26. the worst pain (part 2)

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Perries Pov
We were on the way to the hospital. Alex had rang up ahead of time to tell them what was happening and so they could keep everything as private as possible. I'm glad as I didn't need was the entire world finding out. The pain was now constant and it didn't go away. We got inside the hospital and went to the room we had been told to go to over the phone. I was lay on the bed and i kept thinking i was going to be sick. I have never felt this ill and i was so confused as to what could of caused this. I know i should of probably came to the hospital when i first started feeling the pains however i just wanted to brush it off as if it was nothing.

Alexs Pov
I was still extremely worried about Perrie and i don't think i have ever saw her this ill. She was getting worse and worse as the day went on and i just hoped that they would find out what was wrong with her. The longer i saw her the more and more i started to think it was her appendix. I hope i am wrong however i don't see anything else it could be. She was just curled up in a ball on the bed not saying anything. She usually never stopped talking or making others laugh. She had a high pain tolerance because of performing when unwell and for her to admit she isn't right means something is definitely up.

The doctor came in to do an assessment to find out what was causing the pain. He asked her a load of questions and she barley whispered the answers. She had abdominal pain which was getting worse, lack of appetite and feeling sick. He said he was going to go and check with another doctor about her symptoms.

P: I'm sorry
A: It's not your fault
P: I want this to all go away
A: So do I.
P: I think it's appendictis
A: I was thinking that as well
P: I don't want surgery
A: It will be alright and you won't be in this much pain
P: The pain has practically gone
A: Wait how
P: I dunno maybe it isn't appe

Perries Pov
The pain had disappeared and I surprisingly felt a lot better. I was lay talking to Alex while he placed kisses on my head. At first i thought it was appendicitis but now i don't know. Just as i told him i was fine the pain came back. It was a lot worse then before and I felt like my insides were blowing up. I was finding it hard to breathe and felt like i was about to pass out.

A: Baby

I could't respond to him and i literally thought i was going to die. He ran out the room and came back followed by two doctors. I can't remember what happened after that as everything went black.

D: Based of her earlier symptoms we are 100% sure that she has appendicitis. Do you know what happened before she passed out

A: She said she wasn't in pain anymore and then started shaking and wouldn't respond

D: Her appendix has probably burst and she is going to have to have emergency surgery straight away. If she doesn't there is a lot of things that could go wrong and it can be fatal

A: Okay. Will she be alright afterwards

D: For the first few days it will be painful but with some antibiotics it is likely she will make a full recovery. She will have to stay in hospital for a few days in case there is any complications.

A: Thankyou

Alexs pov
I had phoned Perries mam and the girls to let them know what was going on. Her mam was going to come up now and the girls were visiting her tomorrow. I wished that I had of got her to come here earlier because they would of been able to remove it without it bursting. I knew her mam would be here soon and that her surgery wouldn't last long. Her mam arrived and we both sat in her room waiting for her. The girls were constantly messaging me to see if I had any updates on her.

An hour later
Perrie had just been brought back in and was still asleep due to the anaesthetic. I told the girls she was out of surgery before putting my phone away. I was playing with her hair when she started to wake up. She opened her eyes and just stared at me. I don't think she realised that her mam was even in the room until she started to talk

D: Perrie darling are you alright
P: Better then before i didn't even know you were here
D: that's nice
P: so what happened because i just remember passing out
A: Your appendix burst so you had to have surgery to remove it
P: Oh great.
A: You'll be alright. Your so strong
P: Sorry for not letting you take me earlier. I should of listened and maybe it wouldn't of burst
A: It's not your fault and i know how much you hate hospitals
P: So how long do i have to stay here
A: A few days
P: So i can still perform next week at the festival
A: You have just had surgery and are thinking abut performing
P: Sorry its something i love
A: I know but it will take a few weeks. You are going to have to go slowly and be careful
A: The girls are coming tomorrow
P: So they can talk about the festival i can't do
A: They wont. Anyways we'll see what happens

I will do a part 3 if you want and are enjoying it with the girls coming and maybe the festival if you want x

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