6. The wait is over

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Perries Pov
Me and the girls were getting off the plane at the airport after our last tour date in America. We had such a fun time and I can't wait to it again one day. There's only one thing I miss on tour and that's Alex we haven't seen eachother in 2 moths and he has been busy training and I was on tour. We were both coming home today, this was unusual as normally one of us finished before the other. I was so excited and couldn't wai5 to be in his arms. I said goodbye to the girls and we all got in separate taxis which took us home. When I was in the taxi I got a text from Alex saying that he would be home around 9. Even though it was only a few hours later then I expected him to be home I was still annoyed. The ride home went quite quickly after that and I opened the door and walked inside. I was attacked by two veey cute dogs but i hqd no clue why they were here. Me and Alex dropped the dogs off at my mams before we both left and i was supposed to pick them up now. I turned around and seen a very happy looking man staring at me. I jumped into his arms and he spun me round and round. I couldn't believe that he was here and that he tricked me into thinking he would be another 3 hours.

Alex's Pov
I had just got home and I decided to trick Perrie by telling her I wasn't going to be back home till seven. When in reality I was already home setting up a meal in the kitchen for the two of us tonight. I had already got the dogs so we didn't have to worry about collecting them and as another surprise for Perrie. I loved surprising her but I just wanted to ask her how long she would be but that would make it to suspicipus. It was about 6pm after i had just finished dinner when I heard keys in the door and knew immdiately that it would be Perrie. She turned the corner and smiled at me lighting up the entire room before jumping in my arms. I had missed her more then she could ever know and wanted to show her that tonight. I lead her to the dining room where I had set up dinner and we both sat down as we were starving.

They talk to eachother about what had happened over the last few months and just enjoyed eachother company. After they had finished there meal they both went upstairs and towards there ginormous bedroom.

Smut warning ⚠️

Alex started kissing Perrie and he pushes them both against the bed and the kiss becomes more and more passionate. Perrie starts tugging at Alex's  shirt before he let's her pull it off. she then makes her way down and takes his belt off amd pulls his pants down. He is then lay there in his boxers He then pulls Perries shirt neatly over her head before making her way down to her leggings. He pulls them down leaving her in her underwear. This keeps going until they are both naked.

I might delete this one as it isn't very good. I don't really enjoy things like this so probably won't do it again. Thanks for reading and leave suggestions xx

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