31. Another FaceTime

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Hi so this was requested more then once so I thought I would do it straight away. This one is based off when Perrie and Jesy did and Instagram live and Alex called part way through and what happens after xx

Perries Pov
Me and Jesy were bored waiting for room service after our McDonalds tasted like cardboard. We decided on going live to try and pass the time and because we knew mixers loved it. It took us a few minutes to get it to work but we eventually did it.

JN: Hi mixerssssssss
P: We just ordered McDonald's and it tasted like cardboard so where waiting for room service
JN: Anyone got any questions
P: Do we have a new album
JN: Yes we do actually
P: Where are Jade and Leigh
JN: Jade is with Jed across from us and Leigh is with Andre next door
P: Jesy read that one
JN: hahaha yeah we do have to hope Leigh and Andre aren't to loud don't we
P: Jess she will kill u
JN: It's true tho. Also give me your charger

P: My boyfriends texting me
JN: awwww
P: why is he facetiming me I look like poop
P: Bubs I'm doing an Instagram live
JN: wanna say hi
A: Hi. is that Jessica Nelson
P: Yes that's my friend Jessica Nelson

P: that's food
JN: We've got to go love use mixers

I was super happy that food was here and Alex must of noticed our live had ended because he started texting me again.

Alex: Hi baby 😘xx
Perrie: Hi why dis u FaceTime me when I was live xx
Alex: It said Jesy Nelson was live not Jesy and Perrie Edwards xx
Perrie: You knew I was in the same room as her xx
Alex: Meh I missed u to much and wanted to see your gorgeous face instead of your legs xx
Perrie: R my legs not good enough xx
Alex: Only for some things xx
Perrie: That's not funny 😍😍
Alex: Can I phone u again xx
Perrie: If u must bit Jesy is here xx

Incoming call from Alex

A: Hi Gorgeous
P: Hi what do u want
JN: To disturb our Pesy time
A: Use have had enough Pesy time. I miss my baby girl
P: I miss u more but isn't it like 2am in England
A: That's no different from it being 1am in Amsterdam. Anyways at least I'm not eating at 1am
P: Haha whatever
J: Alex I read the messages u sent Perrie
A: oh god.
P: She was looking at my phone
A: I don't really care she would probably tell u anyways. Because use girls are stuck to one another
P: I have saw worse with her and Chris
JN: Perrie
P: Remember the first date u had
JN: 100%. You walked in
A: I heard about that. She walked in on use nearly doing the naughty naughty on your first date
P: Not a sight I wanted to see
JN: U didn't have to tell your boyfriend
A: I know more stories of use
JN: I'm not even going to ask
A: How long till your back home
P: A month
A: I hate this part of your job. no offence
P: non taking. I love this job but I miss u lots and lots

Bang on the wall

JN: hehehe
P: Is that them
A: who is next door and what r they doing
JN: It's Leigh and Andre
A: Then I don't want to know what there doing
P: My question is why at 1am
A: surely they would be quieter knowing there in a hotel
JN: what about a tour bus
JN: U can't blame me the whole bus heard use that night
P: Okay whatever
A: I had missed her
JN: They have gone quiet again
P: Should we knock on the wall so they know where awake
A: Leave them be
JN: I'm tired. I'm going to bed I'll see u soon Pez
A: Bye Jesy
P: See u soon
A: Your tired to
P: A bit why
A: U keep yawning
P: Aren't u bust tomorrow
A: Training isn't till 4pm so I she ages to sleep
P: That's our first interview time
A: U need some sleep then bybye
P: Bye love u lots bubs
A: u to princess

This is a bit weird but I wanted to post something. xx

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