8. Help (part 2)

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In the morning
Alex's Pov
Perries alarm starts going off and she just lies there still sleeping. So I reach over the top of her and turn it off before gently shaking her awake. I hate waking her up in the morning as she loves her sleep and it is one of the only times she is fully peaceful.

A: Pez you need to wake up

She opens her eyes before closing them again and going further under the covers.

A: We have to leave for the studio soon
P: I don't want to
A: I know you don't but you can't go on tour without knowing the dance.
P: I don't want to go on tour

A: Tour is one of your favourite things to do in the world. It might not be easy for you at the minute but it will get better. You wouldn't like the girls to your without you.

P: I know it's his hard
A: it will get better i promise. I love you
P: I love you more

Me and Perrie both get ready and leave the house. I have no clue why it takes girls so long to get ready. It's a 20 minute drive to the studio and we need to be there for 9 and it's 08:45 now so it looks like we are going to be late.

P: Im ready
A: Okay let's go
P: By the way it doesn't matter if where late the girls expect me to be late anyways.
A: haha okay

Alex's Pov
We were just arriving at the studio and I could tell Perrie was getting nervous.

A: Perrie
P: Yeah
A: You ready
P: more ready then I would be if you weren't here
A: Your so cute
P: now your just being nice
A: No I'm just telling the truth
P: It's 10 past 9 we should probably go
A: Come on then

Me and Perrie both get out the car and head over to the studio. I have been in the studio before but I still had no idea where we going. It was like a maze in here. I followed Perrie and we went into a room where we found the girls.

JN: Hi you two
A and P: Hi
L: You took your time
P: Yeah sorry where late
JT: We wouldn't expect anything else
P: Im not that predictable
JN: Well you are with getting places at the wrong time.
A: She not wrong
P: Your supposed to be nice to me
JN: Me and Jade both know the dance so we are going to teach you and Leigh with him. As well as make sure we can remember
A: Do you want me to learn it with youñññ
P: How about I try and see if I can learn it and if not you can learn it and help me
A: Okay I'll just be over there, come get me if you need me
P: I will
L: Use two are cute
Perrie starts blushing
JN: She's blushing
P: Stop now let's start
JT: Lets go

1 hour later
Perries Pov
Leigh-Ann had already learnt the dance and I still had no idea what was going on. My head was just a mess and I couldn't seem to concentrate on anything. I would find myself wondering about things that I knew wernt true. I could feel myself getting more and more worked up the more I failed.

L: You okay Perrie
P: Yeah I just need the toilet, I'll be back in a second
JT: Okay

I headed towards the door and said hi to Alex as I passed him.

Alex's Pov
Perrie passed me but the look on her face showed that she wasn't right. I left the room and went to see if I could find her. I found her sat on the sofa outside and sat next to her. She was a bit of a mess.

P: What are you doing here
A: I came to find you
P: Why
A: Because I know there is something on your mind right now and I want to help you.
P: I just don't understand why I can't learn the dance.
A: its because you are over thinking
P: I can't help it
A: It's alright,

I put my arms around her as she leans on me before we get up and head back inside. She heads over to the girls and tells me to go with her.

Perries Pov
I was glad Alex was here he made everything easier. He would always know what to say and could tell when something was wrong. I wanted him to learn the dance with me to see if that would be easier. Claude started teaching us while the other three practised themselves. I hated being the worst dancer in the group. We started dancing and I couldn't do much of the dance right however it turns out Alex already knew some of the dance from watching us before. We were finished morning rehearsal and this afternoon would just be singing which I was glad about. Alex would probably sir in the room next door and do something random.

After lunch
Me and the girls were in our recording studio recording break up song and altering any notes we would change on the day. I had no clue what Alex was doing but I was glad he was in the same building.

Alex's Pov
We had all just finished lunch when the girls went to the recording studio to work out what notes they would sing for each part. At first I wondered what I was going to do and then I wondered if Claude was available to teach me the dance. I wanted to learn it so I could teach Perrie it at home. I knew she could do this dance she just didn't believe that she could.

I found Claude sat in the dance studio and asked him if he would teach me the dance and he said he would. I knew I would have a few hours before Perrie and the others were done.  It was 5pm and I knew the girls would be nearly done so I headed back down to see what they were doing. I found them all laughing and saying bye to eachother before leaving the room. Perrie came straight over to me and seemed to be happier then she was this morning.

We got in the car and headed home

I might do another part to this when they get home so let me know if you have anything you want to happen xx

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