47. d***

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Perrie and Alex have a daughter called Layla who is 5 xx

Perries pov
I was waiting outside a cafe for my cab to come after I had met with the girls. Usually we would all go home together but they were staying later and I just wanted to get back to Alex and Layla. I was stood on my phone just looking at instagram and twitter when the sun disappeared and there was a large shadow infront of me. It was Zayne. We don't have any contact whatsoever anymore and I haven't spoke to him for years so I had no idea what he wanted.

P: what do u want
Z: u
P: u had your chance and you broke it. Pluss I'm with Alex now and I love him and life so leave me alone
Z: and u have a daughter
P: yes whats that to do with u
Z: how about we make a deal
P: im not agreeing with you about anything
Z: u will or Layla will suffer
P: u won't get your hands on her
Z: I will. Anyways your car is here so look out for my dm

I got in the car and I didn't know what to do. I didn't know whether to tell Alex or not but I knew he would just get mad and frustrated that he was pestering me. My head was spinning the whole ride home and I knew that I was going to have to be cautious of everything that I did.

When I got home I was met my some furry creatures before Lyala came running up to me

L: mammyyyyyyyyyyy
P: hello darling
A: hi babe. Did u have a nice time with the girls
P: yeah it was good. Anyways I'm going to go get changed into something comfy before I come back.

alexs pov
Since Perrie had got home she had been acting strangely compare to normal. She didn't eat much of her tea and had just played with it the entire time. She had been dismantling herself from me and was constantly picking her phone up before putting it back down again. Something wasn't quite right with her but I couldn't place my finger on what it was.

After Layla had went to bed we just sat in silence on opposite ends of the sofa not even cuddling ecahother. Usually this would be time we spent together washing a movie or something hwoevr she just stared at her phone or into space.

Perries pov
After Layla had went to bed my worst nightmare had come true. Zayne was now dming me on instagram asking me to go round to his tomorrow or that he is going to make Laylas life hell. I didn't know what he was going to do but I wasn't going to let him touch my baby. Alex was at training tomorrow and Layla was at school so I suppose I was just going to have to take the risk and hope he wasn't going to do anything to bad.

Its after midnight and I just came up with this idea so have a bit now and ill write some more at some point

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