25. The worst pain

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Perries Pov
It was quite late when I eventually woke up. I wasn't doing anything today and neither was Alex so it looked like we would have some time to chill with one another. I stood up and had a sharp pain in my abdomen but it went pretty quickly and I didn't think anything of it. I could hear the shower going in the main bathroom and knew Alex was probably in there after some workout. He always managed to get up early and had done so much by the time I got out of bed.

I headed downstairs to find that Alex had made breakfast. He had left a note saying.

Hi baby,
I'm probably in the shower by the time you have woken up. Enjoy your breakfast and I'll see u in a minute. Love you and can't wait for my morning kiss xxxxx

He was so sloppy sometimes and funny. I don't understand why he had to leave a note when he was only going to be 10 minutes or so. I sat and texted the girls while I ate some breakfast I want that hungry but I had to eat t something. Leigh seemed super excited because they were baby sitting her niece. Jesy and Jade and there mams were both at the beach having a chill day. I would probably see a load of photos later off them of if there unlucky paps.

Alex came downstairs without a top on and God I love him so much.

A: Morning baby
P: Morning. I liked your note
A: Ha can I have what the note says now
P: Yeah

He came closer and our lips slowly connected. It was nice soft kiss which could have went on for ages. Another sharp shooting pain went through my abdomen and it was very painful. so don't think I have ever experienced this amount of pain. I pulled out of the kiss and clutched on to my stomach. I leant on Alex and he put his arms round my waist. It lasted about 30 seconds before it died down again.

Alex's Pov
I was enjoying my kiss with Perrie. Her soft lips against mine. She then pulled away and and was clutching her stomach. She then leaned against me and I knew something was wrong with her. She stood like that for about 30 seconds to a minute before she looked up.

A: Babe whats wrong
P: My stomach.
A: wait what's happening
P: Shooting pains but there gone now
A: Why don't we go upstairs
P: Yeah

Perries Pov
We watched a movie which I fell asleep through. It was now 12pm. I thought the pains would of stopped by now but they hadn't. Alex was playing with my hair when I felt another pain go through my abdomen. I tried not to show the pain because I was only going to make him worry more.

After about an hour I finally showed signs of being awake. There was 7 lots of shooting pains within the hour and they were getting closer together and more and more painful. We went downstairs because it was lunchtime. I had lost all of my appetite and really didn't feel like eating.

We were sat at the table and the pain felt like it was spreading around my right side. It was so so painful and it wouldn't go away. Alex got up from his chair opposite me and picked me up and played with my hair. I just wished all of this would go away

A: Perrie something really isn't right
P: I know
A: Do u want to go to the hosptial
P: No 1000% not
A: What if soemthing is seriously wrong I can't lose u
P: u won't It will just be something I ate
A: Do u want me to take you to the living room
P: Yeah please

Something was definitely up with her for her to allow me to help her. I took her to the living room and lay her on the couch. I got a hot water bottle for her before sitting next to her. She lay on my chest and I sat and played with her hair. Then she started to wriggle and was holding her stomach again. I really needed to get her to go to the hospital.

A: Perrie you need to go to the hosptial
P: I hate hospitals
A: I know babe but it's the only way u will feel better
P: Can I go grab some stuff from upstairs first
A: Yeah I'll come with you

I could see the pain in her face when she moved. She was wincing with every step and had only moved a few steps before she was holding on to the wall. I helped her upstairs and she lay on the bed while getting some stuff out incase we have to stay.

Perries Pov
I had only moved a few steps off the sofa but the pain was unbearable. It now spread from my abdomen all around my lower right hand side. It was a constant stabbing pain which didn't go away. Alex came and carried me upstairs while we got some things before going to the hospital.

2 updates within hours of eachother
What is wrong with Perrie xx
Part 2 coming soon xx

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