41. Pregnant? Adoption? (Part 2 )

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Alex's pov
We were both sat in the living room about to.open up our emails. Perrie wanted to open them both at the same time so that was what we were going to do. She was sat next to my side and she was visibly shaking. I could tell how nervous she was about finding out the results. I started playing with her hair as we both clicked in the emails. I smiled when I read that I was completely fine and there should be no reason I can't get Perrie pregnant. However once I looked at Perrie her face had dropped and tears were building up in her eyes. I pulled her as close as I could get her and she buried her face into my hoodie. I placed small kisses on her head as she tried to compose herself.

While she was settling down she passed me her phone so I could also read the email she had been sent. It read that her reproductive system wasn't strong enough and there could of been times in the past she was pregnant however the baby didn't last long. She would of never noticed this and would of just thought it was her period.

Perries pov
I hated this so much just why me. Leigh already had 2 girls and jade had twin boys. Jesy was 36 weeks pregnant with  a boy so it was just me. I was failing everyone. I knew how much Alex wanted kids and how much my mam wanted to be grandma to our babies. We both went to bed and put a movie on but I wasn't paying much attention to it. My phone buzzed and it really wasn't something I wanted to know right now. Leigh had just found out she was pregnant for the 3rd time. None of her babies were planned and her and Andre seemed to just be baby producers. I said congrats before withdrawing myself from the conversation and going to sleep.

Alex's pov
Perrie was asleep and it was nice seeing her peaceful. I caught myself just watching her breaths until I decided to get the laptop. The first thing on there was the fostering place we had previously looked at and the 13 year old girl on there. She had some similar features to Perrie like her faceshape and hair colour. I clicked on it and found out she had a younger brother and a little sister. They were just as adorable and I couldn't take my eyes off them. All 3 of them had been in Foster care for 3 years after there mam was found taking drugs and leaving the older girl to look after her siblings.

We would be able to meet them tomorrow if we wanted to. I didn't know if Perrie was ready yet or if she was up to having 3 kids so didn't apply to meet them. I would speak to her in the morning about it.

Perries Pov
I woke up with all the covers onto of me and Alex had a different quilt. I just pull them off him and he doesn't take them back. The events of last night were still haunting me but I had to.move on from it. I was going to tell the girls about it at some point however I wanted leigh to have her time.

The laptop was plugged in down the side of the bed so I got that and was going to watch some Netflix until Alex woke up. I opened it to what Alex must of been looking at the previous night after I had been to bed. All 3 kids on the screen were so cute and adorable and I would happily steal them all. Maybe Alex thought the same and was waiting for my opinion.

After 20 minutes I couldn't wait any longer so I woke him up in the nicest way possible which involved wacking a pillow across his head jntil he moved. Once he had finally woken up he was a bit grouchy.

P: morning
A: morning r u alright
P: yeah I want to ask u something
A: couldn't it wait till im awake
P: I waited long enough and I am to excited
A: ask away then
P: Do u know the 3 kids on the laptop
A: Yeah I was looking at stuff last night its alright if your not ready
P: no I want to do it as soon as we can. I am so excited
A: Really
P: Really
A: Lets call them up and see what they say then

A: They say later if we want to we can take them to the park for an hour. There social worker will be coming with them incase they need anything
P: Sounds good

Okay so I know this is taking a while however I really like this concept xx

Question: How old r u 🤔 xx

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