ill on tour

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Perries pov
We were all on the Lm5 your now and it was fantastic. I loved tour so much and I couldn't imagine my life without performing on stage with my girls. It had gotten even better last week when all of our boyfriends had joined us for the next month. I missed Alex when he wasn't here so it was nice to be able to spend some time with him. We were all on our way to the arena for tonight's performance and I was looking forward to it so much.

Alex's pov
I was watching Perrie get her makeup done and she was just so incredible. I still can't believe that I get to call her mine. After the girls had put there costumes on the other 3 came back but Perrie wasn't with them.

Alex: wheres Pez
Jesy: She went to the bathroom
Alex: okay

Perrie had went to the bathroom on her own. That was strange usually when one of the girls went to the bathroom they all dragged eachother with them like it was some massive gathering.
After 10 minutes I decided to go look for her as she was taking a while and some thing didn't add up.

I tried phoning Perrie but she didn't pick up and they were on stage in half an hour. I heard someone crying in the disabled toilets as I walked past them. I knocked on the door.

Alex: Perrie it's me
Perrie: go away. Why r u here
Alex: please let me in

I heard the door click and I opened it before locking it again. She was sat bent over the toilet and had clearly been sick quite a few times. I sat down behind her and she leant into me and I started playing with her hair.

Alex: why didn't u tell anyone u weren't feeling well
Perrie: Because you would all just worry and stop me going on stage
Alex: its only because we care pez. I love u so much
Perrie: I love u to
Alex: how u feeling now
Perrie: a bit better actually
Alex: Perrie
Perrie: only a tiny but but I don't feel like I'm going to physically throw up anymore so we can go back
Alex: come on then

I stood up and helped Perrie up before we both headed back to the dressing rooms. We then realised there was on 10 minutes left and people would of wondered where we had been. As we got to the door I slowly stopped Perrie.

Alex: please tell me if u start to feel worse
Pertie: don't worry I will but don't mention it to anybody

When we went in Perrie headed straight over to the girls.

Jade: where had u 2 been
Jesy: had use been being naughty
Perrie: no we went for a walk
Leigh: use alright though
Perrie: yeah let's go

Perries pov
Alex and the rest of the boys were sat in the corner at front of the stage. I had managed to get through the first costume where most of the major dancing was. It consisted of performing Salute, Power and Woman like Me. We got changed quickly and we were back on stage within seconds. We performed 4 more songs before the next costume change.

I loved the next costume change as there was no dancing and heavy choreo and it was when we went on the platform to the other side of the arena. My stomach was starting to flip but we were almost halfway and I would soon be able to go relax, cuddle and sleep with Alex

Alex's pov
We were halfway through the show and he girls were at the other end of the arena perofmeing secret love song. This song always sounded so pretty and I loved just relaxing and listening to the sound of Perries voice until it stopped and the crowd starting singing instead. Jade and her were cuddling but I had no clue what was really happening. I just hoped she was okay.

As they were going under the stage Jade waved at me so I got up and went backstage to find Perrie in the bathroom. The girls were getting ready because they were still going to have to finish the show either Perrie was performing or not. I went and satbehind her and like before she lent on me as I held her hair out of her face while she was sick. I just wished my baby would be better.

Perrie: im sorry
Alex: it isn't your fault your not well
Perrie: what about the performance
Alex: the girls are going to do the last bit without you and I can here Jade telling the crowd u don't feel well. How about we go back to the bus and get sorted
Perrie: I have to take my costume off first
Alex: let me help you then
Perrie: thank you

Perries pov
We were back in the bus and had went straight to the back of the bus where our part was. Alex had got me some water before I cuddled into him and went to sleep

Sorry it has been so long since I updated x

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