43. Panic overload

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Perries Pov
Today hadn't been a very good day. I had somehow forgot all the lyrics and how to sing apparently. All of my notes were in the wrong order or even just a complete random note. We were trying to record an extra song just as a little surprise but it was so much hard work.

After a disastrous morning trying to record the single we had tour rehearsals. Tour started in a few months and we were not prepared enough. There was long rehearsals of learning choreo after choreo and we were all used to learning so many steps in a small amount of time but today it didn't work like that and I couldn't pick up any of it and when I did it was in the wrong order and completely out of time.

The girls told me it was alright and we could just try and do it another day if I couldn't do it after but I knew the girls were a bit annoyed we would have to do the same thing tomorrow. Half way through our 5 hour rehearsals we had a break and luckily for me Alex had a break at the exact same time. I left the room and went to sit in the one a few doors down so it was more quiet.

P: Hi
A: hi u alright. U seem down
P: yeah
A: sure
P: mhm
A: Perrie. Seriously whats wrong
P: im a failure
A: u 100% aren't what makes u say that
P: I cant do anything right. I messed up all the notes and the dance
A: that doesn't make u a failure
P: but every one else can manage
A: you will get there. Also I can see how stressed u are please calm down
P: I am
A: how much more rehearsals do u have
P: 2 and a bit hours but it might be shorter
A: okay i can come in an hour if you want
P: yeah see u then

1 hour later
Alex's pov
I had just arrived at the studio and was trying to work out which room they were in. I followed the music and found them all sat around Perrie. She really was stressed out. "Pez Baby" I say hoping she will answer. "Yeah" she said ever so sweetly her voice slightly raspy which I assume from the fact she was crying. All the girls agreed that Perrie should just go home and that she could start again tomorrow.

I helped her off the floor and we made our way to the car in silent. Tea had been cooking while we were out so we would probably sort that out soon as it was only 4pm. Perrie didn't say anything on the ride home and just stared out of the window. After we got home she went upstairs to get changed into something more comfy and I did the same.

After Perrie saying a few words we both realised we were hungry so both went to the kitchen to get the plates out. Perrie dropped a plate on the floor.

Perries pov
We were both in the kitchen and I dropped the plate on the floor and it shattered into a million pieces. I had no clue what was wrong with me. I knew Alex was talking to me but I couldn't here him. I felt myself going dizzy and my breathing getting heavier and heavier. The blur of Alex came over and I stopped skiing as much at his touch.

It struck that I was having a panic attack which I now haven't had in over a year. I started to come back a bit more to the real world and I could here what was going on around me again. I followed Alex and my breathing finally got back to being normal again.

A: u alright
P: Yeah I'm sorry. I probably scared u
A: its not your fault.
P: I haven't had one of them in a while
A: I know it will be from the stress of rehearsals. Try not to think of it
P: yeah. Ill clean up the plate and then we can eat
A: lets eat first and then ill do it. I don't mind
P: sure
A: yeah just be careful please
P: don't worry i feel alot better now

The next morning
Perries pov

I woke up dreading what was going to happen today. I was getting so anxious thinking about it and knew I had to start thinking about something else. My phone was always a good distraction and I would get lost on instgram looking at posts people had made. When Alex woke up we both spoke for a bit and he was going to come with me for the first hour before he ahd to leave which me feel a bit better about it.

We got in the car and went to the studio but seeing the  building again made me tense up and my breaths were getting shorter and shorter.

A: breathe Pez
P: Im trying
A: i know. It will be fine yesterday was a different day 
P: I just want it to go well
A: it will now lets go

This isn't my favourite thing to have written but I am having a bit of a block with these. I know what the ideas I have are its just trying to word some of them. Anyways hope u r all well xx

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