29. Cramps

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Thanks BurtCraven for your request. Go check out her book xx

Perries Pov
We were on the sofa watching a movie before going to bed. I had just came on my period this morning and had insanely bad cramps. I had already took some ibuprofen but they just wouldn't go. It felt like someone was tearing at my insides. I just lay there in silence trying to bring my legs up and curl in a ball to get more comfy. I was trying to do this sutterly because I didn't want him to notice. He was a bit over protective at times.

Alex's Pov
Me and Pez were on the sofa watching a movie. She was lay with her head on my shoulder but she know removing and I could tell she wasn't comfortable. I knew these positions from all the other times she did them and knew they were because of cramps and period pains. She always tried to hide her pain since she was good at doing it on stage. All of the girls had been on stage during some of the worst and there most painful days of there lives.
"r u alright" I asked trying to be quiet incase she had a headache as well. "Yeah" she says sweetly back while biting her lip trying to stop the tears which have filled her ocean blue eyes.
I pulled her closer and tears started to slide down her face.

P: My stomach hurts
A: I know baby. Why don't we go up to bed and I can bring you some painkillers and your hot water bottle.
P: Thankyou
A: Don't worry about it.
P: uhhhhhh
A: Do u want me to carry you
P: I'll be fine
A: Come here. You clearly aren't fine
P: If your sure.

I took her upstairs before going and getting some more pain killers and sorted her hot water bottle for her. I gave them to her and then got into bed next to her. She curled up into a ball next to me and I hoped she would be better tomorrow.

A: why didn't u say anything sooner
P: I don't know. I knew you were happy watching the movie and stuff. I could cope with it.
A: I don't mind and it isn't your fault anyways. I'd rather know that you wern't okay so I can help you
P: I love you
A: I love you to baby
P: I'm going to sleep
A: Goodnight

Perries Pov
I woke up and it was only 4am. I now had a massive headache and felt sick. I was usually didn't ever feel this and when on my period. I sorted everything out down there, refilled my hot water bottle before climbing back into bed. Alex had training today and would be awake in a few hours anyways. I tried to get some more sleep but I just couldnt even though I was so tired. I should of got some more pain killers however I couldn't be bothered to get out of bed and go and get some.

Hatchi came in bed and I just sat and lay with him for a bit. He was super quiet and it was as if he knew I just needed a cuddle. I heard Alex's alarm go off at 6 and I was happy he would be awake as well.

A: How long have you been awake baby
P: 2 hours
A: U should of woken me up
P: I didn't want to disturb you
A: I wouldn't of minded. Do u need anything.
P: Can u get me some more painkillers
A: Yeah of course I can. Do u have a headache
P: Yeah but how do you know
A: your voice is quiet and your squinting
P: I feel like I've feel a thousand feet from the Sky
A: I can stay home with you if you want
P: I'll be fine don't worry about me
A: Sure
P: Yeah honestly
A: How about you ask the girls to come over if there not doing anything.
P: Jesy and Jade went to Scotland with there boyfriends.
A: How about Leigh
P: I think she's free
A: why don't you message her and she'll get it whenever she wakes up
P: Can u please. My phone is to bright
A: I'll do it now and then I'll get ready to go
P: Okay

Alex's Pov
I Texted Leigh to ask if she was doing anything. I explained that Perrie wasn't feeling to good and would enjoy someone to talk to. To my surpise she messaged straight back and said she'd be over within an hour. I wanted to ask her why she was awake so early as she usually sleeps late however I just left it and went to tell Perrie.

A: Leigh said she'll be over in an hour
P: She's awake
A: Yeah.
P: Okay. Have fun at training
A: Text me if you need anything
P: I will

I just lay in bed until I heard the door. I knew she had a spare key which she usually used so why not now. I went downstairs and answered the door.

P: Hi
L: Hi u alright
P: I'll live
L: Sorry I forgot my key
P: It's fine I'm actually surprised your awake
L: Andres alarm woke me up
P: Haha Lets go sit in the living room
L: already coming

We watched a movie and I started to feel a bit better. I'm pretty sure all the affected were wearing off a bit so I would hopefully feel normal later. Alex phoned me on his break from training and he was happy because I seemed happier.

That Night
Perries Pov
Leigh had just left to go see her dogs when the door opened.
P: Hiiiiiii
A: U r louder
P: I feel a lot better
A: That's good then
P: Yeah how was training
A: good

I'm going to leave this there. Hope u like it x

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