32. Another country

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Perries Pov
Me and the girls were in France and it was so funny. We had just been messing around and not giving a care about what people around us were thinking. Whenever we were together away from camera's we all became so much more ridiculous then we are anyways.

We were now watching a movie after a long day of shopping. It surprises me every time how much random stuff we all always end up with. Me and Jade Picked frozen because Jesy and Leigh made us watch this weird movie yesterday. It was where this man kills his friends and then tries to murder his family. It was such a horrific movie and it will probably give me nightmares for weeks.

We were all cuddled into eachother along the giant bed. Jade went to the bathroom and didn't return for a while. There was then shouting coming from the bathroom.

J: Someone bring me a tampon

Jesy went and took her one and it turns out she had been trying to text us but none of us were on our phones. If one of us already had there period the rest of us wouldn't be long after. We all got into bed and went to sleep.

The next morning we all woke up around the same time which was extremely weird. Jesy rolled over and the jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I think she might be the next victim. Leigh also went straight to the bathroom so it looked like I was last this time.

It was strange considering I normally always got mine first. I wasn't complaining. We walked around France for a bit and visited some of the famous locations. While they were all complaining and making a million trips to the bathroom I was fine.

It had been 24 hours since Jade got hers and I was sure mine would of came by now. I started to think a bit more into reasons why I still didn't have mine. The only thing I could think of was that I was pregnant. Me and Alex had did it about a month ago however I was on the pill and was 100% sure I hadn't missed taking it.
I didn't know what would happen if I was considering we were about to tour again soon and I don't even know if Alex wants children.

He started texting me just at this moment in time.

Alex: Hi baby 😘xx
Perrie: Hi xx
Alex: How r u xx
Perrie: Good xx
Alex: Sure xx
Perrie: Yeah xx
Alex: What's really up
Perrie: Nothing what makes u think somethings is xx
Alex: Your not texting the same
Perrie: I'm just scared about something xx
Alex: What talk to me xx
Perrie: Can u call xx
Alex: Yeah xx

Incoming call from baby😍😘xx

A: What's wrong baby
P: Promise not to freak out
A: I promise. Please tell me your scaring me
P: I think I'm pregnant
A: Wait why
P: All the girls have there period and I don't
A: It might just be a bit late
P: I know but we all usually get them at the same time
A: I'm sure it will come soon. If you find out you are or anything else tell me. I want to know so I can help you
P: U wouldn't leave me if I was would u
A: Of Cource not. It will be my baby to and I love u so so much
P: I love you to
A: U look tired
P: I am a bit
A: Go to sleep. I can text or call u tomorrow
P: Okay and I'm back in about a week
A: Yeah a week tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it
P: Same nanite love u
A: night love u to

6 days later
Alex's Pov
Perrie had been texting me none stop ever since she had a feeling she was pregnant. She is definitely scared and I just hoped she is alright. I've tried to reassure her that I won't leave her however she seems to think I will. tomorrow I get to have my baby in my arms and can chill and cuddle with her as much as I want.

Perries Pov
We were all going home today and I still didn't have my period. The girls periods were now over so it was really confusing me. Knowing my luck it will come at the worst possible time. While we were on the plane I took extra precautions and I had dark blue joggers on so if anything happened it wouldn't be as bad. The girls knew I didn't have my period yet however I hadn't told them I could be pregant because I'm sure they are already thinking that. I don't want to say anything incase I'm not and I just worry them more.

Once we got off the plane at the airport we saw all 4 of our boyfriends sat talking to one another. We all went up to them and jumped in there arms before leaving the airport. I was super worried to speak to Alex as I didn't know what he would say.

A: Do u want to get a pregnancy test on the way back to check
P: What if it's positive.
A: We will figure it out. don't worry
P: fine then
A: I'll go in as it's 10x less likely for me to get recognised then u
P: U think
A: 100% more people know who u r
P: Yeah actually

Back home
Perries Pov
We had just got back and the first thing I did was go to the bathroom. I had the best surprise. My period was  finally here after all of that. Maybe being in another country or stressing about all the upcoming events had changed it. I sorted everything out and left the bathroom.

A: U look happy
P: I didn't take the test
A: Why is that
P: my period came and it will be late becasue I was in another country and I have been stressing about tour
A: Oh well that's good then
P: All that worrying over nothing
A: How about a movie night
P: Sounds good

Hope u like this one xx

I have a surprise. I have started writing an Alerrie book it is going to be from when they first meet to having kids and getting married and there kids growing up. Chapter 1 should be published tomorrow and I look forward to hearing what use think of it xxx

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