20. Support (part 3)

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Alex's Pov
I had just arrived in France and it was 1pm. I knew the girls were at an interview because Jesy had told me about it last night so was going to the studio they We rehearsing it o surprise Perrie when she arrives.  There dance coach was already in here so while I was waiting I learnt as much of the dance as I could in order to be able to help Perrie.

It was 2pm and I pretty much knew all of the dance. I was surprised at how quick I learnt it. However the second I didn't think about it I had to rethink that part no wonder the girls find it hard remembering 100000 different dances. I can nearly remember one

Perries Pov
Jesy was acting really strange and I couldnt tell why. She was avoiding me more then the others ever since I walked in on her on the phone. She hung up the second I entered the room and this really put me on edge

Jesys Pov
Alex had called me to tell me that he had landed and was now learning the dance at the studio. It was honestly so cute how much he cared about and supported Perrie. The only thing is Perrie entered the room while I was on the phone and I hung up on him. I feel like Perrie is wondering
if she has did something. I cant wait for her to walk in the studio.

Perries Pov
I walked in the studio to the biggest and bestest surprise. Alex was stood there with his arms open and Jesy just smiled at me. I hadn't had the best few days especially this Mornings rehearsals. I jumped into his arms before he put me down and I didn't want this to end. However I had dance rehearsals and I don't think Alex would want to do them.

Jesys Pov
That was a very hard secret to keep knowing how much Perrie wanted me to say it. Her face when she saw him was the most amazing thing in the world. I knew that would be short lived when we had to start this dance again

DC= Dance coach

P: I would love to cuddle you all day however I she dance rehearsals and I don't think u want to do them

DC: Yeah u do Perrie. However your wrong about the last part

A: I will do rehearsals with u

P: Ok

Perries pov
When we were doing the dance Alex did it with us. I had no clue when or how he had learnt this but it was so amazing knowing he did this for me. What wasn't nice was knowing that he could do it and I couldnt

P: How come I spend ages trying to do it and I can't get it right. You do 1h practise and can do it all.
A: U can do it as well come here

He started teaching me the dance and he was a pretty good teacher. He made it funny and I forgot about why I was such a mess in the beginning. It was like being at home which is probably why it felt so amazing. The girls were doing it together and i would join them in a sec

A: told u that u can do it
P: Thanks for the help
A: Now believe in yourself more.
P: Fine. How long r u stating here
A: I'm staying for a week and I'm coming to the brits and then u go to Germany and I go back to training
P: okay i'm going to go finish rehearsals with the girls
A: Okay I'll be wiaitng at the arena with Andre
P: Wait is he coming
A: He's already at the arena he texted me b4
P: I won't tell Leigh bye 

Perries Pov
I was so so happy. During the last 10 minutes of rehearsals I did it with the girls so we could get the spaceing right. It surprisingly didn't take that long and we looked amazing. We went to the arena and I knew Leigh was going to get a massive surprise. She was missing Andre as much as I had been missing Alex and I know how hard it is.

We were all getting our hair and makeup did when there was a known on the door. I went to open it because I was the only one who knew who it was. Alex was also there so we stood and spoke at the door while Andre surpirsed Leigh who was sat talking to her stylist. She didn't even realise that someone had entered the room.

He went over and wrapped his arms around her. She jumped with fright and pushed his arms off her before turning around to see who it was. She screamed when she realises it's him and jumps up him. She wraps her arms around his neck and he puts his around her waist.

Once there finished Alex and me move front he door and sit on the sofa opposite. I was so happy now and couldn't wait for the rest of tour life. It's the best part of out job and I know we would all be lost without it.

This is the final part of support and I had to add a bit of Leandre to it.
Send me any requests and I'll try my best with them xx

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