Bath disaster

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Alex and Perrie have 3 girls
Grace is 15
Olivia is 9 months old

Perries pov
The house was upside down at the moment with boxes from packing to move house tomorrow. We were all so excited however it didn't stop it being any less disastrous. Grace had been very helpful with Olivia and just watching Olivia smile and giggle as she played with her was adorable.

Alex: Grace do u want to bath Olivia or not
Grace: yeah bathing her is my favorite thing to do
Perrie: ill start running it
Grace: ill get her changed and take her up
Alex: im going to pack some more boxes

Graces pov
I had undressed Olivia and wrapped her in her towel so that I could carry her upstairs when her bath was ready.

G: dad is the bath ready 
D: yeah i think its done

I took her upstairs and sat her in the bath then pulled her out as quickly as I possibly could. I felt the heat of the water and her screaming. That's when I realised there was no cold water in the bath


I tried to calm her down but she just wouldn't. Dad came up and took her off me and immediately placed her in the sink running the cold water with a towel to soak the water.

I ran to my room and just shut the door. I could hear mam yelling and not knowing what to do and it was all my fault.

I have such bad writers block with this im sorry. I'll ty and update quicker xx

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