40. Pregnant??? Adoption???

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Perries Pov
After almost 2 years of trying to fall pregnant nothing had happened. All the other girls were pregnant or had had one or even multiple of there own. Every time one of them announced they wer pregnant i tried to be happy for them but it was extremely difficult. It was more difficult knowing Leigh had fell pregnant for the second time without trying.

Everytime my period is even a day late i get so excited and nervous. All the negative tests never get easier to look at and every time it takes a while for me to geth over it. I know Alex really wants a child to but he tries to make me feel better and thats why i love him. I wouldnt have got anywhere without him and he is my rock.

The girls didnt even know up until a few days ago when i broke down infront of them. They suggested both me and alex get tests done to see if they can rule out any problems. I just hope everything is fine.

Alexs Pov
Me and Pez both wanted children and it was hurting us both so much. When the girls suggested we both get tested i wondered why we had never thought of this before. Something that i had recently been looking at online when Perrie had went to bed was fostering and adoption. If we found out it would be impossible there was other ways to be able to have children of our own.

On the way to the hospital Perrie wouldn't stop shaking and staring out of space. She was so nervous and scared and i couldnt blame her. We got out the car and headed through the back entrance not wanting the while of the hospital to know who we are nd what we are doing.

Once we had both had all the tests done they said we wouls both receive an email within the next few days with the results and they wished is the best of luck for the future. We left thr hospital and went straight home both nervous about what the reuslts were going to say. I was going to mention fostering or adoption to Perrie today because i think she will be more into it not knowing the reuslts.

Perries Pov
Me and Alex were sat scrolling through adoption and fostering pages. We both took a test and it said they could do a house check because we seemed like we would be perfect for the job.

A few days later
Perries Pov
I had just finsihed tea and i knew Alex would be home any second now. While i was making tea i got an email and i didn't want to check it as i thought it would be best to do when Alex is here so we can check both together.

While we wer eating tea there was a weird silence and we were both clearly thinking about things. He broke the silence first.

A: I got an email today
P: so did i
A: Have u read yours
P: No have u
A: no but i think it is really short
P: Oh i think mine is really long.
A: Hey we bith had diferent tests done dont thibk the worst yet and if not we can look at other options.
P: I found this girl who is 13 and she looks so sweet.
A: R thats cute
P: After tea can we just open the emails
A: Of Cource and whatever happens wr have eachother
P: that we do

I will be doing part 2 but wanted to get this first part out xx

Question: What country r u from

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