3. Finally here

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Perries pov
Its been two months since I saw Alex and I miss him more then anything, FaceTime isn't the same and I just want to be in his arms . We still have two weeks on tour but that is two weeks two long. Tonight we have a performance in Milan and I really can't be bothered. I love performing and once I'm out there it's fine but the wait to go on stage is a nightmare. I'm trying to hold it together but I know the girls have suspected something.

Jades Pov
Perrie was sat alone in the corner and looked as though she had been crying, So I went and sat with her.

J: what's wrong Pez
P: I miss him
J: I know you do baby but u see him in two weeks
P: I can't wait that long
J: You can Pez your stronger than you think.
P: Thanks Jadey I'm going to the bathroom
J: ok Pez

Perrie leaves and Jesy and Leigh-Ann walk in and ask if Perrie is okay

L: Hi jade is Perrie okay
JT: Yeah she just misses Alex and can't wait to be in his arms
JN: Why don't we see if Alex can come to the last week of tour we have his number. Maybe we could surprise baby Pez.
L: I'll call him and ask if he is available to come not till the end of tour with us
JT: Let us know what he says

L= Leigh-ann
A= Alex

A: Hello is Perrie alright
L: Yeah she's foot just missing u
A: I miss he to and can't wait to cuddle with her
L: Do u still have training
A: I've got break for w moths starting today
L: Do you want to come and do the last two weeks of tour with us. Perrie is really missing u and hasn't been herself
A: Yeah I would love to but do you know why she hasn't been answering my calls.
L: Don't tell her I said this but she breaks down after the call so that's probably why.
A: Okay can I come to Milan tonight and surprise her
L: Yeah she would love that
A: see you tonight bye

Leigh-Ann goes back to Jesy and Jade and tells them Alex is coming tonight.

Perrie walks in and the girls go quiet.

P: Hi
JT: Hi r u alright
P: Why did you go quiet
JN: It's nothing
P: Okay then

Perries Pov
I feel likes the girls are keeping something from me. They never go silent when I enter. i wonder if they were talking about me. I decide that I will ask them after the show. Me and the girls order good and watch A movie before going to the arena to get ready for tonight's show.

At the arena

Leigh anns Pov
We are back stage getting our hair and make up done and I notice that Perrie is distancing herself from us all. I know she thinks we were talking about her before, but hopefully after the show she will be happy, and know why we stopped talking when she entered this morning.

We all go to sound check and after changing Jades microphone we are ready. We then do finishing touches in the dressing room before going on stage. I get a text from Alex saying he's in the VIP box and I know our plan is in action.

We go on stage and get into our starting positions and I'm so excited for Perrie's reaction when she sees Alex. 

We have performed the first few songs and Perrie still has no idea who is watching her. We are about to sing the cure and i don't know how much longer I can go before telling her. We are half way through the song when Perrie starts smiling like crazy before tears  of happiness start rolling down her face and I know shes found him.

Perries pov

Me and the girls were on stage singing the cure when I happen to spot the person i wanted to see the most. I know i am smiling like mad before tears of happiness start rolling down my face.  I look at the girls and they just start smiling back at me. I now know why they stopped talking when i entered the room and  i couldn't wish for better friends. 

L: That was the cure and as you can see someone hear is very happy 

P: Yeah I can't believe how amazing use 3 are and performing on stage with use is one of the best feelings in the world. 

After the concert the girls go backstage and Perrie won't stop thanking the other girls. As she goes around the corner she finds the person she was so excited to see. She jumps into his arms as he swings her round

P: I love you so much and i've missed you more than you know

A: ive missed you to baby

JT: where going to leave your love birds be, bye

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