42. Pregnant? Adoption (part 3)

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Perries pov
We were going to meet hem at the park at 1 so were getting ready now as we didn't want to be late. I also so excited but also so nervous incase they didn't like us or if something happened we had been informed by there social worker some information about them to give us a bit of an idea of who they are. The oldest girl was called Grace and she was very protective of her younger brother and sister which we knew already but they said with time she might start enjoying herself more.

The middle child was called lucas and he is very jumpy and and doesn't always use his head. He had a very caring personality however whenever there mother was home he sometimes got abused causing him to be scared of physical contact

The youngest girl was called Katie and she was 5. She had a bad temper and a lot of energy. There was also some things that needed changed like the fact she would only eat if it was some form of potatoes product.

We had just arrived in the carpark outside the park and I could see the 3 children sat on a bench next to ecahother with there social worker next to them. This made me realise even more of how real this was and it made me so anxious.

Alex's pov
We had just pulled up and Perrie was visibly shaking. I knew how much she wanted this to go well and knew that she wanted it all to go perfectly like I did. I just hold her hand and she looks at me. "It will be alright Pez. Stop worrying" I say while drawing circles on her hands.

P: lets go
A: sure
P: yeah

We both got out of the car and headed to the park. Grace came over to us to introduce them all and they were so adorable. After playing on the swings, going down the slide and running laps of a park the time was up. We got given all the paperwork to fill out if we wanted to Foster them which I think we do.

P: Well that went really well
A: yeah it did they are all so perfect
P: are we filling the form today
A: yeah and then they can probably come live with us in a week

This is so short and I am sorry about that however more should be coming very shortly when they have fostered them xx

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