37. Time to Our self

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Perries Pov
We had went back into lockdown a month ago and I don't think me and Alex have had any time to ourselves. Ellie was with us and as much as I loved her she sometimes didn't understand that we wanted time alone. I knew she was just bored like we all are but sometimes I wished she had a boyfriend or someone to talk to.   We were all having a family games night using zoom today which would be fun.

I missed just being able to go to my mams and spend the day with her. We were both very close and being apart for so long felt strange. I like being at home all the time but I know others don't. It's probably because I usually see radio stations, arenas and studios more then home.

On the other hand Leigh and Jade both wanted out and to go partying. They both were the party animals of the group and me and Jesy preferred to have chill nights.

We were halfway through the games night when me and Alex had both been out out of the game. Ellie was still in and I'm pretty sure she has a high chance of winning. We said we were going to get drinks when in reality we had both went upstairs to get some us time.

Alex's Pov
The games were a laugh considering some people were drunk and they kept doing crazy and weird things. However going upstairs with Perrie and knowing Ellie was occupied was nice. She had habits of coming in when we were cuddling and when Perrie was at her cutest. I didn't mind Ellie being here at all and she was so funny. Sometimes being outnumbered by girls was annoying however they didn't bite that often.

P: I love your cuddles
A: Me too
P: How long do u think Ellie will take
A: Hopefully a while
P: Hopefully
A: What do u want to do
P: Can we watch a movie and cuddle
A: Yeah but your going to have to let me move so I can put whatever u want on
P: I don't want to I'm comfy
A: Unless u have magic powers then I am going to have to move
P: Fine let's not watch a movie and just talk
A: R u that comfortable
P: Yeah

She was super cute and u could never say no to her. There was times like this where you can't say no to her and  I plan on making her mine for forever. Sooner rather then later I want to propose to her I now just need to find the right time to do it.

Ellie was banging around downstairs and we were both confused as to what she was doing. It sounded like a bomb was exploding in the house. Perrie was so close to being asleep and it was only 10pm. She did love her sleep very much.

Someone came thumping up the stairs like a heard of elephants and Perrie just groaned and covered her ears. I'm pretty sure Ellie is a tiny bit drunk so she won't care that Pez was practically asleep.

E: Hiiiiii what have u 2 been doing and why did u leave me on my own
A: do were on a call and we were both out of the game anyways
E: we played more games
P: And all and alcohol it sounds like
E: Maybe a bit
A: Do u want to go back to the games
E: Everyone left so do u 2 wanna play
P: No I'm alseep
E: Your talking
P: Yes because u woke me up. Now can u leave
E: Nope I'm staying here

Perries Pov
Ellie and blankets and stuff and lay on the floor. She was definitely a bit tipsy because she would normally leave after we had told her to go. Although there was times where we just let her stay as I knew she hated being on her home. It had never got as bad as her staying in the middle of the night.

I closed my eyes and went to slrr0 and just hoped she would stay quitet. I loved lieing n3ct to Alex in bed like this and it was my favourite position to sleep.

The next morning
Ellie's Pov
I woke up on Perrie and Alex's bedroom floor. Who knows why I was here. I think Alex is a wake or he is playing with Perries hair in his sleep. He moved once he saw me and he just smiles.

E: Why am I in here
A: U were a bit drunk and came in
E: Oh Sorry. You should of just kicked me out
A: We tried but we don't mind that much
E: Thanks and I'll try and give use some more time on your own
A: I don't mind u spending time with Pez she is your cousin
E: I know but use 3 probably want some more time alone without me bombarding in here
P: Yeah that would be nice. Also your voices are so loud
A: Is grumpy Perrie awake
P: I'm only grumpy when use wake me up

Don't like this very much but thanks for reading anyways x

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