22. Migraine

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Perries Pov
Me and the girls had a day off today and I was probably just going to chill all day because Alex had training practically all day. I woke up with a massive headache and  to my delight someone was banging around. I realised it was Alex getting ready for training but God he was noisy and it wasn't helping my head. He came in our room and must of realised I was awake because he kissed my head. He turned the light on and it was so bright making my head want to explode even more. I groaned in pain clutching my head and shutting my eyes to block out as much of the light as possible.

U alright baby Alex asked and I could here the concern in his voice. He switched the light off before coming closer to me. I told him I had such a bad headache and just felt like my head was exploding. He took his shoes off and climbed into bed next to me. I was very confused by this action as I knew he was already late in leaving. Before i even managed to open my mouth he said he was staying home to look after me and that was that.

Alex's Pov
I wasn't leaving Perrie on her own all day when she felt this Ill. My manger was okay with me skipping training and said I could take as much time as I needed off. I was super concerned about Perrie because I don't think she has ever admitted she isn't well without me having go pester her to tell me.

I went downstairs and grabbed some water and tablets for Perrie as well as a cooling pack to put on her head. When I walked upstairs I looked through the door and realised she was asleep. I put the cooling pack and tablet down before going downstairs to take he dogs out for a walk. When I got back I went straight upstairs to check Perrie. She was just starting to stir when I entered the room.

A: U feeling any better
P: No not at all. Have u been out
A: I took the dogs out for a walk
P: Can I have some painkillers please
A: Yeah there's some on the side. I'll get you some fresh water and do u want a cooling pack
P: Please
A: I'll be back in a sec
P: Okay

Perries Pov
Once Alex came back I took the tablets placed the cooling pack on my head. Alex got into bed next to me and I cuddled into his chest trying not to move my head. Ever since I woke up after my nap I felt worse and really nautious every time I moved my head. It was so bad and I just tried to go back to sleep.

I hated being ill and that someone had to look after me. I loved being independent and doing things for myself however I didn't feel like it. I could tell Alex was worried about me so stayed quiet about the fact I now felt sick as well.

He slowly pulled me towards him but it made me feel like I was going to throw up. The sickness feeling was as bad as i hoped it would get. I held my stomach as I cuddled into him.

A: R u any better after your sleep
P: No I feel worse. My stomach is in knots and I feel like I'm about to throw up.
A: Wish I could take it all away. I think you have a migraine and that's why you feel so bad.
P: Can I have some more tablets please
A: Of course

He comes back up and he has brought a heating pad for my stomach. I would be so lost if I didn't have him

P: I'm sorry for making you run around after me
A: I don't mind. Anything to make you better 

Later that night
Alex's Pov
Perrie and I went downstairs to watch a movie on the sofa. She also ate some crackers because she didn't want to eat to much. By 9pm her eyes were already starting to close. Her head was still killing her hover he stomach felt a bit better than it did before. I cuddled her closely while she fell asleep before carrying her upstairs to bed. She hasn't got out of her pjarmas all day so I put her in bed and pulled the covers over her. She stirred slightly and then I hopped into bed next to her and lay on my phone. She had made her way over to me and was now lay using me as a pillow.

A: Goodnight gorgeous I hope you feel better tomorrow

The next morning
Perries Pov
I speak up and looked at the clock to realise it was only 5am. My head was still throbbing just as much as it had the previous day. I hoped that it would of went away by today but it turns out it hadn't. Everywhere was sore and I hoped that this was the end of it.

I got out of bed and slowly made my way to the bathroom. By the time I got back Alex was awake and just staring at the door as if waiting for me to come back. I shuffled my way into the bedroom barely moving at all. He must of noticed so climbed out of bed sand helped me lie back down.

A: Hey gorgeous how r u
P: Everywhere hurts
A: R baby I just wish I can magic this away.
P: Its only 5am I'm going back to sleep.
A:Do u want anything first.
P: No I'm alright

Later that night
Me and Alex were sat at the kitchen table eating our tea. We had just chilled and slept all day howver I felt much better now and hoped that this was the end. My head didn't hurt and the soreness all over my body didn't feel as bad.

I wrote this one quite quickly so hopefully there isn't to many mistakes
Also I chose my GCSE options today. I can't wait to drop some of the subjects I don't enjoy xx

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