell me some suggestions xxx

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