you haven't seen us - chapter 38

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'So this is where you live. It's nicer on the inside.'

Nik smiled as he entered his brothers new home, his thick jacket fitting in with the dark wood of the apartment and a glint in his eye. 'Can I help you, Niklaus, or did you cross the river purely to critique my decor?' Elijah was still irritated over the events that had happened earlier, he spoke unamused and began lighting candles.

'I thought you might like to know I was moved by what you said about my decision not to trust our long lost sister, so Astrid and I waited until she revived, and when she did, we had quite a chat.'

'And your position remains unchanged?' He rose an eyebrow, already knowing the answer and Nik replied, 'I looked in her eyes, and I saw only anger and fear, the will to do whatever it takes to survive no matter who she hurts. I can use her to my own ends, but I could never allow so damaged a creature to have a say in my plans. It seems my wife is being a little more relaxed about the matter though.'

'What does Astrid think?'

'She made a deal with the witch. She told Freya that should Rebekah come out of the dilemma she is currently in unscathed and safe that she may come to see her as family.' He explained and Elijah couldn't read his tone. 'Mhmm.' He hummed with a small genuine smile, 'My sister in law always did have a knack for bargaining.'

'A trait she learned from you, no doubt.' Nik walked over to the window. The lamp with a blue cover that sat next to the couch lit the room with a warm amber tone and Elijah sat next to it, crossing his legs and smiling at his brother.

'You know, Niklaus I don't agree with you there.' He saw an opportunity to make his brother smile and took it, 'I've always like to believe that Astrid took justice from me.' Nik looked amused by the toothy grin his brother wore as he carried on, 'I taught her how to hone in her anger... to use it to give people what they deserve.'

Klaus sat down next to him, wondering what he was going to come out with next, 'She's a better student then you however.' The hybrid chuckled and the vampire smirked at his brother, 'Less random acts of violence and attacks on your own blood.. still the same level as paranoia though.'

'You just had to get that in there didn't you?' Klaus scoffed, content and he sat back. 'You however..' Elijah began and Nik wondered what he was going to say next. The light reflected off of the hybrid's eyes, suddenly the colour in them looking deeper then the Mississippi itself. 'I believe that you keep Mrs Astrid Mikaelson connected to her humanity. You're her person to come home too, someone that she fights for. Of course she has the rest of us but she has never defended anyone with the same valour and anquish as much as she has with you... Along with all the other things you've shown her, bargaining being one of them.'

'You'd be surprised.' Nik commented and Elijah tilted his head, 'What does that mean?'

'Freya used you and Rebekah to guilt trip us and Astrid threatened to force our sister to wear her entrails as a necklace.' Klaus smirked proudly and Elijah facepalmed, laughing 'Definitely sounds like her... and you.'

Nik looked touched at his previous words after swatting his brother away and Elijah elaborated, 'I have never seen two people so alike.' He turned to face Klaus who looked entirely smug, 'You really think so?'

'Oh I know so. You two are twin flames.' Elijah spoke honestly to his brother, hoping to quell what was ever going through his mind. Nik looked out the window into the New Orleans sky and decided to be honest too, 'I want her to be happy. She has this insatiable need to be loyal. I'm just afraid that she'll follow me into a fire that she won't escape.'

'That's why you're worried about Freya.' Nik nodded when Elijah realised and he clarified further, 'You're worried that Freya is going to betray her. And that'll hurt her because of her loyalty to us, along with her being hurt already due to Sebastian.. You may not trust our sister, but trust me, brother. We may have had our differences of late, but we shall exercise the same caution we have always demonstrated towards our allies.'

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