23. Paps

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Perries Pov
Me and Alex were having so much fun on holiday together. I loved every minute I spent with him and it was nice to be away from our busy work schedules. We had been at the beach all day just enjoying ourselves and taking in everything around us. We were now back at the beach house after a long day at the beach. We had watches the sunset and were now just going to have a  relaxing night. I started this off by going straight in the shower and putting some comfy clothes. Alex put a movie on and we just snuggled before we were both asleep.

I woke up the following morning still cuddled in Alexs arms. I checked my phone which I hadn't been on since early yesterday morning while he played with my hair. I had about 1000 notifications and I didn't know why or what they were from. The first one was a news article and the headline was

Little mixs Perrie Edwards spotted on a beach in Ibiza wearing a neon yellow bikini set.

Perries Edwards ,28, was saw enjoying the sun on her relaxing holiday. The pop star was currently in Ibiza with her boyfriend of four years. The couple had posted photos of themselves enjoying there getaway but they wernt the only photos taken.

My heart sunk. My biggest insecurity was being papped in a a bikini. I also hated when I didn't realise I was being papped because it meant that I couldnt do anything to stop it. The other notifications all consisted of people posting the photos on Instagram and also the girls messaging me to ask if I was alright. I didn't realise that tears were streaming down my face until Alex pulled me closer.

He must of saw what was on my phone screen as he turned it off and moved it to the other side of the room. He knew how much this affected me especially when I hated the photos as much as I did.

A: Its alright baby
P: I hate paps
A: Me too
P: U know I've always wondered if u would leave me because of the paps
A: I would never leave u I love u to much
P: I love u to
A: Just remenber u have put up with them for 9 years and every time you come back stronger
P: Its hard and them pictures are the worst photos I think someone has ever took of me
A: U r still gorgeous
P: U would always say that
A: Because it's true
P: Its the fact they end up literally everywhere. I don't feel like I ever get a break ever because they are always there
A: Why don't u put something on your story to see if people will delete them and then we can ring the articles
P: We
A: Well I don't mind helping u
P: Okay. I'm sorry if I'm ruining this
A: Its alright and I have a surpise for later which I think u will like
P: Okay

Alex's Pov
Once Perrie had posted on her Instagram alot of the photos that people had found or even people who are also in Ibiza as well had been took down. We had rang quite a few of the articles and alot of them removed the articles. It was always so hard watching her pick herself apart and not understand how amazing she is. I knew she wasn't going to want to go back out in public for the next few days and I don't mind this. Just being here with her was a massive holiday in itself.

She had called down a bit more down but was still worked up. The girls had spoke to her and I just left her to it while I sorted out tonight's surpise. Before we came here I knew something like this had a possibility of happening. There was a private pool area which I had booked for the entire holiday which we could use when we wanted. No-one would be able to bother her there and we could relax and have fun. We could also get service there and it would be something nice to do.

I went down to reception to make sure everything was okay before heading back up to Perrie.

Perries Pov
I had been on the phone to the girls for about 30 minutes and they had cheered me up a bit. They sent some of the photos paps had took of then on holiday and made me feel like I wasn't alone. Some of the photos had been took down and I was learning to ignore them because they will pass. I felt bad for Alex although I had no clue where he went.

Alex came in the room with his trunks on and clothes over the top. I didn't know what he had been doing but I still didn't want to go out. He might of wanted to go back to the beach however I wasn't ready. I was happy having no paps or anyone around me.

A: Hi Gorgeous
P: Hi baby

Through the phone Leigh Jesy and Jade were now awwwing at us so I hung up the phone before walking over to him.

P: I'm sorry I really don't want to go out and have a chance of being papped again.
A: I know u don't but remember earlier when I had a surprise
P: Yeah what is it
A: If u put your bikini and cover up on and come with me, you can find out
P: I don't want to see anyone
A: No one will see us where we r going
P: How everyone is everywhere
A: Not where where going. Do u trust me
P: Yeah I'll be done in a sec

I trusted Alex and knew he wouldn't make me do something I didn't want to do. However I still didn't know where he was taking me. I put my bikini on and just looked at myself in the mirror before throwing on my cover up.

We left our hotel room and he took me down a corridor I didn't even know existed. I was thankful no-one was around and my eyes nearly jumped out my head when I saw what was infrony of me. Below the steps we were going down was a ginormous pool, hot tub and loads of lounge chairs. I smiled at Alex he knew how to cheer me up.

A: Surprise
P: omg is this the surprise
A: Yeah it's all ours
P: What made u do this
A: I got it before we even came here incase something like what happened yesterday happened. I know how much u like water so thought it would be fun without anyone around
P: You really r the best
A: There's one condition
P: Hmmm what's that
A: You love every photo of yourself as much as I do
P: I'll try
A: Lets have some fun then

Thanks for requesting this I enjoyed it. I don't know if this is exactly right but I like how it turned out. Send me requests at any time I really do like doing them xx

Also is anyone else having problems saving things or publishing xx

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