16. Going on tour

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Perries Pov
Me and the girls were at the studio just talking and messing around when our manager came in. We got told we had a lot of rehearsals coming up but none of us knew why. We had all asked to do a world tour as we wanted to see more fans from all over the world but we didn't think we were allowed. But if we had rehearsals maybe we would be able to.


M: I take it use are all wondering why you are going to have rehearsals
JN: Yeah
L: If it's about tour I thought it wasn't allowed
M: Use are allowed now and have tickets going on sale soon if use agree.
JT: Why wouldn't we agree
M: The tour is going to last for almost 6 months and there isn't many breaks in it.
P: Seriously 6 months
M: I want use to discss it and then tell me your answer later today
JT: Okay

Making the decision
JT: 6 months is a long time to be away from home
P: I know. It's the longest we would of been away
JN: Think of how happy the fans will be
L: It will definitely be an adventure and challenging
P: Definitely
JT: Do use think use can be away from home that long. I know you get home sick Leigh
L: I do but when with use I'm fine so
P: I want to do it
JT: Yeah
JN: Me too
L: Lets do this

We have just told our manager that we are going to do tour and she is do happy for us. It starts in February and ends in August however there is a mid break for a week in May. I can't wait for when the mixers find out. The only problem will be telling Alex I know he supports me in everything I do so it shouldn't be to hard.

Tea time
Alex's Pov
I had just finished a day of training and Pez had been at the studio since early. We were both eating our Tea and Perrie seemed really distracted. She kept opening her mouth as if she was going to say something and then closing it again. She hasn't ate much of her food and I knew there was something on her mind.

Perries Pov
Me and Alex were sat at the table and I knew I was going to have to tell him about tour. He will probably be okay with it after a while but sometimes it takes a while to sink in. He supports me as I support him but sometimes it's hard to act happy for one another's success when it hurts you. I kept going to tell him and then I ended up stopping myself.

A: What's on your mind
P: Do you know how we were going to do world tour
A: Yeah and use got told use couldn't do it
A: No offence I know how much you love being on stage with the girls however I miss you alot when your away. So I'm kinda glad it's not happening because it means I can spend time with you.
P: About that
A: What
P: Me and the girls got told we are doing world tour next year
A: ok. I suppose it's the thing that makes you the most happy.
P: As well as spending time with you
A: So how long is this tour. 3 months. 4 months
P: Its actually 6 months
A: 6 whole months
P: There's a week off in May and a few days there and there but yeah
A: I don't know if I can stay away from you for that long. Tour has never lasted that long.
P: Its because this is our biggest tour
A: I am happy for you by the way
P: I know it just takes a while to sink in
A: When does it start
P: February to August
A: That's so soon
P: I know. I don't know if I can be away from you or even just home for that long
A: You will be fine. You have the girls. You will be back before you know it and I might be able to come with use in April
P: What makes you say that
A: There's a 3 weeks break at the end of April to the start of May from games
P: Yay I would love that
A: Me too
P: Can we watch a movie
A: Yeah come on

Perries Pov
Alex picked me up and carried me to the living room.
P: Put me down
A: On the sofa
P: No let me walk
A: Why when I can carry u and u weigh literally nothing.
P: Ugh

I knew I wasn't going to win this he dropped me on the sofa and grabbed the blankets from the other side of the room. He put the hunger games on and I cuddled into him as we watched the movie.

A: I think this is the first movie I have watched with you. Bearing in mind I've been with u for 4 years. That u haven't fallen alseep watching.
P: Probably but I want to go to sleep now
A: Lets go  then

This one is slightly shorter. Sorry I havent updated this one in a while I've been doing other ones xx

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