24. Coming home

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Perries Pov
Alex had been at a training camp for the past week so I had been on my own at home. I don't mind it much when I'm busy but when I'm sat doing nothing I think about situations. It's weird because paps are always trying to find out our exact addresses and where we are at all times. Also when people find out the street they try and check every house. People will try and follow me home and it's not always the nicest experience. I sometimes wish I wasn't famous and lived a normal life. I love being in Little mix and spending time with the girls. Going on tour is the best part and getting to see all the mixers however the paps and people constantly digging for details I wouldn't miss. Alex would be coming back from down South  tomorrow so I would finally have someone to be with.

I had spent alot of time at the studio this past week because we were currently working on the tour schedule. We had so much choreography to work out and we didn't get much time for a break.

One thing I was definitely struggling with at the minute was sleep. The dogs would cuddle up with me hover I just couldnt fall alseep. The bed felt empty without Alex in and I kept thinking there were people downstairs.

I was just lay awake listening to the storm outside. I hated thunder and lightning and it scared me. When I was younger the tree next to ours got hit and I watched it set on fire do ever since then it has always frightened me.

The next day
Today was the day Alex was coming home and I was super excited. The house felt to quiet even with the dogs constantly barking at one another. I had absolutely nothing to do and everyone was just so it looked like it was going to be a lazy day. First I had to get up and dressed to walk the dogs. They loved walking to the park so that was where I was probably going to take them.

It was now 1pm and I was bored out of mind. Alex wasn't home for another 6 hours so I still had a while to wait. I finished watching the series I had been watching which ended way differently to how i expected it to. I was now just sat on my phone watching the time to by. There was a recent article which we were in about seeing us walk in a studio that Ariana had been in recently. They were making rumours about a collab which wasn't happening. This is what I mean by you feel like you are constantly being watched. Cars kept driving backwards and forwards and I got so anxious. I wondered wether or not they were paps or wether they were normal people visiting others from around the estate. My anxiety was definitely on edge so I decided to phone the girls to make time go a bit faster.

Alex's Pov
We were all on our way back from training camp and I couldn't wait to see Perrie. I had phoned her in the morning but something didn't seem right. She seemed tired and just drained out so I was glad we were all going to be getting back earlier. We were estimated to be arriving around 5 which was a whole 2 hours early.

The coach dropped us all off and I got in the car to go straight home. Some of the team stayed and chatted however I just wanted to see my Pez. It only took 10 minutes to get home and it was 1 minute after 5 when I pulled up. I couldn't see her anywhere so went up to our room. She would normally come and jump at me the second I opened the door so I was really worried.

I found her lay on the bed in a ball shaking. I went and sat next to her and gently started playing with her hair. I tried asking her what was wrong but she wouldn't stop shaking and the tears continued to roll down her cheeks. She was having a panic attack which she hadn't had in just over a year. I knew I must of scared her coming home without saying anything first.

A: Its alright. It's only me. Your alright

She eventually calmed down and I could see her body stop shaking.

P: That's not the first time this week
A: u should of said and I would of came back
P: I knew u were happy
A: I'd be happier with u. What have u been so anxious about
P: Break ins. People driving past. Paps
A: Don't worry about it your safe here
P: I know i couldn't help it. I'm so sorry
A: Its not your fault gorgeous
P: I love u
A: I love u to. Have u started taking your meds again
P: No
A: Why you know they help you
P: I don't want to be relying on them
A: U aren't. Just at the minute when it's this bad u should. This will stop the panic attacks and I know how much you hate them
P: I'll take them tomorrow

The next morning
Perries Pov
I had alot better nights sleep yesterday and didn't feel like I needed to take the meds. I knew Alex wanted me to however I didn't feel like I needed them so went downstairs to make us both breakfast. I just did pancakes because they were our favourite and it would be nice to have them since I didn't then in ages.

Alex's Pov
I woke up to an empty bed and knew Perrie was downstairs so I went after her. I didn't know if she had took her meds or not I just hoped she wouldnt lie to me. She was making pancakes and I went and wrapped my arms around her. She jumped at first because I think she had forgot I was home. She then relaxed into my arms.

A: Morning baby
P: Morning handsome
A: Have u took your meds
P: Yeah
A: Your face says otherwise
P: I don't need them
A: Just for a few days and if u don't have any more panic attacks u can stop taking them
P: Fine

She went upstairs and took them before coming back down.

P: Happy now
A: Yeah. I only do it because I love u
P: I know i just feel like I'm relying on stiff and not normal
A: U r better then normal. Your so gorgeous, funny and amazing to be around
P: I'd be lost without u
A: Same here

Not totally in love with this one but here u go. There might be another update tonight or tomorrow morning x

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