may love remain among my sins - chapter 8

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Nik awoke with a start to find himself back in the bed he shared with his wife, but he was alone. He took a moment to realise what was going on before jumping up and remembering. His paranoia glossed his eyes over as he remembered how terrified his love looked as she faced her darkest demons; loosing his breath when he realised she was facing her demons alone.

Pacing to the window, he realised a day had passed and let out a roar that shook the Quarter, provoking his big brother to arrive at the doorway. 'Niklaus?'

Elijah looked concerned but his eyes widened when he noticed the Astrid sized hole in the room. 'Where is she, Niklaus?'

'Fancy a trip to the cemetery brother?' Nik spoke facing away from him as Elijah replied, 'Explain.'

Elijah's little brother turned to face him with yellow eyes and bared fangs, 'I'm going to kill my mother in law.'

The elder Mikaelson put two and two together and grew angered himself, his eyes flashing a dark crimson as his own veins travelled down his cheek bones and the two descended upon the cemetery, ready to save her.

24 hours earlier.

Rosaline watched as one of Esther's goons chained Astrid to a tomb wall. Her daughter's face was bloodied but the cuts had healed as Rosaline walked over and took Astrid's face in her palm. 'Oh darling. I do wish things hadn't come to this.' This made Astrid stir, her head swaying side to side as her blurry vision steadied and she faced Rosaline, 'Why are you doing this to me?'

'Your father was to soft on you, daughter.' The wolf stood and sighed, 'I simply just want to show you the error of your vampire ways.'

Astrid had come round now and sniggered, 'God you've been hanging out with Esther too much.'

'You deteste your mother in law greatly. I wonder, does Niklaus feel the same towards me? The hatred you hold for Esther runs deep daughter, when it was her who gave you eternal life.'

'You clearly haven't been watching as intently as your oldest daughter, mother. Glad to see you're just as psychotic as Esther though.. always good when the inlaws get along.' She snarled before raising her voice, 'And you can hardly blame him, considering you've got his wife chained up in a bloody tomb!'

This set Rosaline off, her mother stalked over to her again after returning to the altar on the other side of the dingy tomb and slapped her round the face, provoking Astrid to start pulling at the chains with no use, 'God you've been a Mikaelson for too long! So caught up in your cancerous vampiric ways. So quick to judge even your own mother and don't bother girl, Esther spelled these binds. You won't be escaping.' She crossed her arms before pulling a needle out of her back pocket.

'Rosaline.. what is that?'

'Don't you worry, darling.' Rosaline grabbed her by her hair roughly and tilted her to one side, exposing her neck and Astrid began to struggle. 'Let go of me! You psychotic bitch!'

'Now now daughter, no need to be so brash. You'll wake up soon.'

With that, the needle plunged into her neck and she drifted off. Her head hung low and her hair covered her eyes as her mother sat back and watched it unfold.

Astrid's Dream.

Astrid awoke with a start to find herself in her old hovel, but it was burning. Looking down slowly, she saw that she was in the clothes she was turned in and realised what Rosaline had done. She turned to her right to see her family executed, the scene looked just like the one that night. Crawling over to her father, her eyes welled again; having to relive the moment and she took his palm. 'I'm so sorry, father.'

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