
393 14 1

Perries Pov
Me and the girls were at the studio without Jesy. Her mental health was probably at the worse it has ever been so she was with her therapist. It hurts seeing her go through so much over the 9 years we have spent together. I just wished she could go back to when we were on x-factor.

When we were on x-factor she had so much more confidence in herself and was alot more bubbly and happy. I just wished the trolls didn't do what they did. It eats away at her day by day and soon I don't think there will be any of the old Jesy left.

I think she would do so much better without the public watching her every move. However this was hard bring in a girl group which everyone knew. She always made so many people happy however she was rarely happy herself.

We were just sat writing songs for out upcoming album When Jesy walked in.

JN: Hi girls
L: Hi Jess how r u
JN: I'm fine but I have some bad news
P: What is it
JT: Come sit and talk to us
JN: Do you know how the last time I got told I was going to have to take a break from little mix
P: Yeah and u were to stubborn to do so
JN: Well I've been told I have to quit entirely or things won't improve. I'm so sorry girls
JT: Its not your fault don't worry
JN: Don't tell anyone for a bit until it's sorted out. That includes your boyfriends
P: Okay
L: Okay

Later That Day (5pm)
Perries Pov
I was looking at old tour photos and knowing that we would never do this again with Jesy was really hard. I couldn't imagine little mix without her and knew the mixers would be upset when they found out. Alex had training but he would probably be home soon.

I heard the door go and knew it would be Alex. I couldn't show that I was upset or worried because Jesy didn't want anyone to know. I respect her decision as she clearly only want a the people involved in it and her mam to know first.

A: Hi baby
P: Hi bubs. Tea will be done in a sec
A: I can smell it. It's spaghetti Bolognes
P: Yeah it is. wish I could smell it
A: So what did use do today
P: Nothing really. What did you do
A: Random drills
P: I should probably go finish tea
A: I'm coming with you
P: Sounds fun. Anyways I should check on tea
A: I'm coming to
P: As long as you behave
A: I always do

Alex and I had a habit that when one of us was cooking the other one would do things to irritate them. One of them being if I'm just stood there he'll play with my bum.

At the table
We were sat at the table just talking about the most random things possible.
A: So when is your new album out
P: A few more months yet
A: It sounds amazing
P: Thanks. Don't go telling everyone as everyone will want it
A: R use doing tour for this album
P: Maybe

Alex mentioned tour and I didn't know how to react. I had loved all the tours we had did so far but I knew it wouldn't be the same without Jesy. I just don't know what we will do if we do because the songs r all meant for 4 people. I suppose it's like one of us being sick but for every show.

Alex's Pov
Me and Pez were sat talking about anything that came to mind. We were talking about her new album and if she would go on tour. I mentioned tour and it seemed to upset her. She usually loved being on tour and it was the highlight of her career but she didn't seem to want to talk about it.

A: What's wrong Pez

Tears started to form in her eyes and I had no idea why she was so emotional. I held her until the tears stopped and she seemed ready to talk about it.

P: Well we found out some news at the studio. However I've been told I'm not allowed to say anything. I'll be alright I'm just going to have to get used to it.

I didn't know what news she had found out at the studio. I knew Jesy wasn't right because Perrie had often told me that it was just her jade and Leigh at the studio. Maybe it was something to do with Jesy but I would of thought Pez would just tell me.

A: Is it about Jesy because I know she's having a hard time at the moment
P: Yeah
A: I'm sure she would let you tell me if she knew it was hurting you this much. if you don't tell me I'll just message her and ask her.
P: She she she's leaving
A: Wait really
P: Yeah her therapist said she won't get any better if she doesn't say anything.

Perries Pov
I knew I wasn't supposed to tell anyone however I trusted Alex to keep it a secret. I still felt guilty after telling him her secret and I didn't like the fact that she didn't know I had told him.

A: It will take some getting used to it but you'll manage. I'm also going to text Jesy so that she know that I know.
P: What if she hates me
A: Don't worry about it

Hi Jesy I know that you haven't been feeling the best lately because Pez mentioned u hadn't been at the studio. I wanted to wish u a happy recovery and hope you are back to your old self soon. I also know about you leaving Little mix because I forced Pez to tell me because it was upsetting her keeping it to herself. I won't tell anyone and I'm sorry if you didn't want me to know. Please don't be mad at Pez.

Hi Alex. I don't mind you knowing about me leaving as long as you keep it to yourself. I hope that I am back to normal soon so I can join the girls but I don't know how likely that is. I'm not mad at Pez don't worry and u can tell her. Im sorry for upsetting her and thanks looking after her.

A: Jesy is fine with it and she isn't mad at you
P: Good u told me she wouldn't be
A: Want to watch a movie and cuddle
P: That's exactly what I want to do
A: Lets go then

I can't think of a name for this chapter so if you have any ideas they would be appreciated xx

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